Louise Desrenards on Fri, 18 Apr 2003 17:11:36 +0200 (CEST)

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[nettime-fr] Revue de presse

Cette fois un long mail en plusieurs points regroupés,
A chacun d'y trouver ce qui l'intéresse en propre et de s'en informer
davantage aux sources: sélection proposée non réalisée.

Avant de passer aux choses sérieuses, une larme sur le temps qui passe...
Michael Jordan acclammé devant la foule du grand stade de Philadelphie. On
lui pardonne d'avoir été félicité par Rumsfeld parce quil a toujours été un
sacré yuppie et donc pas de surprise.

Le plus grand joueur de baskett au monde, après Magic Johnson qui demeure
notre préféré (y compris plitiquement) ; lui avait fait ses adieux, cause pb
d'assurance face au virus VIH, aux jeux de Barcelone devant une foule
mondiale ; il ne joue plus mais est demeuré actif dans la légende du
baskett; toujours détenteur de 5% des Lakers, le club de Los Angeles ;-)


L'après Saddam s'annonce en Irak pire horreur et aliénation que la guerre
elle-même et pour « le reste du monde » comme dit Rumsfeld : qu'en est-il?

C'est à voir dans les journaux plutôt à droite en Angleterre; ce qui édifie
sur le fait que le Labour ne soit plus seul depuis qu'il s'était opposé à la
guerre. Autour de quoi tourne l'argmentation ?

Ici, citation intégrale de l'article-édito du collectif de la rédaction de
ce journal, et traduction des 28 questions et abstracts en français par nos
soins (Delarue et Rocant de criticalsecret).

D'autre part, droite pour droite les dernières lettres de veille de Meyssan
(réseau Voltaire) envoyées ces jours-ci sont informantes surtout par leurs
notes et références actives (liens) : il faut les visiter... de la
conférence de presse de Rumsfeld quelques jours avant le 11 septembre 2001,
relatée par un membre de Associated press dès le 16 septembre 2001 dans un
journal américain (référence en lien à l'appui), à la video de Madelin
parlant à Washington à la tribune de la secte au puvoir aux Etats-Unis...

On finira peut-être par comprendre un jour sous les hypothèses spéculatives
comment le CIA a été réintégré au bercail du Pentagone à travers le 11
septembre, et en même temps comment la politique mondiale de domination
américaine escomptée depuis Bush le père ne pouvait se développer aux yeux
de l'opinion démocratique américaine, ni mondiale d'ailleurs, sinon en
transgression nécessaire d'un événement terrible du au "désordre" du monde
révélé à l'épreuve de la fragilité américaine, s'exposant ainsi à tous les

Enfin excellentes questions sur Europol ‹ toujours chez le "spécialiste"
Réseau Voltaire, évidemment...

Louise D.

The independent (uk)
hier 16 avril:

Special analysis: Iraq has fallen. Saddam is deposed. But, after 27 days of
war, little else is resolved...

16 April 2003
(article sur deux pages)

Where are the weapons of mass destruction?

The real question might be, "Were there ever any"? Not a single confirmed
finding has been made of weapons of mass destruction, chemical, biological,
or nuclear, the supposed existence of which was the formal, casus belli and,
as the heart of UN resolution 1441, the sole legal justification for the

The US command says they have up to 3,000 possible sites to check. The UN
inspectors found none. The chief inspector, Hans Blix, accused Iraq of
providing an incomplete account of imports that could have been used for
such weapons. President Saddam's scientific adviser, General Amer Hammoudi
al-Saadi, who has surrendered, claims there were no weapons of mass
destruction. He has no credibility, Mr Blix says.

Colin Powell presented questionable material to the UN Security Council in
February. Spy satellite images of a "weapons site" before and after a UN
inspectors' visit were taken weeks apart. And the US now admits that
intelligence material "proving" Iraq acquired fissile material from Africa
was forged by a Western intelligence agency, possibly MI6 or Mossad.

The obvious question is: if President Saddam had such weapons, why didn't he
use them?

Where is Saddam?

There are many rumours, including that he has fled to Belarus and that he is
living in an elaborate system of tunnels beneath his Baghdad palaces. We
know such tunnels existed ­ the Iraqis boasted of them ­ and Saddam Hussein
would not imprison himself in a palace with no means of escape.

Amid all the stories of Saddam "doubles", it should be remembered that many
Iraqi men look like him ­ they cultivated his moustache. There is no solid
evidence that a double has ever appeared. His televised trip around the city
12 days ago was the real thing, two witnesses said. They recognised his
left-cheek carbuncle.

He was not killed in the bombing of the Mansur area of Baghdad. Fourteen
bodies were recovered, all civilians.

It is tempting to think he might have got out via Damascus. Relations
between Damascus and Baghdad have improved over the past three years, partly
because Syria suspected that if Iraq crumbled, it would be America's next

But sheltering President Saddam would be like inviting a cruise missile into
your presidential palace. So how about a flight from Damascus to Belarus, or
even Moscow?

The Americans have a bad track record. They can't find the Iraqi Minister of
Information, Mohammed Saeed al-Sahaf. They couldn't get Osama bin Laden.
They couldn't even track down Mullah Omar.

Iraqis are already talking about "plots", the most dangerous of which is
that the Americans have allowed him to survive ­ as in 1991 ­ and that they
intend to bring him back.

What about the alleged links to Al-Qa'ida?

After the 11 September attacks, the Bush administration talked up alleged
links between al-Qa'ida and Iraq so it could shift the spotlight to Saddam
Hussein's regime. The campaign was a success: about half of Americans
believe President Saddam was responsible for the atrocities.

