][mez][ on Wed, 22 Aug 2001 03:38:47 +0200 (CEST)

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[Nettime-bold] Net.Wurking An Active Discourse: The Art & ][mezangelled][Times of Net.Literature

[This article o' mine first appeared in the _Meanjin_ Poetics
Edition,Volume 60, No. 2, 2001. I thought nettimers might find it
thought-provoking in terms of an established literary journal publishing a
poetics piece obviously designed/formatted for networked mediums.]

>Date: Thu, 19 Apr 2001 08:41:34 +1000
>To: meanjin_readers@deadtree.media.au
>From: "][mez][" <netwurker@hotkey.net.au>
>Subject: Net.Wurking An Active Discourse:The Art & ][mezangelled][ Times
of >Net.Literature

>> _Net.Drenching - Creating The Con.Text_
>………………………….[insert a projected:]
>wired contemporary culture swaying 2ward the +
>enveloping & reiteration <of>
>broad telecommunicative <or> networked phenomenon
>an emergent parallel language/meme shift…
[.connecting 2 CS <Comprehension Server>, please wait.]
…   …… …… … . . ……………
……   ………………….
[.connection established]
[.downloading context.patch………………………
…………[context.exe consists of a reader]………
…………[who is an open-ended, active absorber]..
…………[ie will attempt 2 engage]………………
…………[the vagaries of a networked text]……...
…………[in this dead tree <static> media]…….
………………………………………… .     .     …
. ..      ….          …..          .         .         …..   . . …...]
[.re.establishing _Net.Drench_ connection]
[.connection established]
>infomatic-shift can be sampled directly
>via the Internet [or World Wide Web] itself
>…………………………..[as well as being entrenched in]
>the action of corporate structures <or> institutions
>who r currently rallying to protect
>telemetric information production.
>…………………………..[this shift is]
>already making an impact on
>several strands of nascent literature
>that rely on networked conventions & jargon
>4 their production.
[context software insert here:]
.hordes of
.emailers +
.International Relay Chatters +
.ICQers +
.Y-talkers +
.ascii cuneiformers +
.coders =
.knitting &
.morphing &
.developing a
[end: insert]
>These emergent genre/s of net.literature [have]
>@ their origins a basic resurgence of the written form
>[via email and chat-based
>software-driven communication.]
[4 more information, click on context software link above].
…………….[in a hypertextual crθche = browser]…………
…………….[u *would* be able to access]………….
…………….[additional information <or have>]………….
…………….[meanings spliced & extended via]…….
…………….[linked windowed nuances]………………
…………….[in simple words, the challenge becomes]…...
…………….[a context credit <or> debit]…………………
…………….[depending on yr world [wide web] view]….
. ………………………………………… .     .     …
. ..      ….          …..          .         .         …..   . . …...
…….. ……. ………..            .    … …       . .    ...

>This text-communication revival
>impacting <through> incremental learning/methods
><& on> replication techniques such as the
>canonised linear/narrative structure
>that "literature" still writhes under.

. ..      ….          …..          .         .         …..   . . …...
…….. ……. ………..            .    … …       . .    ...
>>_Net.Tectonics - Exploring The Nuances_
[searching 4 host]
[host found:]
…………. … . ...
……………. …..
[logging on2:  mezangelled text zone]
. ..*&%4?????…
[Be prepared 4 re:wiring/writing/routing]
[eg. A mezangelled rewrite of this section's title wood b:
_Net.Te][xt][ctonics - X.ploring The N][ew][uances_]
>the _mezangelled_ textual system is one x.ample
><of> net.literature that is currently m.pacting
><on> the way poetic writing is ][re][constructed
>& promulgated via a networked ………[or net.worked]
.this system evolved/s largely from a gradual process of network element
.employing [and developing] a dynamic that demands the use of
network-dependant modes of communication [namely through a  clutch of
software such as email programs, International Relay Chat or IRC, and
MOOs/Multi-User Object Oriented systems] in order to converse with fellow
.begins a process of adaptation and application of certain chat-based
conventions into  hybrid writing/poetic styles
.this process began in 1995 and is still colouring the current mezangelled
version/system, .which is constantly changing + is flavoured by the
contextual hinges that surround it, ie .the markers of the medium itself.
……………………………………………….<GO TO:>
.multifarious email exchanges
.computer code flavoured language
.net iconographs
[n.sert learning curve .here.]
>2 _mezangelle_  means to take
>words/wordstrings/sentences and alter them
><in> such a way as to x.tend and n.hance
>meaning b.yond the predicted or the x.pected.
>It's similar to making "plain" text
>hypertextual via the arrangement &
>dissection of words.
>Mezangelling @tempts 2
>x.pand traditional text parameters
><through> layered/m.bedded/alternative meaning n.serts
> 2 mezangelle is 2 n.courage:
+ ev[post-po-m]o.lutionary and active structural/net.wurked realitees
+ sliding from irc/icq/moo-like word n-fuzions in2 denser, phonetically N
hypertextually-lay[feath]er.ed text tracts
+ further linguistic delving & particip][collabor][atory act.ion][s &
electrons & neurons][.
+ n.nate s][entence][tructural divisions & play loadings

.computer/mathematical conventions liberally and subversively [ie  n.dicate
fracture or mangle points with a dot & translate <for> and <too> in2 the
numeric <4> or <2>.
.network elements in your poetic discourse such as emoticons <;)> and
abbreviations <r u there?> etc
. open source distribution and construction
. the reader as an inform][ed][ation node point
. polysemy/parataxis/neologisms
. proactive/re][di][dactive states of correspondence
. 4 contributors 2 n.teract via various communication modes that n.courage
curiosity and radical meaning absorption
………  ……………………………………...<LEARN:>
.2 love the square bracket, humor, & confusion. Use the square bracket <or
a triptych> 2 indicate a meaning-mode-hyperjump, whether that b via the
implication of a gender discrepancy; indicating an additional sense
state/loading, or just playing around with letters <lettah[!]s>
.2 condense letters into their phonetic counterparts - <in> or <and>
becomes <N>, <are> becomes <r>, <u> = <you> or <ewe>. Use these liberally
within words; <express> becomes <x.press>, <issues> becomes <s.sues>, etc
. 2 switch/n.courage double/triple meanings through common associations and
phrases; <manifest> becomes <[wo]manifest>; <other> becomes <ot.her[e N
.[end]……………….. ….. …………….. ……
[& begin yr net.work].


.           .    ....         .....
 pro.ject.ile x.blooms.x .go.here. 
.... .               .???  .......

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