it's the worlds first searchengine/database covering tons of
information on new media art, and it's open to all you artists and
curators to enter your projects, exhibition dates, theory stuff ...
please contribute and tell your friends !
<!-- open source: //->
ENG: to include our media/net/art searchengine functionality
directly to your website simply use the following code within your page
and you'll get a search interface:
DEU: um direkt in Ihrer Website die Medien/Netz/Kunst
Suchfunktionen von zu verwenden, kopieren Sie einfach
folgenden Code in Ihre Website und Sie erhalten ein Suchinterface:
-- copy & paste
------------------------------8>< - - - -- ----- <form
name="Formular" target="_blank">
<input type="text" name="searchkeys" size="20">
<input type="hidden" name="parameter" value="all">
<input type="hidden" name="target" value="_blank">
<input type="submit" name="Submit" value="go">
<input type="button" name="add" value="add project" = ''">
</form> -- copy & paste ------------------------------8>< - - - -- ----- ENG: if you're minor skilled in HTML you'll easily can modify the sourcecode to fit your webservers corporate idenity. DEU: wenn Sie ein wenig Erfahrung in HTML haben, können Sie sehr leicht den Quellcode an Ihr Webserer CI anpassen.
__________________________________________ ___ __ _ _
media ? / net ? / art ? - the gate to nowadays new media arts.