In his evidence to the United Nations Security Council in February, Colin
Powell, the US Secretary of State, claimed there was a "sinister nexus"
between Baghdad and senior al-Qa'ida operatives. Tony Blair told a committee
of senior MPs in January: "There is some intelligence evidence about
linkages between members of al-Qa'ida and people in Iraq. It doesn't go
further than that. I'm not using it as a justification for anything we are

In February, the US raised the national terror status from yellow to orange
­ the second highest level ­ claiming that a "confluence of intelligence"
suggested al-Qa'ida was poised to launch new attacks within days. In
Britain, tanks, troops and extra armed police patrolled at Heathrow airport
and the surrounding area. Mr Blair told the MPs' committee it was
"inevitable" al-Qa'ida would seek to mount an attack in Britain. But there
is no evidence Iraq has been implicated in the 11 September attack or any
other al-Qa'ida atrocity. There is a deep ideological division between
al-Qa'ida, who are Islamist extremists, and the secular Baath party.

Where is the anti-war alliance now?

Many on the anti-war side ­ from governments to individuals ­ find
themselves torn. It is difficult not to be moved by the signs of joy among
many Iraqis at the removal of Saddam.

But the French and Germans still argue that the success of the war does not
justify the decision to tear up international precedent and defy the
majority will of the United Nations and declare a pre-emptive war on Iraq.
The US bullying of Syria is seen in Paris and Berlin as a particularly
worrying sign that this was, after all, part of a new ideologically driven
American doctrine: the imposition of democracy by force, but seemingly only
in strategically important countries. Who cares about, for instance, the
oppressed people of Burma?

How has Tony Blair emerged?

Mr Blair feels vindicated, and emerges from the war strengthened. Close
allies also hope he will finally live down his reputation as a follower of
focus groups. They want him to show the same decisiveness by "going for it"
on public-service reforms and a euro referendum.

But he acknowledges the need to "win the peace" in Iraq. Failure to find any
weapons of mass destruction would leave a nasty taste.

He needs to make peace with a large section of the Labour Party that is
still uncomfortable about the war. He must also rebuild fractured relations
with European partners France and Germany if Britain is to enjoy influence
in the European Union.

He will want to show that he is not President Bush's poodle by securing
gains in the Middle East peace process. He will also try to persuade the US
not to write off the United Nations.

How does the EU come out of it?

The EU is deeply split, though the fault lines have opened in unexpected
places. Founding members, such as Italy and the Netherlands, have supported
the war and America against the anti-war views of other founders, such as
France, Germany and Belgium.

Britain has put together an Atlanticist alliance within the soon-to-be
enlarged EU, which ranges from Spain and Portugal to almost all the new
members of central and eastern Europe. This may be, as Donald Rumsfeld would
have it, "Old Europe" versus "New Europe". But which is the old and which is
the new? Jacques Chirac argues that the new Europe should have the strength
and unity of purpose to offer an alternative, democratic pole in world
affairs, which would not be slavishly pro-American or slavishly
anti-American either.

Tony Blair argues that Europe can only have an effective voice in the world
if it banishes all suspicion that it wishes to build its strength and
influence at the expense of the US.

What happened to the human shields?

Some left after just a few days, while others were deported for refusing to
deploy to targets. A few did stay on at power stations, water treatment
plants and oil refineries until the very end. None died.

There were tales of feuding between the different nationalities, and dispute
with Iraqi officials on what exactly constituted a target. The authorities
wanted them in strategic, sometimes semi-military, locations. Many of the
shields preferred to be in sites such as hospitals, food stores or homes of

Do iraqis feel liberated?

At first, the attitude appeared to be one of ambivalence. Thathas, by and
large, changed. The killing of civilians by US troops; the days of looting
when the Americans watched; and the failure to restore electricity and water
supplies to the population has turned ambivalence to hostility.

A generation has grown up under President Saddam's rule and, apart from the
few in the intelligentsia, freedom and democracy are abstract, un- real
concepts. In the current turmoil, Iraqis see no advantage in their
oppressive but stable society changing to a violent and anarchic one.

As the ground forces moved in, there was widespread and, at times,
indiscriminate shooting. Much of Baghdad became a free-fire zone, and US
troops could be seen opening fire without provocation at roadblocks on
civilians and their cars.

As the hospitals filled, the Americans then allowed them to be looted. The
International Committee of the Red Cross pointed out that 33 out of 35 of
Baghdad's hospitals were put out of use. This, and the ransacking of homes
and businesses followed the Americans' acquiescence to the ransacking of
anything associated with President Saddam's regime.

Within four days of the biggest statue of President Saddam in Baghdad being
so publicly pulled down, demonstrators were gathering to chant anti-American
slogans. The most common questions are: When are they going to restore power
supplies? And how long do they intend to stay?

Is Chalabi just a crooked US stooge?

Few foreign figures so polarise the Bush administration, but Ahmed Chalabi,
leader of the most visible exile opposition group before the war, is likely
to have a big influence over the government that emerges.

Mr Chalabi, who previously left Jordan before a conviction for major fraud,
insists from his headquarters in Nasiriyah that he has no intention of
taking a leading political role in Iraq. Yet Mr Chalabi ­ after devoting two
decades to opposing Saddam, and claiming to have survived nine assassination
attempts ­ is thought unlikely to bow out gracefully.

The CIA, with the State Department, his prime foe, recently leaked an
internal report which concluded that Mr Chalabi had little support, even in
his own Shia community. In Iraq, the document insisted, he is regarded as a
carpetbagger rather than a saviour.

But his supporters at the Pentagon and at the Vice- President's office see
him in a different light. For admirers such as Paul Wolfowitz, Dick Cheney
and Donald Rumsfeld, the Defence Secretary, he is a convinced democrat and
moderniser. They give very little heed to the allegations of financial

Is the UN relevant any longer?

