cary peppermint on Fri, 26 Jul 2002 15:52:01 +0200 (CEST)

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[Nettime-bold] Conductor Exposures Europa

Conductor Exposures Europa

This weekend here in Paris I will be exposing CN_ZERO LITE at the 'Placard
Headphone Festival #5' with a live 72 hour simultaneous hook-up between
Paris & Tokyo.  Drop in anytime online or in physical form starting Friday
the 26th.  The CN_ZERO LITE EXPOSURE starts up at 1:20am - 08.27 here in
Paris or 6:20 EST - 08.26 for those of you in NYC.

New Media Scotland are in the process of putting together streaming video &
MP3 documentation from the 07.07.02 performance of CN_ZERO TECHNO LECTURES
V6.4 at the Center For Contemporary Art in Glasgow.  The site should be up &
running currently or by August 1st.

Cary Peppermint


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