nettime's_self-cleaning oven on Sun, 7 May 2000 08:43:43 +0200 (CEST)

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<nettime> announcer 19.4 [000507: warmest]

                    :):):)  LIVE UNDERGROUND TV on the NET  :):):)
://net.yet.available/ (irremediable lapsing)

                                        "." <>
                                        Camatte New Book (in italian)

     Andrea Zapp <>
     Little Sister: a CCTV Drama

Australian Network for Art and Technology <>
ANAT announce:  Alchemy International Masterclass for New Media  

      (Black Dog Publishing Limited)
               No Other Symptoms

                                   infos 2000 <>
                                   call for submissions

"monomedia" <>
monomedia berlin 05

                         Pierre Robert <>

     stanza <>
     some arty links for you???

          Jaka Zeleznikar <>
          _CALL FOR SUBMISSIONS: INFOS 2000 (off-line) "" contest

                    Robert Atkins <>
                    writers wanted for media channel

¤ ¤ ¤ ¤ ¤ ¤ ¤ ¤ ¤ ¤ ¤ ¤ ¤ ¤ ¤ ¤ ¤ ¤ ¤ ¤ ¤ ¤ ¤ ¤ ¤ ¤ ¤ ¤ ¤ ¤ ¤ ¤ ¤ ¤ ¤ 
¤ ¤ ¤ ¤ ¤ ¤ ¤ ¤ ¤ ¤ ¤ ¤ ¤ ¤ ¤ ¤ ¤ ¤ ¤ ¤ ¤ ¤ ¤ ¤ ¤ ¤ ¤ ¤ ¤ ¤ ¤ ¤ ¤ ¤ ¤ 

Date: Sat, 6 May 2000 07:28:01 
Subject:  :):):)  LIVE UNDERGROUND TV on the NET  :):):)
     ||||| |||||||| |||||

Born out of the excitement of Coldcut's early pirate radio days on the
orginal Kiss FM, frustration with the dumbing down of legal stations and
the straitjacket of commercial television, started
netcasting in Jan 1999.

Guests coming up on COLDCUT'S Pirate TV live webcast on Wednesdays in May
include:  TIMMYB(Dreadzone) and BItTONIC and TENNIS, plus Digital
Disco@TheJunction with DERRICK MAY and PURE SCIENCE Thurs 25th
The page also has a link to a Live Chat room so viewers can
chat with the DJs and jammers. is the phuture:
DIY psychedelic political interactive streaming zentertainment with
quality content from top selectors.You will need Realplayer to tune in but
this is
available free from the site.
|||MAY 2000|||
Sun6pm-6am  Do-Littles Chill-Out:
Tues9pm  Undercurrents:

Wed9pm  Coldcut audiovisualjam from Spacelab:
Thurs9pm  Dubwiser from the house of Dread:

Fri10pm  Freeframe(first in month): Digital Disco(last in month):

COMING SOON regular shows from,    DIGIDUB:
HEADSPACE: featuring junkTV, semiconductor, radio4A , Justice/SchNews and
No Future.
Sat 6th and Sun 7th May....CANNABIS 2000 FESTIVAL + Do-Little Chillout
Thurs 25th May....Digital Disco @The Junction 7pm-2am present Derrick May
and Pure Science playing live:
Sat 27th May...Digital Disco@The End 10pm-6am with Suburban Knight live
and Carl Cox.

¤ ¤ ¤ ¤ ¤ ¤ ¤ ¤ ¤ ¤ ¤ ¤ ¤ ¤ ¤ ¤ ¤ ¤ ¤ ¤ ¤ ¤ ¤ ¤ ¤ ¤ ¤ ¤ ¤ ¤ ¤ ¤ ¤ ¤ ¤ 

Date: 5 May 2000 18:56:10 -0700
Subject: ://net.yet.available/ (irremediable lapsing)

for inmediate release.

taken @907 23.04.39


¤ ¤ ¤ ¤ ¤ ¤ ¤ ¤ ¤ ¤ ¤ ¤ ¤ ¤ ¤ ¤ ¤ ¤ ¤ ¤ ¤ ¤ ¤ ¤ ¤ ¤ ¤ ¤ ¤ ¤ ¤ ¤ ¤ ¤ ¤ 

From: "." <>
Subject: Camatte New Book (in italian)
Date: Sat, 6 May 2000 10:24:29 +0200

Autore: Jacques Camatte

Titolo: Comunit=E0 e divenire

Edito da Gemeinwesen (Bologna)

Anno: marzo 2000, pp. 297

ISBN 88-86345-30-5

Prezzo: =A3 28.000

Comunit=E0 e divenire comprende una raccolta di testi, che spaziano =
dalla filosofia all'antropologia, dall'ecologia alla critica del =
pensiero politico, apparsi tra il 1973 e il 1989 sulla rivista francese =

In seguito a una scissione nel Partito Comunista Internazionale, di cui =
Amadeo Bordiga fu il principale teorico, Jacques Camatte fond=F2, nel =
gennaio del 1968, la rivista "Invariance" di cui ne riassumiamo alcune =

Nella prima serie (1968-1971) l'Autore si rif=E0 strettamente a Bordiga =
proponendo un'approfondita riflessione sull'insieme dell'opera marxiana, =
in particolare sulla legge del valore, sulla storia della Sinistra =
italiana, francese e tedesco-olandese.