There is an argument that says the US and Britain ­ having taken
international law into their own hands in the name of the UN ­ have
marginalised the UN for ever. But what precedent has the Iraq war set for
solving the problems of WMD in other countries such as North Korea, Iran or

Even the most aggressive Washington hawks can hardly argue that pre-emptive
invasion will be the way to tackle all rogue countries. And Britain would
not go along if they did. In the end, therefore, America and Britain may
have to come back to the international community, both to help in the
rebuilding of Iraq and to apply diplomatic pressure to disarm other nations.

The outstanding question is "Which UN"? Russia is already sucking up to the
US by talking about reform, which implies abolishing the French and British
vetoes. There are signs that Paris may prefer to rebuild its ties with
Washington and London by playing a more ambiguous role in the future.

What are the chances of an Iranian-style Shia revolution?

The green and black flags of the Shia are flying in Najaf Karbala, Basra and
Saddam City. Shia demonstrators march in the centre of Baghdad while Shia
militia have set up checkpoints 20 miles away. Rumours abound of Iranian
agents moving in across the border to bolster the numbers.

The spectre of a Shia Islamic revolution and takeover of Iraq, and an
alliance with fellow Shias in Iran, had haunted both Saddam Hussein and
successive American administrations. It was this that persuaded George Bush
Snr not to support the internal rebellion after the Gulf War in 1991. The
Shia make up 60 per cent of the Iraqi population. The Sunni, if one excludes
the Kurds, make up 16 per cent, but have always held the levers of power
since Iraq was created. There have been a series of bloody rebellions in the
Shia south and east. There is, however, no reason why there should be a
Shia-style Islamic revolution. After the fall of Saddam, and the years of
persecution they suffered, the Shia leadership is now attempting to
re-establish itself. But the secular traditions of Iraq, its pluralism, are
very different from Iran's.

The vast majority of the Iraqi army that fought in the 1980-88 Iran-Iraq war
were Shia. They remained loyal to their country, rather than to the Islamic
revolution across the border. Any Shia rebellion is likely to be crushed by
America and its sponsored Iraqi forces, just as Saddam and his predecessors
did in previous times.

And, anyway, if the United States does bring in a democratic government,
then the inbuilt Shia majority could result in a theocratic government.
After all, the recent history of the Middle East has shown that Islamist
parties are the ones who usually benefit the most from the ballot box.

Why did so many journalists die?

At least 12 journalists died, several of them so-called embedded reporters,
travelling for the first time with Allied forces as they advanced.

Terry Lloyd, of ITN, was the first to perish, killed by US Marines who fired
at his car. Two of his colleagues are still posted as missing.

Al-Jazeera's correspondent was killed in an attack on the organisation's
office in Baghdad ­ even though one of his colleagues at the Central Command
office in Doha gave the Pentagon the co-ordinates of their Baghdad building
and received a promise it would not be attacked. The US also attacked
al-Jazeera's office in Kabul in 2001 and destroyed it with a cruise missile
­ an event for which it provided neither explanation nor apology.

During the Afghanistan bombardment, the Kabul office was broadcasting Osama
bin Laden tapes around the world. This time, the Baghdad office was
providing the most devastating account of Iraqi civilian casualties in the
war to a vast Arab audience ­ thus fuelling the anti-American sentiments
that the United States says it cannot understand.

A few hours later, an M1A1 Abrams tank on the Jumhuriya Bridge aimed at a
room in the Palestine Hotel and fired a single round that killed two
cameramen and wounded four other Reuters staff. The Americans said nothing
until it became known that journalists from France 3 television had filmed
the tank firing. General Buford Blount of the 3rd Infantry Division claimed
the tank had come under sniper fire and had fired at the source of the
shooting, which then stopped. But the French cameramen started filming
minutes before the tank fired at the hotel and there was silence on the

Who was really responsible for the two marketplace bombings?

In the Shulah marketplace bombing, the second of the attacks, an old and
illiterate man produced a piece of shrapnel from the missile ­ whose
markings showed it to have been American and which were identified as part
of a Raytheon munition. While brutal and cruel, the Iraqi secret police was
not subtle enough to go around burying bits of wreckage to be found, or turn
an old man into a convincing actor.

The Shaab attack produced two craters on exactly opposite sides of the dual
carriageway. Iraqi anti-aircraft fire could not produce such neat,
equidistant craters, despite persistent suggestions from the Allies that the
Iraqis were responsible.

Has public opinion changed since the war began?

Despite large anti-war demonstrations before military action started, many
people in America and Britain seemed prepared to put aside their doubts
about military action once troops were sent into action. In America, support
for the war remained steady at around 70 per cent.

According to a New York Times/CBS News poll published yesterday, 73 per cent
of Americans are happy with President Bush's performance. That is up from 59
per cent in the week before the war began.

The most recent survey in Britain, by ICM, shows that backing for the war
rose from 44 per cent to 63 per cent in the past month. Another poll, by
Populus, suggested Mr Blair might receive a similar boost to the one
achieved by Margaret Thatcher after the Falklands War. Labour's ratings have
risen seven points to 41 per cent since before the Iraq conflict, while the
Tories are down five points to 29 per cent.

In France, the number of people opposing the action has dropped only
slightly from 82 per cent to 75 per cent.

Both President Bush and Mr Blair know the triumphs may prove shortlived. Mr
Bush's father won the 1991 Gulf War and then lost the 1992 presidential
election. Mr Blair has been warned by some that Iraq will soon fade from the
public consciousness and the next election will be decided by the state of
the economy and public services.

Is North Korea next on the american hitlist?

Washington would like to see big changes in Iran, Syria and North Korea. But
North Korea poses bigger dangers than the others put together so it is most
unlikely that it is seriously on any Pentagon hitlist, for the time being.
For a start the North Koreans have all but declared they possess weapons of
mass destruction. And there are 30,000 American troops stationed on the
demilitarised zone dividing North from South Korea.

