Ana Viseu on Tue, 20 Nov 2001 04:38:02 +0100 (CET)

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[Nettime-bold] Privacy Lecture Series - Barry Sookman, Nov. 26, 2001

[David Lyon's paper is now online and can be found here: 
<>. Best. ana]




Monday, November 26, 2001

140 St. George, Room 728
Faculty of Information Studies  (building adjacent to Robarts Library)
University of Toronto

The lectures are free of charge and you do NOT have to register.


Privacy is often described as the right to control to whom, how, where and 
when one's personal information is disclosed. What this personal 
information is and how it should be defined, however, is often at odds. Is 
an opinion or a work product personal information? Should employee 
monitoring be considered as a trespass of personal information? Under what 
situations is one's identity public? How do we equate the right to security 
with that of control of one's personal information? In this talk, Barry 
Sookman will  tackle these issues from a legal framework, offering a 
critical perspective on the issue of personal information, its limitations 
and affordances.


Barry B. Sookman is a partner with McCarthy Tétrault and head of its 
Internet and Electronic Commerce Group in Toronto. He is one of Canada's 
foremost authorities in the area of Information Technology Law and is the 
author of the three volume text entitled Sookman: Computer Law: Acquiring 
and Protecting Information Technology (1989-1999) and the four volume text 
Sookman: Computer, Internet and Electronic Commerce Law. He also lectures 
and writes extensively on legal issues related to computer, electronic 
commerce and Internet law.

Mr. Sookman is a member of the Joint Copyright Committee of the Canadian 
Bar Association and Patent Trademark Institute of Canada (PTIC). Mr. 
Sookman is a past chairman of the Canadian Bar Association - Computer and 
Computer-Related Technology section. He is a member of the Association 
Litteraire et Artistique Internationale and the Computer Law Association. 
Mr. Sookman is a Director of the Canadian IT Law Association. He is also a 
member of the University of Toronto Faculty of Law Centre for Innovation's 
Advisory Board.

To register for the Privacy Lecture Series announcement email list please 
go to <>

The Privacy Lecture Series is co-sponsored by the Knowledge Media Design 
Institute (KMDI) <> and the Information Policy 
Research Program (IPRP) <>

The Privacy Lecture Series is organized by:

Ana Viseu, a researcher currently working at the University of Toronto on 
her Ph.D. dissertation which focuses on the development and implementation 
of wearable computers. Her research interests include questions of privacy, 
social dimensions of technology, and the mutual adaptation processes 
between individuals and technology. Ana holds a Master's Degree in 
Interactive Communication from the Universidad Autonoma de Barcelona, 
Spain. <>

Robert Guerra who is currently establishing a new NGO whose mission will be 
to offer technological education and supopprt in privacy and security 
technology to Human Rights Organizations. He is also one of the Directors 
of Computer Professionals for Social Responsibility (CPSR).

For more info contact:
Ana Viseu <>

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