Nella seconda serie (1971-1975) esce dal campo marxista ortodosso, =
imboccando una via originale su tematiche quali la comunit=E0 materiale, =
antropomorfosi e fuga in avanti del capitale, la dimensione biologica =
della rivoluzione. Di particolare importanza =E8 il rapporto intessuto =
con Giorgio Cesarano.

Dalla terza serie (1976-1983) viene espressa l'impossibilit=E0 della =
rivoluzione, il che porta alla riflessione su temi quali la =
sessualit=E0, l'alimentazione, la medicina ecc.

La quarta serie (1986-1996) ha come fulcro il testo "=C9mergence de Homo =
Gemeinwesen", che si propone d'indagare la specie umana nelle sue =
diverse rappresentazioni.

Infine la quinta serie (dal 1997) indaga sulle possibilit=E0 di un =
percorso di liberazione da questa societ=E0 per creare una "nuova vita" =
rigenerando la natura.

Personaggio schivo, l'Autore =E8 apparso pubblicamente per la prima (e =
ultima) volta come relatore al convegno "Amadeo Bordiga nella storia del =
comunismo", tenutosi a Bologna nel giugno 1996, per iniziativa del =
Nucleo informale Potlatch di Bologna e con l'adesione del Dipartimento =
di Filosofia e Politica dell'Istituto Universitario Orientale di Napoli.

Testi di Camatte sono apparsi in Inghilterra, Stati Uniti, Germania, =
Spagna. Tra le sue pubblicazioni in italiano segnaliamo:

- Invarianza, Firenze, 1969.

- Antologia di "Invariance", La Vecchia Talpa, Napoli, 1971.

- La Sinistra comunista italiana e il Partito Comunista Internazionale, =
International, Savona, 1971.

- Bordiga - Camatte - Luk=E1cs, La mistificazione democratica, La =
Vecchia Talpa, Napoli, 1974.

- Comunit=E0 e comunismo in Russia, Jaca Book, Milano, 1975 (prefazione =
di... Rocco Buttiglione!).

- Il capitale totale, Dedalo, Bari, 1976.

- Verso la comunit=E0 umana, Jaca Book, Milano, 1978 (della quale =E8 =
prevista una ristampa per le edizioni Castelvecchi, Roma).

- Il disvelamento, La Pietra, Milano, 1978 (in parte su = ).

- Della vita, Colibr=EC, Paderno Dugnano (MI), 2000 (in preparazione).

Infine diversi testi sono apparsi sulla rivista "Emergenza", Coccaglio =
(BS) tra il 1980 e il 1994.

Chi fosse interessato pu=F2 richiederlo a:

Cooperativa Colibr=EC

via San Michele del Carso, 4

20037 Paderno Dugnano (MI)

Tel. 02-99043997, 02-99040402, fax 02-99042815

Emergence of Wo/Men Gemeinwesen
Rovesciare il quadro epistemologico disperdendo gli agglomerati
Soqquadrare l'esistente ed anche il virtuale

¤ ¤ ¤ ¤ ¤ ¤ ¤ ¤ ¤ ¤ ¤ ¤ ¤ ¤ ¤ ¤ ¤ ¤ ¤ ¤ ¤ ¤ ¤ ¤ ¤ ¤ ¤ ¤ ¤ ¤ ¤ ¤ ¤ ¤ ¤ 

Date: Sat, 6 May 2000 16:12:21 +0200
From: Andrea Zapp <>
Subject: Little Sister: a CCTV Drama


LITTLE SISTER is a daily soap opera in the internet combining the potential
suspense of the live webcam image with the closed circuit television and
its proliferating global surveillance and control.
It is an open ended narrative based on discovering a random routine of
public locations and live performance. Authentic and fictional means of
expression are mixed together. It creates a social map and user stage to
play in an ironical way with the viewers' expectations and to discuss
voyeuristic network technology as an ongoing media phenomena...

A project by Andrea Zapp, Berlin 2000

For more info contact

net.drama -

://Andrea Zapp, ++49-0-30-617-5701 or ++49-0173-294 1607

¤ ¤ ¤ ¤ ¤ ¤ ¤ ¤ ¤ ¤ ¤ ¤ ¤ ¤ ¤ ¤ ¤ ¤ ¤ ¤ ¤ ¤ ¤ ¤ ¤ ¤ ¤ ¤ ¤ ¤ ¤ ¤ ¤ ¤ ¤ 

Date: Fri, 5 May 2000 15:34:23 +1030
From: Australian Network for Art and Technology <>
Subject: ANAT announce:  Alchemy International Masterclass for New Media  
 Artists and Curators

The Australian Network for Art & Technology (ANAT) announce

** Alchemy **
International Masterclass for New Media Artists and Curators
in partnership with
Brisbane Powerhouse - Centre for the Live Arts, Queensland, 
Australia, May/June 2000

ANAT's International Masterclass for New Media Artists and Curators 
is due to commence at the new Brisbane Powerhouse - Centre for the 
Live Arts on Monday 8 May, 2000.