Pyongyang has reacted to the Iraqi crisis by raising the rhetoric and the
stakes in a nuclear stand-off with Washington, throwing out UN inspectors
and threatening to restart a banned nuclear re processing programme which
could lead to the production of a nuclear warhead a month. Washington hopes,
however, that the North Koreans, facing economic collapse, are merely taking
advantage of the Iraq crisis to raise pressure on the Americans to resume
supplies of desperately needed food and fuel.

How long will the soldiers stay?

As short a time as possible means "no time at all". But in reality it means
a few more weeks to secure the cities they control: Baghdad: Mosul; Kirkuk;
Tikrit. At present there are about 200-225,000 US combat troops in the Iraqi
theatre, plus 45,000 British armed forces personnel in total. To put that in
perspective, that is a quarter of the British armed forces and more than a
tenth of the American. Neither nation can sustain these levels for very
long. British ministers have said they will keep troops in the theatre for a
maximum of six months.

Is there a humanitarian crisis?

Not so much a crisis as crises. War has compounded the impact of sanctions
and serious poverty in much of the country with 60 per cent of the people
dependent on food aid even before the war.

Much of Iraq is still not secure enough for the UN and other humanitarian
agencies to function, with problems including unmarked, unexploded ordnance.
The aid agencies say military distribution is often poorly organised.

Paul Mylrea, an Oxfam spokesman, said water was short in some areas and
hospitals badly damaged by sanctions and combat had been looted. Many of the
60 women who need emergency obstetric care every day are not getting it.

In Baghdad, the Red Cross said only three out of 32 hospitals were
functioning. Water and electricity were still off, because pay disputes were
delaying the return of utility workers. In Umm Qasr, Unicef says the
diarrhoea rate in the hospital is 10 times the norm. In the northern
Mosul-Dahuk region, lack of power cut water supplies. Water is also in very
short supply in Nasiriyah, and even a water tanker was looted. The aid
agencies estimate there are 800,000 "internally displaced persons" in
northern Iraq.

Did the allies stick to the Geneva conventions?

The Geneva Conventions specifically refer to pillage and the rights of
"protected persons". The ban on "pillage" even occurs in the 1907 Hague
Convention. "Protected" persons include those in the presence of warring
parties ­ so bombing civilians at the restaurant in Mansur is a clear breach
of the Conventions. The US admitted it knew Mansur was a residential area
and that an attack would not be a "risk-free venture". But itbombed anyway.

It bombed civilians around Hillah with cluster bombs. While these are
accepted as an anti-personnel weapon against armies, they are prohibited
against civilians. The US briefly halted supplies of warplanes to Israel
after cluster bombs were used in Beirut in 1982. The Geneva Conventions were
written after the Second World War, when states and armies had done most of
the pillaging and rape, so it is debatable whether pillage by "persons
unknown" is covered by "pillage" in the Conventions.

But occupying armies have an absolute duty to protect civilians and property
under their control ­ whether ministries or museums. The US has failed to do
this. It claims that the Iraqis put military targets in civilian areas. This
is true. Reporters found gun pits at museums and schools, and armoured
vehicles hidden under bridges and near hospitals. But US tanks also fired
from near Baghdad's Yarmouk hospital and marines' vehicles were parked next
to homes on the Corniche.

The Allies said Iraqi soldiers changed into mufti to go on fighting. They
did. But their country was invaded. Would Britons have worn uniforms to
fight German occupiers in the Second World War?

Is this the first step to reordering the Middle East?

It may well be, but the process will depend on a host of factors, above all
whether Washington ­ never noted for its patience ­ is prepared to see the
Iraq job through. If post-Saddam Iraq emerges as a demonstrably freer, more
prosperous and stable place, then the vision of Paul Wolfowitz, deputy
Secretary of Defence and a leading neo-conservative, of an Iraq that is a
beacon for the future could become a self-fulfilling prophecy. Other
countries, among them Egypt and Saudi Arabia, may come under intense
internal, as opposed to external, pressure to change their ways. But it is
most unlikely the US will use military force again in the near future, even
against Syria, now an associate member of the "axis of evil". Washington
reckons that the example of Iraq will "encourager les autres" in Damascus
and even Tehran. Syria, surrounded by pro-US states and deprived of its
close economic links with Saddam Hussein's regime, is highly vulnerable. The
belief is that diplomatic and financial pressure can do the job without the
use of force ­ even if the threat of the latter concentrates minds very

In any case, US public opinion, strongly supportive of the campaign in Iraq,
is extremely wary of going after Syria next. By a 51-38 majority, Americans
believe the US should not attack another country, according to a, New York
Times/CBS poll yesterday, unless it is attacked first. To do so in the case
of Syria might actually cost President Bush votes as he prepares for his
2004 re-election campaign. Americans like to think of themselves as leading
by example, not by brute force.

How many died in the war?

On the Allied side: 119 Americans killed, four still missing; 30 British
servicemen killed.

According to the US military, more than 3,650 Iraqi combatants, at least
2,320 in Baghdad, were killed. Iraq has given no figures for its military
losses. Iraq says 1,254 civilians were killed before 3 April. There has been
no update since. More than 5,000 were wounded.

The Shaab and Shuala market bombings killed at least 68 and 47 respectively,
with many more injured, and 14 civilians died in the bomb on the restaurant
in the Mansur district in the attempted assassination of Saddam Hussein and
his sons.

Are the rebuilding contracts going to White House cronies?

The financial prize is huge: a programme that might involve up to $100bn
(£60bn) of work, from repairing and modernising the country's oil industry
to overhauling its infrastructure and setting up decent schools, hospitals
and a public administration. It is proving very contentious.

The US seems to be operating on the principle of "to the victor the spoils".
The first reconstruction contracts are being awarded by the USAid
development agency, which answers to the State Department, as an emergency
measure. US firms have a head start and even British companies are being
squeezed out.

