josh zeidner on Thu, 13 Sep 2001 18:49:21 +0200 (CEST)

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[Nettime-bold] <nettime> Islamic Jihad, what is next ?

The start of a solution would be to look at the causes
that have created this violent movement. Why are so
many Muslims upset with the Western world and Israel ?
Why have they been driven into a position where the
only answer they perceive possible in their struggle
is unprecedented violence and aggression ? Why do they
feel cheated, raped and abused by the western worlds
military and capitalist system ? Why do they not trust
the US and Europe at the negotiating table, and
instead see them as targets for terrorist strikes ? We
must go back into history, and realize which mistakes
have been made by our nations. We must recognize our
total lack of respect and appreciation for anything
different than the modern western system of democracy
and capitalism. Only then will we arrive at some
answers that could lead us to an end of this Jihad.

* Felipe, thanks for this.  Its good to see that
everyone has not gone mad.  This will not stop until
we resolve our cultural differences, if this is
possible.  It will likely take several generations for
this to happen completely.  There are too many
cultural programs( in the west ) that run contrary to
Islamic thought.  Will the role of
artists/philosophers be to consolidate and help to
merge and unify the two polar opposites of human
culture( now so sharply evident )?  A dangerous

This is highly unlikely to happen though and therefore
the situation will likely get worse before it gets

* unfortunately, I agree.



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