tangor on Wed, 15 Mar 2000 10:02:22 +0100 (CET)

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[Nettime-bold] Pro@Contra / CALL FOR ENTRIES

Dear friends,
"Pro@Contra - MachineMachy" is the International Symposium that Moscow
MediaArtLab organizes 11-14 May 2000 in Moscow.You are kindly invited to
submit your art works (video, CD-ROM, DVD, Internet projects) to
presentation within the frame of the symposium.
Please find press-release of the symposium and application form bellow.
All selected works will be included in the "Pro@Contra - MachineMachy"

Deadline - April 1, 2000


Olga Shishko shishko@transts.ru,
Alexey Isaev newart@aha.ru ,
Tania Gorucheva tangor@redline.ru


Pro@Contra - MachineMachy
May 11-14, 2000
inter-disciplinary  international project

Participants: new technology theorists and activists from Russia, Eastern
and Western Europe, USA, Japan.

The principal practical goal of the project is to integrate through the
Internet Russian scientific, theoretical, artistic and institutional
experience into European community.
The task is to promote professional open discussion on problems of use of
media technologies in contemporary culture as well as to examine various
innovative strategies and experiments within this sphere.

The project is accomplished: with the support of Soros Center for
Contemporary Art, Moscow ("MediaArtLab" program),
under the aegis of Ministry of Culture of the Russian Federation, Cultural
and Information Department of  the Russian Government Administration
Co-organizers: Russian State Humanitarian University, Sony Co., Dutch
Embassy, Museum of the Cinema.
Planned sponsors: Goethe Institut, British Art Council, French Embassy,
American Cultural Center, Japan Cultural Center.
Information support: 'The Cinema Art', 'The Art Magazine', 'The Multimedia',
'The InterNet', 'The World of the Internet', 'The Itogui', 'The Media
Digital Video' magazines; 'Intermedia' information agency; 'The Moscow Echo'
radio channel; 'The Culture' TV channel; 'The Russian Magazine',
www.rema.ru, www.polit.ru servers.

Initiative team:
Alexei Isaev (project director), Olga Shishko (curator),
Tatiana Gorucheva (co-ordinator)

Please, mail your proposals to MediaArtLab (SCCA, Moscow)
E-mail(s): newart@aha.ru, shishko@transts.ru , tangor@redline.ru

Venues: Russian State Humanitarian University (RSHU), House of the RF
Government, Media Institute, Museum of the Cinema, other.

The Subject

Total technologization has embraced all life spheres of contemporary
The very logic of technological development directed to progress and
innovation might seem to be pursuing and positively affecting culture and
art that more and more often address technology services.
New technology bears a positive aspect of what we would call the progress.
This notion embraces political, economic, social and cultural factors. On
the other hand, we could witness that new technology development provokes
the situation of devaluation. In this respect, technology becomes repressive
towards traditional cultural, social, economic and political values. As a
result, an active transformation of traditional culture into new
representative forms occurs, evoking both well founded and not grounded
On the whole, this position is based on the state that technological
progress does not affect essential and traditional interests of art and
Thus, a dual evaluation of this problem contains both 'pro' and 'contra'
And theorists and activists expressing different opinions (positive and
negative, pro@contra) on the problem will take part in discussions.

inter = www = internet
1. inter-information (electronic mass media, contemporary culture and
rt)  - for specialists in information,  electronic mass media theorists and
journalists, editors, artists, and others;
2. inter-art (Internet and art) - for specialists in culture and art on the
Internet, theorists, curators, critics, artists, students, and others;
3. inter-technology (Inter-technologies) - for inter-technology specialists,
directors, marketing staff, programmers, artists, students, and others;
4. inter-institution (Internet and institutions) - for institutional
structures' representatives, media lab and institute directors, professors
(instructors, tutors), students.

Conference Highlights:
1. Art Beyond Definition
Problem of the new technology art research. Functional aspects of the role
of art activity exploring new technology opportunities, and using them to
beat creative goals.
2. Technological Progress and  Technical Regress
Problem of appropriating new technological devices in art culture; artist's
dependence on pragmatic market-oriented logic in development of information
and communication technologies. Status of media-artist and his(her) methods:
researcher, critic, activist, manipulator, and programmer.
3. To New Axiology
Problem of quality value, its criteria in regards to contemporary media
Its place in the art history, from the point of view of idea evolution,
methods and techniques. Media art in cultural archive: the problem of
4. Informativity of  Communication <Message is the content>
Content aspect of communication function of media art.
5. New Tactics and Strategies
How to put the goals and creatively realize them: actual methods and forms.

Potential participants shall present topics of their reports and abstracts
(500-750 words), and their CVs, together with a release of interests within
the event by March 20.
Shorts summaries or complete texts shall be mailed by March 30, 2000.

Open discussions, workshops, round table discussions on 'Contemporary
Culture and Art on the Internet'.
This program contains practical goal for Russia that is to integrate through
the Internet Russian scientific, theoretical, artistic and institutional
experience into European community.
'Media Culture and the Internet'
Priority directions: Data, Institutions, Technology, Art.
Meeting, practical seminars, presentations and workshops will be held on the
above directions.

Venues: RSHU, Media Institute, Foundation for Support of Contemporary Art,
the RF Government (conference-hall), Sony Co., etc.

Principal Problems:
1. Information
Official and Independent Mass Media and Contemporary Culture (meetings of
Russian leaders of electronic mass media and critics with Western
specialists presenting culture and art on the Net).
Art Activism
- new forms of creative activity targeted on critical study of contemporary
society problems, and attempts to solve the problem with the help of media
- multi-rational activity in contemporary culture (art servers, electronic
editions, creative teams)
- cultural archives formation (data base - technological priorities,
problems of structuring and navigation).
2. Institutions
New Forms of Education  (exchange of personal and institutional experience
among Russian and Western instructors\tutors)
- distance education
- inter-subject educational programs
- media art educational strategies.
Institutional developing strategies. The role of media centers in formation
of cultural policy.
(Presentation of art media labs from UIS countries and Eastern Europe,
discussion of projects and possible ways of future cooperation, experience
exchange with Western media institutions)
- theoretical research in media culture
- traditional academic system and independent alternative initiatives
- museufication in electronic and digital art, new forms of interaction of
contemporary art/culture and media technology.
3. Technology
Degree of modern technology influence on formation of creative methods of
their use.
- Flash, ASCII, VRML, real-audio, real-video, etc.
New interaction forms between technological and humanitarian community.
ART'n'SOFT (multi-rational creative teams: artists-programmers-designers)
- individual technique of an artist (pro&contra machine logic)
- problem of innovation, dependence on technology, problem of software
- Internet festivals ('Da-da-Net', MachineMachy, Art on the Net)
5. Art
'Pro&Contra' Conference
- media fiction
- museums: pro&contra
- new media theories

Presentation of art projects on:
Deadline to present video, CD, DVD works: April, 1

Net Art  ('MachineMachy' International Festival)
Deadline to present Internet art works: April 20.

You'll find the detailed information on the project on the festival site.

A catalogue and a CD-ROM containing texts of reports made at the conference,
round table discussion materials, information on the presented  exhibitions
and art projects, will be issued to result the event.
Moscow MediaArtLab
Chernyahovskogo, 4A
125319 Moscow
Tel.: 7 095 151 8706
Tel/Fax: 7 095 151 8816
E-mail:newart@aha.ru, shishko@transts.ru, tangor@redline.ru

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