So far, USAid has awarded four contracts worth $82m. An American company is
expected to win a $600m contract for initial repairs to roads, power
stations, bridges and other equipment damaged in the war. But that is only a
start. The $80bn supplementary budget passed by Congress to pay for the war,
covering only the next six months, contains about $5bn for reconstruction.

America might be more amenable to foreign companies participating later ­
though probably not French, German, and Russian ones. Bowing to domestic
criticism, Washington is forcing Halliburton, the oil services group once
run by Vice-President Dick Cheney, to compete for work to repair oil
facilities. Fewer than a dozen wells were torched. The contract once
guaranteed to Halliburton has been scaled back, from $7bn to $650m.

What side deals were made?

Not very many. Whether thanks to unintended failure, or because the war was
so swift, the US has few chits out in the region for redemption.

The great unintended failure was Turkey. Despite the offer of some $10bn in
loans and loan guarantees, Ankara's parliament refused to approve the
deployment of up to 62,000 American troops on its soil, slightly delaying
the start of the war. Had permission been granted, the 4th Infantry Division
would have launched a second front against Baghdad from the north. This
might have made the conflict shorter. Turkey has been given $1bn as
compensation for economic losses from the war.

What promises the US made with Israel were never tested because American
special forces secured Iraq's western desert, from where Scud missiles might
have been launched against Israel. Had that happened, Ariel Sharon, Israel's
Prime Minister, might have responded. And Saudi Arabia does not appear to
have played any important part. Reputedly, the kingdom allowed Washington to
use the Prince Sultan base 70 miles from Riyadh, but US Central Command set
up its regional headquarters in Qatar.

Was the war legal? 

Depends on who you ask. The American view is that Iraq was in breach of so
many UN resolutions that military action was overdue and, if the UN was not
prepared to authorise it, Washington was free to act.

The British government view, as eventually formulated by the Attorney
General, is that war was legal because UN Security Council resolution 1441 ­
passed unanimously on 8 November 2002 ­ cited all previous resolutions, and
at least one of these provided for "all necessary means" (ie force) to be
used if Iraq did not comply. The Government had the right to judge if Iraq
was in breach of resolution 1441 and ministers insisted it was. Crucially,
the Attorney General also ruled that 1441 required the Security Council only
to "consider" the UN inspectors' report; it did not need to vote.

The view of the majority on the Security Council was that the resolution did
not contain any automatic trigger for war, that the term "serious
consequences" fell far short of "all necessary means" and that a follow-up
resolution was needed to authorise action. What all but the Americans agree
on is that if the "second resolution" ­ authorising military action ­ had
been put to the vote and defeated or vetoed, that defeat would have
superseded all previous UN resolutions and military action would have been
illegal. Britain withdrew the "second resolution" rather than risk a vote.

Why did the Republican Guard crumble?

The centre for Defence Studies at King's College London said last week that
there was no sign of a phased and mutually supportive defensive plan, no
fighting withdrawal from southern Iraq, and no effective plan to demolish
and deny main bridges and crossing sites. It speculated that even the
Republican Guard might have lost heart and abandoned the battlefield ­ a
frequent claim made by Allied commanders. But there were at least two weeks
of relentless aerial and artillery bombardment of the Republican Guard
contingents before the final advance on Baghdad. That rapid advance
northwards, bypassing core resistance ­ by the 3rd Infantry to the west and
the 1st Marine Expeditionary Force to the east ­ may also have taken Iraqi
commanders by surprise. It may be the case that the use by Saddam Hussein of
his forces of internal repression and the effect of sanctions also eroded
the battleworthiness of regular combat forces. An uncorroborated theory from
the global analysts Strategic Forecasting is that many Republican Guard
commanders were bought off by the United States in secret negotiations.

Military commanders did not expect so much resistance from irregular forces
­ including the Secret Security Organisation and the Saddam Fedayeen, who
fought in some cases with astonishing tenacity. In an interview with The
Independent this week, Major- General Peter Wall acknowledged there could be
a "legacy" and that irregular forces, even if not in a "particularly well
organised way", could regroup.

Will Iraq's Kurds fight for statehood?

No. Iraqi Kurds, who have their own language and culture, believe they have
the right to self-determination. They were savagely oppressed for decades ­
300,000 of them were forced to flee Saddam Hussein's ethnic cleansing
campaign as he settled Arabs in their towns and villages. But because of the
past 30 years and because they are surrounded by hostile neighbours, they
also accept that a large measure of autonomy within a federal Iraq is the
best possible option, provided it comes with a full say in central

In the past couple of weeks, the power balance has altered as the Kurds
advanced, taking back land and moving into Kirkuk and Mosul. That has
inflamed ethnic tensions and alarmed Turkey, Iran and Syria. Ankara's fears
Iraq's Kurds could use oil wealth to finance an independent state and
encourage separatist demands among its Kurdish minority.

Under US pressure, Kurdish leaders have played down the ambition to gain
self-rule. And while they know that in the power vacuum the freedoms they
have had in autonomous Iraqi Kurdistan for more than 10 years could be
threatened, going to war for full independence would be disastrous.

Has the Rumsfeld doctrine been vindicated?

The theory is that America has the right to protect its security by acting
pre-emptively to avert an external threat. Iraq constituted such a threat.
That threat is gone, but acts of terrorism against the US could increase as
a result.

The practice relates to Mr Rumsfeld's belief that the US military is too big
and unwieldy, and still tailored to combating the long-gone Soviet threat.
He has argued for a smaller, nimbler force, with the stress on air power and
hi-tech fighting. Some say that the Iraq campaign vindicated that view. But
others say that although the force sent to Iraq was smaller than the one
assembled to fight the 1991 Gulf War, it was at least 30 per cent heavier
than Mr Rumsfeld had wanted and more traditional in structure ­ as the
generals had insisted.

