integer on 25 Aug 2000 05:24:40 -0000

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[Nettime-bold] (no subject)


dekarbon!szd energ!e. hav u taztd +?

>i have yet to see this posting hit the list... even more curious i had been
>telling a friend about m9ndfukd over the phone as your posting arrived...

i am wearing a live tomato dress.
my hair is romancing the dome.
this is an uninhabited wilderness.

must i remind you.
friends are forces to be reckoned with.

"Now, with minimalist vibrations, I am about to embark on a little
 adventure that begins in Prague, with a bicycle caravan and street
 demonstrations questioning this disturbing globalization economic 

globalization.macht.ganz.gluckl!ch+fre! _||-

your personal brain komponent would negatively exist without it.
[thus the brain = the embodiment of fascism. as is love]

nn konglomerat.
k!ndl! hozt!ng 01 kold.  c!ao + tcha!.

>From: 01 > !nteressant \ zuper!or l!f 4rm
>>you make me ultra,
>>i reflect your brilliance
>>and i love being ultra-
>>you make me bright and shiny.
>>you bring out all my warmth and love.
>>you deserve the best.
>>toi, la mervielle,
>these are beautiful words
>written by 01 beautiful persona, non ?

da. = b!zar = most l!f 4rmz = ador


>what u are doing = i m p o r t a n t
>& beautiful
 [01 err]
>never lose sight of that


A virtual architecture assemblage of crumple-free materie,
the chaotic tremor of finite resolution towards the progress of
trajectory, as noise constantly resetting the trajectory is 

    .-.                                                               .-.
   /   \           .-.                                 .-.           /   \
  /     \         /   \       .-.     _     .-.       /   \         /     \
          \     /       \   /     \_/   `-'     \   /       \     /
           \   /         `-'                     `-'         \   /

I suspekt you are acquainted with chaos dynamics yes +?

The format is "Future" in education. info.materie. toxification + diffusion.
It is a sanitary arkitektur for invasion of architectures.

Are you dreaming or are you a man thinking of self
as one dreaming butterfly +?

Shiver at the number of randomly superb dreams which
annually become silenced owing to the `concept of urbanism`

Cordialement. NN.

                                                meeTz ver!f1kat!Øn.     


Netochka Nezvanova
                                                     |  +----------
                                                    |  |     <   
                                   \\----------------+  |  n2t      
                                                       |       >

ma! note = adm!zabl 2 b out ov 1nz m9nd ma!z
ma!z = be!ng out ov 1nz bod! = negat!vl! tzo.

a l o r z

ever! bod! `ur` bod!ez ecz!t + nou.

apropoz. = ecz!t!ng `m!` bod! m nou.
ud u l!ke 2 !nhab!t !t +?
= d!sz kold = s!k makez m!.  

m! thoughtz = d!zolvabl zelv reproduz!ng loopz

ur bod! ma! ! = borou +? vra!mnt.
= shl handzoml! pa! u.
= unt!l m! bod! = k!lz dze kold.
= be!ng ultra zuport!v ov `m!` !mune z!ztm
! = 01 akompl!sz ov zortz.

cezt ta faute. du = !nvntd bod!esz - paz mo!.

konsum>tcha!  -  kuer! !f ! = ma!. !f 1 konzumz zuf!z!ent kuant!t!ez ov tcha!
= u!l 1 tcha! bkom +?  = zer!ouzmnt. due 2 ! = fond ov zlv przntl!.

= `th!nk` ever! bod! = should zufr should `m!` bod! = zufr. = juzt. [la + la]
pardon. aber = uen 01 global!zaz!on = !tz luvl! koursz kompletez 
ever! bod! = shl 1 bod! b - ekselnt. = d!sz = 01 prev!eu.

nn - `ahead ov her` t!me++




>>Do You Yahoo!?




Netochka Nezvanova
                                                     |  +----------
                                                    |  |     <   
                                   \\----------------+  |  n2t      
                                                       |       >

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