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[Nettime-bold] Fw: CTHEORY Multimedia @ CORNELL

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 Special Announcement: CTHEORY Multimedia @ CORNELL


 Edited by Arthur and Marilouise Kroker & Timothy Murray

 Arthur and Marilouise Kroker, Editors of CTHEORY are pleased to
 announce that Timothy Murray, Director of Graduate Studies in Film
 and Video at Cornell University, is joining them as a Coeditor of
 CTHEORY Multimedia. A new media site for electronic art projects and
 new media theory, CTHEORY Multimedia will be published and hosted by
 the Cornell University Library's Electronic Publishing Program.
 Beginning Spring, 2001, CTHEORY Multimedia will publish semi-annual
 collections of electronic art and theory to be organized around
 conceptual themes. The first Cornell volume will appear in Spring,
 2001. This multimedia journal will be disseminated electronically
 from the Cornell Digital Library and subsequently archived on the
 Library's server.

 CALL FOR SUBMISSIONS: Deadline March 31, 2001

 TECH FLESH: The Promise and Perils of the Human Genome Project

 The Coeditors of CTHEORY Multimedia seek finished projects of
 electronic art ready to be mounted on-line. CTHEORY Multimedia will
 examine the simultaneously ethical, social and ideological issues
 raised by the Human Genome Project. Widely hyped as a "bible of life"
 and a "map" to the future of human evolution, the Human Genome
 Project throws into sharp ethical relief critical social issues
 raised by this newest phase in eugenic experimentation.
 Simultaneously speaking in terms of the language of facilitation
 (post-genetics as about the eradication of disease and the extension
 of the human life span) and in the language of control (genetic
 sequencing as the latest pharmaceutical version of the social hygiene
 movement), the Human Genome Project with its vision of pure genes and
 designer biology raises again not only the specter of scientific
 hubris but also the silent political interests of a potential genetic
 superclass. With the collaboration of Eugene Thacker (Rutgers
 University), this issue of CTHEORY Multimedia will be devoted to a
 diversity of perspectives on the promise and perils of the Human
 Genome Project. Artists and theorists working in electronic
 multimedia and are invited to provide an alternative,
 critical vision of the genome and its infotech-ideology. What are the
 artistic ramifications of paradigms of cloning, transgenic humans,
 disabled embryos, digital sequencing, and nanotechnology? This is the
 tactic of multimedia cDNA as a distributed informatic critique.

 Please send a description of your project, including conceptual
 abstract and technical format, to the CTHEORY Multimedia Coeditors

 To view the first issue of CTHEORY Multimedia on-line please visit: CTHEORY can be accessed at


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