Given that Colin Powell, the Secretary of State, and Mr Rumsfeld were in
public contention during the diplomacy that preceded the war, vindication
for Rumsfeld automatically entails defeat for Powell and his perceived
multilateralism. Even before UN diplomacy failed, General Powell seemed to
have been co-opted to present a face of the administration that would be
more readily accepted by the non-American world. That has lost him

Who was in the coalition?

Central command claimed that about 50 countries were in the so-called
coalition. But the direct military contributions were limited to about
250,000 US troops 45,000 British troops, about 2,000 Australian special
forces and fewer than 100 members of the Polish Special Force organisation

Others played a role: Kuwait, from which the land invasion was launched;
Bahrain, believed to have provided a naval and air base; Qatar, which
besides hosting US Central Command also has a large air base; and Saudi
Arabia, from where the American and British air campaign was run. Jordan is
believed to have been used for some air-launched attacks, the entry of
special forces and search and rescue; Oman and the UAE may also have housed
Allied aircraft; and Turkey allowed the use of air space as well as medical
evacuations. Cypriot air bases were also used. From many of the other
"coalition" countries, it is difficult to detect much contribution other
than moral support. Who knows what the Solomon Islands provided.

What was the war really about?

Conspiracy theories abound. This was a war got up by the Israelis and their
omnipotent lobby in the US, say some. Others claim it was inspired by oil.
Others believe George Bush engineered a conflict to boost his election
chances next year.

All three theories are largely nonsense. Even the pro-Israeli Bush
administration knew that to act merely as a surrogate army for the Jewish
state would cause untold problems. As for oil, the global oil industry is
not susceptible to the control of one country's resources. And if Mr Bush
was thinking of re-election, he should have delayed the attack on Iraq by at
least 12 months. He went to war now because he had intended to ever since 11
September 2001, and possibly earlier.

fin de citation
Synopsis des questions traduction et abstracts en français
par Delarue et Rocant de criticalsecret:

par la rédaction de THE INDEPENDENT

Where are the weapons of mass destruction?
Où se trouvent les armes de destruction massive ?
   La véritable question serait y en a t-il jamais eu ? Sur les 3000 sites
de contrôles, les Nations Unies n'ont rien trouvé. Les Etats Unis avouent
aujourd'hui avoir obtenu ces informations d'une agence de renseignements
occidental (MI6 ou Mossad).
Where is Saddam?
Où est Saddam ?
   Il y a beaucoup de rumeurs. Certains pensent qu'il survit dans des
souterrains, mais il est tentant de penser qu'il a pris la fuite vers Damas.
Mais héberger Saddam reviendrait à ouvrir les portes de votre palais
présidentiel à un missile de croisière. Moscou peut-être ?
What about the alleged links to Al-Qaida?
Qu'en est-il des liens supposés avec Al-Qaida ?
   Tout ceci n'est que l'argument central de la grande campagne de
propagande américaine, relayée par Blair, pour légitimer l'intervention en
Irak. Ca ne tenait pas le coup. Il y avait bien trop de dissensus
idéologique entre les fondamentalistes d'Al-Qaida et le parti Baas.
Where is the anti-war alliance now?
Où en est l'alliance anti-guerre aujourd'hui ?
   Il leur est difficile, bien sur, de ne pas réagir aux mouvements de
liesse populaire consécutifs à la chute de Saddam. Mais la France et
l'Allemagne insistent sur le fait que ceci ne justifie en aucun cas
l'infraction au droit international.
How has Tony Blair emerged?
Qu'en est-il de Tony Blair ?
   Il se sent renforcé. Mais il est attendu au tournant sur des réformes
internes, sur des questions de service public ou du réferendum sur l'Euro,
où il devra faire preuve de la même motivation, et doit regagner la
confiance des anti-guerre et de son propre parti.
How does the EU come out of it?
Et l'Union Européenne ?
   Divisée, incontestablement. Donald Rumsfeld y voit émerger une "vieille
Europe" et une "nouvelle Europe". Mais qui est quoi ? Dans la vision
chiraquienne des choses, la nouvelle Europe serait résolument
What happened to the human shields?
Que sont devenus les boucliers humains ?
    Certains d'entre eux sont repartis dès les premiers jours, tandis que
d'autres furent rapatriés pour avoir refusé de se déployer sur des cibles
militaires. Aucun n'est mort.
Do iraqis feel liberated?
Est-ce que les irakiens se sentent libérés ?
    Plutôt ambivalents. Ils sont passés en quelques dizaines de jours, d'une
société totalitaire à l'anarchie totale. Toute une génération n'a aucune
idée de ce que peut signifier le concept de liberté. Mais la question qu'ils
se posent aujourd'hui est combien de temps les américains vont-ils rester ?

