Quim Gil on Thu, 13 Feb 2003 13:13:01 +0100 (CET)

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[Nettime-bold] Re: <nettime> The_Network_of_the_World's_Social_Movements

> Of 
> course, nobody wants to oppose such an idea, and I believe that an 
> articulation of this type is fundamental to the growth of the "movement 
> of movements." 

Not so clear. In Barcelona and surroundings there is an increasing
opinion about this that could be resumed as: "Don't be part of anything
that says that represents the social movements".

The obscurity around the creation of this "coordination" is known. The
fact that hasn't been debated is also clear. 

There is another interesting opinion of Enric Duran, someone that has
followed the process here:

That (horrible) automatic translation is:   (FSM = World Social Forum;
FSE = European Soocial Forum; LCR = Communist Revolutionary League)

I know this process since it has been give birth, among other things... 

- I attended a meeting of the international advice of the FSM that
occurred in Barcelona; May 2002. Where many troskistas and communist
sectors pressed so that the advice could make decisions. This debate
followed soon through lists, it left the idea to harness the process
that within the FSM took from 1er FSM, some organizations like ATTAC,
mst, Via farmer and the world-wide march of the women, like space of the
social movements within the FSM (without ongs and without the clubs of
intellectuals who if they estan in the international advice) to
gradually turn that space a space of representation and decision making
of (in name of) the social movements. 

- I attended a preparatory meeting in septiempre of the FSE where
Cristophe Aguiton (troskista well-known of ATTAC, member in eternum of
the LCR (divided troskista French) and of the European secretaryship of
(or one of) â international) presented/displayed the proposal to create
a world-wide network of social movements through the celebration in each
regional forum of a plenary one of people to whom llamaria "assembly of
the social movements" and the reproduction extended of it in the FSM,
this year in I carry again Glad passed a paper there to score at a list
of elect`ronico mail at which I scored but of which never I received a

- This Assembly (I generously would call it a conference) either was
celebrated in Florència, there, 30 people selected by a coordinator of
the FSE had 3 minutes each one to enunciate agreements or taken
previously in previous meetings from reduciodos groups of people. After
those 30 meetings, it did not have returns of words of the public (the
rest of the assembly) but if a letter in agreements "of the social
movements" that is what it spreads throughout like the agreements of
Florència. OF that form one had been able to create the space of
decision making in name of the social movements that months before some
in a meeting of the international Council found to lack. 

- It has also evolved by others lares impossible to follow, if you do
not have a budget of some million to be following by the world the
meetings of this advice and his commissions. From there an answer to
which it commented quim, that happens with "the international
secretaryship of the social movements" because it passes that this
secretaryship is a success of another secretaryship, the one of â
international, also called international troskista, well-known by its
capacity to create structures that through which they can say that they
represent the social movements,



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