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[Nettime-bold] ELO Chatliner

Here is the line up for trAce/ELO chats for April 2001.  We hope you
can join us!

Chats are on Sundays at  22:00 Rome, 21:00 London  16:00 New York
14:00 Denver 13:00 L.A, and   08.00 Sydney (Mon)  Directions for using
the chat webboard are at the bottom of this message.
You can get more information on the schedule and archive at
Sunday April 1 (in LinguaMOO)
Program chat-- different possibilities open to web authors working
with new styles of constructing
language in electronic text/email with mez and Rob Wittig. Mez and Rob
explore cool, quirky textstyles in this performance art. Join us for a
jazz piece of language and meaning, a performance piece
with riffs and riffles and swirls to answer:
How is regular electronic communication is changing everyone's
approach to textuality-- both in everyday life and in electronic
 How does text function as performance art?

.           .    ....         .....
          n.sert no here xXXx             
.... .                  .???  .......

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