Is Chalabi just a crooked US stooge?
Chalabi n'est-il pas qu'un pion de l'administration américaine ?
    C'est un homme de grande influence pour les Etats-Unis, qui compte ses
premiers supporters au Pentagone, et la figure d'opposition au régime de
Saddam la plus prononcée, mais il ne fait pas l'unanimité en Irak et ce même
au sein de son propre camp (Shia).
Is the UN relevant any longer?
Et l'ONU ?
    Il semble que le geste américano-britannique les ait marginalisés pour
toujours. La question est à nouveau quelle ONU ? Les réformes sont
aujourd'hui entre les mains des USA et de la Russie, excluant tous les
What are the chances of an Iranian-style Shia revolution?
Quelles sont les chances de voir une révolution "à l'iranienne" de la part
des Shia ?
    Ils représentent près de 60% des irakiens, leur spectre a hanté aussi
bien les administrations américaines que le régime de Saddam, et pourraient
constituer une opposition théocratique dans le cas de la construction d'un
Etat démocratique de la part des américains.
Why did so many journalists die?
Pourquoi tant de journalistes morts ?
    Au total, douze journalistes ont péri dans ce conflit, morts auxquelles
l'administration américaine n'a donné aucune explication, si ce n'est au
sujet des tirs sur le troisième étage de l'hôtel Palestine, explication
démentie plus tard par les images de France 3.
voir citation de la publication de France-Télévision en fin de mail (pas de
lien car n'est plus qu'en cache)
Who was really responsible for the two marketplace bombings?
Qui est responsable quant aux deux bombardements sur des marchés bagdadis ?
    Un vieil homme présent sur les lieux aurait collecté des morceaux du
projectile, dont les marques prouveraient sa provenance américaine.
Quoiau'il en soit, les missiles du front anti-aérien irakien n'auraient pas
pu creuser de tels cratères.
Has public opinion changed since the war began?
L'opinion publique a t-elle changé depuis le début de la guerre ?
    Malgré d'impressionnantes manifestations, les sondages démontrent tous
qu'une majorité des populations des pays de la coalition sont favorables au
conflit. Toutefois, il semblerait que la tendance change radicalement dans
les mois à venir.
Is North Korea next on the american hitlist?
La Corée du Nord est-elle sur la liste des prochaines cibles américaines ?
    La zone semble sécurisé par les 30000 hommes des troupes américaines
déployées à la frontière sud-coréenne. Pyongyang a toutefois réagi de
manière plutôt agressive aux manoeuvres militaires en Irak, et fait en effet
partie de la liste des pays où les américains voudraient "voir les choses
How long will the soldiers stay?
Combien de temps les soldats vont-ils rester ?
    Encore quelques semaines peut-être. Côté britannique, le maximum est
fixé a six mois. Il faut dire que près d'un dixième des forces américaines
est déployé aujourd'hui en Irak, et un quart pour les britanniques : aucune
nation ne pourrait tenir plus longtemps à ce régime.
Is there a humanitarian crisis?
Peut-on parler d'une crise humanitaire ?
    On estime à 800000 personnes le nombre des irakiens dépendant d'une aide
humanitaire, et l'Irak ne semble pas assez sur à l'heure actuelle pour que
s'y déploient les agences humanitaires comme l'ONU. On peut parler d'une
crise, oui.
Did the allies stick to the Geneva conventions?
La coalition a t-elle respecté les conventions de Genève ?
    Dans le cas de Mansour par exemple, il y a infraction, la coalition
étant parfaitement au courant des risques liés au bombardement d'une telle
zone résidentielle. Et ce n'est pas un cas isolé.
Is this the first step to reordering the Middle East?
Assiste t-on au premier stade du remodelage du Proche-Orient ?
    Certainement, mais cela dépendra de beaucoup de facteurs, tout se jouera
dans le regard de l'administration Bush sur l'évolution de la situation.
Mais ils sont toutefois pleinement conscients de l'impact négatif que
pourrait engendrer la poursuite des opérations sur la Syrie.
How many died in the war?
A combien s'élève le nombre de morts sur ce conflit ?
    Côté coalition, 119 américains et 30 britanniques. Plus de 3650
combattants irakiens, dont au moins 2320 à Bagdad. L'Irak comptait près de
1250 civils au 3 avril pour plus de 5000 blessés.
Are the rebuilding contracts going to White House cronies?
Les contrats de reconstruction iront-ils prioritairement aux "amis de la
Maison Blanche" ?
    On estime à près de 100 milliards de dollars le prix de cette
reconstruction. Les USA semblent vouloir récolter seuls les fruits de cette
victoire, et même les britanniques ont été écartés des premières mesures.
What side deals were made?
Quels arrangements réalisés en marge du conflit ?
    Vraiment très peu, malgré des propositions de l'Arabie Saoudite. Le
grand échec fut sans conteste celui de la Turquie, le parlement d'Ankara
ayant refusé le deploiement de 62000 soldats sur son sol, retardant
considérablement le début de la guerre.
Was the war legal?
La guerre était-elle légale ?
    Cela dépend à qui on pose la question. Du point de vue des Etats-Unis,
il était urgent d'agir et ce même sans l'aval des Nations Unies. Côté
britannique, le gouvernement restait seul juge légal de l'infraction
irakienne quant à la résolution 1441, point sur lequel les ministres ont
Why did the Republican Guard crumble?
Pourquoi l'effondrement de la Garde Républicaine ?
    Ce front-ci s'est simplement rapidement rendu compte des failles de son
plan défensif compte tenu de l'irrégularité des foyers de résistance
irakiens, et s'est donc retiré.
    Ndlr: il faut voir aussi combien ont été "pulvérisés" par des bombes
fulgurantes nouvelles, aux portes de Bagdad ;-)
Will Iraq's Kurds fight for statehood?
Les Kurdes d'Irak se batteront-ils pour un Etat irakien ?
    Non, ils ont leur propre culture et leur propre langue, et malgré ça,
ils ne sortiraient pas victorieux d'une bataille pour leur autonomie dans la
configuration à venir, en Irak.

Has the Rumsfeld doctrine been vindicated?
La doctrine Rumsfeldienne a t-elle été validée ?
    Les grandes lignes portent sur le droit absolu des américains à se
défendre coute que coute de tout ce qui les menace de l'extérieur. Il a en
effet pu expérimenter ses convictions en Irak, jugeant l'armée trop
importante et voulant la recentrer sur le combat aérien et assisté

Who was in the coalition?
De qui se composait la coalition ?
    Pas moins de cinquante pays. Mais la contribution militaire réelle est
plus limitée (250000 américains, 45000 britanniques, 2000 australiens et une
centaine de polonais du GROM).

