McKenzie Wark on 8 Aug 2000 15:01:15 -0000

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[Nettime-bold] Re: <nettime> Internet in Cambodian village

If a network comes to a Cambodian village, and the New York
Times is not there to cover it, does it make a sound?

One of the ironies of the internet's supposedly decentralising
effects is how much the metropolian media shapes perceptions
of decentralisation itself.

many thanks to Andrew for the memory...


"We no longer have roots, we have aerials."
 -- McKenzie Wark 

On Tue, 8 Aug 2000, andrew garton [c2o] wrote:

> >From the net-archives:
> A email and conferencing network hub was up and running in Cambodia as
> early as 1994. There were no press releases, no international
> spokespersons, no newspapers, no television. 
> The hub utilised the rigorous features of FidoNet, which I believe is
> still popular in Russia and other parts of Eastern Europe. 
> This humble computer polled another computer in Sydney a couple of times a
> day. The Sydney hub (Pactok) would then transfer email and news postings
> to another computer in Brisbane (Pegasus Networks) which in turn sent the
> message out to their respective destinations on the Internet. 
> An even earlier email hub, using WAFFLE, was performing remarkably well in
> Phnom Penh. This was established sometime around 93. This same hub is
> still operational, although no longer based on WAFFLE, and is almost
> exclusively used by NGOs and not-for-profits in Phnom Penh. 
> Of course, the UN had an exceptional network established throughout
> Cambodia when it monitored the elections there quite some years back now.
> I recall this being an optical network which, despite its physical
> presence, could not and has not been made available for public use. 
> -andrew. 
> c2o
>  - Community Communications Online       | Andrew Garton
>  - PO Box 304                            |
>  - Richmond 3121 Victoria AUSTRALIA      |
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