valery grancher on Mon, 13 Mar 2000 20:19:20 +0100 (CET)

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[Nettime-bold] "reposoirs d'ecrans 2000"


english is folowing the fench text....

    J'ai le plaisir de vous annoncer que dans le cadre de la fete de
l'internet 2000, le ministere de la culture a passe commande  à
differents artistes contemporains dont je fais partie d'un economiseur
d'ecran qui pourra etre telecharge le 17 mars sur le site du ministere :
Je vous invite donc a venir assister a l'inauguration de cette commande
publique le 17 mars prochain a 17h00 a la cite des sciences et de
l'industrie a paris, France, et a surtout telecharger ma derniere piece
"self" qui agrementera l'ecran de votre ordinateur durant son inactivite
(elle sera disponible sur le site le 17 mars a 18h00)....

    I have the pleasure to announce  that in "the national  internet
festa 2000" context, the french ministry of culture made a public
command to various contemporary artist fro conceiving a screen saver
(I'm one of them). You will be able to download this screensaver on the
french ministry of culture website:
I invite you on next march 17 to come at the opening of this command in
paris on 5.00 Pm at la cite des sciences et de l'industrie in Paris,
France. I also invite you to download my last piece called "self" from
the french ministry of culture website when it will be available on next
march 17 6.00 PM. "Self" will transform your computer as one of my piece
in your office, in your home ;-)
Take a play ;-)


Valery Grancher

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