What was the war really about?
Quel fut l'enjeu réel de cette guerre ?
    Les théories du complot abondent. Certains parlent de pressions
israéliennes, d'autres du pétrole, d'autres encore d'une simple opération de
popularité visant à booster le vote Bush pour 2004. Toutes trois sont de
pures abherrations...
    ndlr ????


* Note sur les journalistes

Les meurtres délibérés de journalistes étant assimilables à des crimes de
guerre: lesquels, sauf à sauter sur une mine ou se trouver dans un véhicule
de la coalition pouvant se désigner comme cible de l"l'ennemi", dans cette
sinistre liste, auraient-ils fait l'objet de tel crime du fait des
anglo-américains faisant le vide de l'info pouvant les desservir (plus la
cause idéologique et la dénonciation de l'horreur générale commise, plutôt
que pour des raisins stratégiques matérielles) ?


Spécial Irak 
IRAK     14/04/03 
Le lourd tribut des journalistes
De nombreux reporters ont été pris pour cible par les deux camps depuis le
début de la guerre 
     Au total, onze journalistes ont été tués depuis le 20 mars. Dimanche,
une équipe de CNN à bord d'une voiture a essuyé des tirs dans le nord de
l'Irak. Mais l'agent de sécurité qui les accompagnait a répliqué à l'arme
    Reporters sans frontières s'est inquiété de cette attitude qui crée
selon elle "un précédent dangereux".

Selon RSF, un tel comportement, "contraire à toutes les règles
professionnelles", "crée un précédent dangereux qui risque de mettre en
péril tous les autres reporters qui couvrent ce conflit ainsi que d'autres à
l'avenir", a déclaré le secrétaire général de l'association, Robert Ménard,
dans un communiqué.
"Il existe un véritable risque que les belligérants s'imaginent désormais
que tous les véhicules de presse sont armés", poursuit-il.
Robet Ménard souligne que "les journalistes peuvent et doivent utiliser des
moyens pour garantir leur sécurité" mais estime que "le recours à des
sociétés de sécurité privées, qui n'hésitent pas à faire usage de leurs
armes, ne fait qu'augmenter la confusion entre les reporters et les

Appel à une enquête internationale

La Fédération internationale des journalistes (FIJ) et l'Union des
journalistes arabes (UJA) ont appelé samedi à Rabat à l'ouverture d'une
enquête "internationale et indépendante" sur la mort de journalistes en
Les deux associations se sont déclarées opposées à "toutes les formes
d'intervention dans le travail des journalistes, et particulièrement à
l'assassinat et à la brutale intimidation des journalistes durant le
conflit" en Irak.
L'enquête, devrait porter sur "les morts de journalistes et sur tous les
actes d'intimidation, de détention et de tracasseries contre les médias" en
Irak, indique une déclaration commune distribuée à la presse.

« Onze journalistes sont morts
Onze journalistes ont été tués sur le territoire irakien depuis le début du
conflit, le 20 mars, selon un décompte de l'AFP.

- 22 mars 2003. Le cameraman australien Paul Moran, travaillant pour la
chaîne de télé australienne ABC, est tué au Kurdistan (nord de l'Irak) dans
l'explosion d'une voiture piégée.
Le même jour, Terry Loyd, journaliste de la TV britannique ITN, est tué
après avoir "apparemment" essuyé des tirs de troupes britannico-américaines
aux environs de Bassorah.
Deux autres membres de son équipe, un caméraman français, Fred Nérac, et un
interprète libanais sont portés disparus.

- 30 mars. Un journaliste couvrant la guerre pour la chaîne britannique ITN,
Gaby Rado, est retrouvé mort sur le parking de son hôtel à Soulamanya (nord
de l'Irak ). Il semble être tombé du toit d'un hôtel.

- 2 avril. Un caméraman iranien qui travaillait pour la chaîne britannique
BBC, Kaveh Golestan, lauréat du prestigieux prix Pulitzer, est tué par
l'explosion d'une mine à Kifri (nord de l'Irak).

- 4 avril. Un journaliste du Washington Post est tué dans un accident alors
qu'il se trouvait avec les troupes américaines. Le véhicule militaire dans
lequel se trouvait Michael Kelly a plongé dans un canal sous le feu irakien.

- 6 avril. Un journaliste américain de NBC, David Bloom, 39 ans, meurt près
de Bagdad, succombant apparemment à une embolie pulmonaire.
Le même jour, l'interprète d'un correspondant de la BBC meurt dans l'attaque
par un avion américain d'un convoi kurdo-américain qui fait au moins 18
morts près de Mossoul.

- 7 avril. Deux journalistes , un Allemand et un Espagnol, sont tués dans
une attaque à la roquette dirigée sur une position de l'armée américaine au
sud de Bagdad. L'allemand Christian Liebig travaillait pour l'hebdomadaire
allemand Focus, son confrère espagnol Julio Anguita Parrado était employé
par le quotidien espagnol "El Mundo".
    Peu après, un caméraman de l'agence Reuters, Taras Protsyuk, un
Ukrainien de 35 ans, et un caméraman espagnol José Couso, 37 ans travaillant
pour la télévision privée Telecinco, étaient tués par un obus tiré par un
char américain sur l'hôtel Palestine où se trouve la presse à Bagdad.
Deux journalistes et un technicien de Reuters ont également été blessés dans
cette attaque.

- Par ailleurs, le 12 avril, deux journalistes turcs travaillant pour
SkyTurk ont été blessés quand leur voiture a été la cible de tirs à Mossoul.
Kemal batur a perdu un pouce et un doigt de la main droite tandis que Mesut
Gengeg a été blessé à la tête par un éclat de métal.
    Enfin, trois journalistes malaisiens, un reporter, un photographe et un
caméraman, ont été enlevés par un groupe d'hommes armés à Bagdad le même
jour, samedi 12 avril, après être tombés dans une embuscade, a indiqué Kuala



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