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[Nettime-bold] matheron francois: the deleuze effect

From: "matheron francois" <>
To: "Multitudes Info" <>
Sent: Tuesday, February 26, 2002 12:36 AM
Subject: [multitudes-infos] Info (.D&G List): Deleuze in the "Magazine
litteraire "

As many of you know, Deleuze studies now has a major new work to discover,
the volume edited by David Lapoujade entitled Lle dserte et autres
textes (Minuit), containing texts from Deleuzes first twenty years
(1953-1973), with a second volume to follow. As if to consecrate this
volume, the French literary review Magazine littraire has just published a
special dossier on Deleuze, entitled Leffet Deleuze [the Deleuze
effect]. As a service to the List, I plan to translate key sections of this
dossier over the next few weeks.  CJ Stivale (25 February 2002)

Dossier - Leffet Deleuze [The Deleuze Effect]

Deleuze holds a curious privilege: while reputed to be a difficult
philosopher, his concepts are everywhere. One loses count of the minority
becomings, lines of flight, and other rhizomes that adorn the columns
of journals and magazines, and even in the discourse of publicists and
commercial managers. But who is actually reading Difference and Repetition,
Logic of Sense, or Anti-Oedipus is quite another matter. In What Is
Philosophy?, Deleuze and Guattari had warned against this inevitable
temptation to see concepts everywhere, the ever growing tendency to believe
that they are easy to create. The publication this month of a collection of
articles and presentations by Deleuze (Lle dserte et autres textes,
Editions de Minuit) provide the occasion to verify once again this adage:
it is not enough to shout Long live the multiple or to wield some other
pop concept since the only thing that counts is to make something from
them, impelled by an outside (that might well be a desert island, a
police novel, Alfred Jarry, etc.). But Deleuze did indeed also want to see
philosophys position as a reservoir, from which each person could draw
what he or she wanted, in the same way that works by Spinoza or Nietzsche
grab us like a gust of wind. Deleuze called this gust of wind a rencontre
[encounter]. For a proper name does not designate a subject, but a effect,
a zigzag, something that happens entre deux [between two] as submitting to
a difference of potential. Hence, the idea of examining the Deleuze
effect, the electric shocks that it creates, the encounters that it brings
to life.
David Rabouin

Table of Contents (* = texts I propose to translate)
Alain Badiou, Deleuze, sur la ligne de front [Deleuze on the front line]

* Biographical Indices, 21

[Interview with] David Lapoujade, Une philosophie ouverte au dehors [A
philosophy opening onto the outside], interviewed by David Rabouin, 21-24

* Indices in Deleuzes Works, 22

* Une Bote  Outils [A Tool Box]  review of Lle dserte et autres
textes by David Rabouin, 24-25

Patrice Maniglier, Un metaphysicien dans le sicle [A metaphysician in
the century], 26-28

* Deleuze, Pour Quoi Faire? 1 [Deleuze, Whats the use?] Isabelle Stengers,

Elie During, La philosophie sans discussion [Philosophy without
discussion], 29-32

Claude Imbert, Empirisme, ligne de fuite [Empiricism, line of flight], 32-35

* Deleuze, Pour Quoi Faire? 2  Peter Sloterdijk, 34

Thomas Bnatoul, LHistoire de la philosophie: de lart du portrait aux
collages [History of philosophy: from the art of the portrait to collage],

* Deleuze, Pour Quoi Faire? 3  Jean Attali, 37

[Interview with] Jacques Rancire, Deleuze accomplit le destin de
lesthtique [Deleuze completes the destiny of aesthetics], interviewed
by David Rabouin, 38-40

* David Rabouin, Le Compagnon errant des musicians [The wandering
companion of musicians], 40

* Le Monument Deleuze [The Deleuze Monument], 41

* Raymond Bellour, Limage de la pense [The image of thought], 42-43

Manoel de Oliveira, Une ide de cinma: une lettre de Manoel de Oliveira
 Gilles Deleuze [An idea of cinema: a letter from Manoel de Olivera to
Gilles Deleuze], 44-45

Anne Querrien, Deleuze/Guattari: histoire dune rencontre [D/G: history
of an encounter], 46-48

* Deleuze, Pour Quoi Faire? 3  Didier Eribon, 48

David Rabouin, La pense du dsir, un chec? [The thought of desir, a
failure?], 49-51

* Deleuze, Pour Quoi Faire? 4  Michael Hardt, 51

Patrice Maniglier and David Rabouin, Quelle politique? [What Politics?],

Franois Cusset, Fragments dun Deleuze amrican [Fragments of an
American Deleuze], 54-56

* Deleuze, Pour Quoi Faire? 5  Sylvre Lotringer, 55

* Deleuze, Pour Quoi Faire? 6  Brian Massumi, 56

* Elie During, Repres: Deleuze dans la toile [Deleuze on the Web];
Deleuze en son et en images [Deleuze in sound and images]; Deleuze dans
les livres [Deleuze in books], 57-58

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