For five intense weeks (from 8 May to 9 June 2000) artists, curators 
and theorists will come together to germinate and hothouse their 
ideas, test their hypotheses, develop new processes and create new 
works, within the context of an intensive learning environment.

Participants will be provided with 24 hour access to a lab., 
exhibition / installation, performance space and workrooms in the 
exciting new Brisbane Powerhouse - Centre for the Live Arts 
<>. Highly experienced curators and 
artists will provide training and lead workshops for participants, 
within the context of a critical production site. The makeup and 
composition of the Masterclass will constantly evolve, as tutors and 
participants undertake different aspects of the project.

The Masterclass will engage with a diverse range of topics: from 
science discourses to indigenous issues to curatorial practice. Of 
particular note will be the component of the masterclass dedicated to 
performance and hybrid practices being developed in collaboration 
with the New Media Arts Fund of the Australia Council. As the project 
is intended as a dynamic one, there will be continual opportunities 
for exchange of ideas.

Tutors for the project are:

* Alexei Shulgin, net artist, performer and curator, from Moscow

* Nina Czegledy, An independent media artist, curator and writer, 
Czegledy divides her time between Canada and Europe

* Mongrel, a mixed bunch of people and machines working to celebrate 
the methods of an 'ignorant' and 'filthy' London street culture. 
Mongrel  make socially engaged cultural product employing any and all 
technological advantage that they can lay their hands on

* Geert Lovink, lecturer and activist who has participated in many 
conferences on  independent media, the arts and new technologies 
internationally, and has presented at previous ANAT events, CODE RED 
and resistant media: NxT

* John Tonkin, animator, web artist who develops his own software in 
low level programming languages such as C++ and Java.  Tonkin has 
taught at many of the previous ANAT National Summer Schools and is 
currently in receipt of a fellowship from the Australia Council's New 
Media Fund

* Rea, (Gamileroi/ Wailwan), an internationally recognised artist who 
specialises in developing digital media, and who also participated in 
the 1999 ANAT National Summer School in Science and Art

* Sara Diamond, Director for the New Media and Visual Arts programs 
of the Banff Centre for the Arts, Canada

* Tess de Quincy and Laura Jordan, respectively performance artist 
and new media artists.  Tess and Laura have collaborated on 
performance and research events including Triple Alice, an ongoing 
project over three years which seeks to provide a space for cross 
disciplinary research and development

* Marko Peljan, Ljubljana based performance and communication artist 
and writer, founder of the arts organisation Projekt Atol and Program 
Coordinator of Ljudmila (Ljubljana digital media lab). His most 
recent work Makrolab was part of Documenta X, and is currently 
installed at Rottnest Island as part of the Art Gallery of Western 
Australia's Homeproject;  <>

* Blast Theory, is a group of four artists (two of whom will be at 
Alchemy) based in London who make live events, installation and new 
media work

* Shuddhabrata Sengupta from Delhi, India is currently working 
towards the establishment of the Sarai new media initiative, 
participant of ANAT's Resistant Media project as part of the NxT 
Darwin Multimedia Symposium last year. Shuddha also works with the 
RAQS Media Collective in New Delhi on video and other media based 
projects <>

Participants for this inaugural International Masterclass are:

Brook Andrews (NSW), Bruce Gladwin (Vic), Caroline Farmer (SA), Chris 
Dempsey (Qld), Christian Thompson (Vic), Christiawan (Indonesia), 
Deborah Lawler-Dormer (NZ), Dena Curtis (NT), Edwina Bartleme (Qld), 
Gongxin Wang (China), Grisha Coleman (NY), Hartanto (Indonesia), Jane 
Schneider (Qld), Jenny Fraser (Qld), Jernej Kozar (Slovenia), Jo Law 
(WA), Kamal Krishna (Qld), Keith Armstrong (Qld), Kelli Mccluskey 
(WA), Kim Machan (Qld), Lisa Anderson (Qld), Mae Adams (Vic), Mari 
Velonaki (NSW), Maryanne Lynch (Qld), Megan Rainey (SA), Mike Stubbs 
(UK), Monica Narula (India), Partha Pratim Sarker (Bangl.), Patricia 
Adams (Qld), Peter Toy (WA), Raewyn Turner (NZ), Raul  Ferrera 
(Mexico), Rebecca Youdell (Qld), Rolando Ramos (NSW), Sam James 
(NSW), Sarah Ryan (Tas), Sarah Neville (SA), Sheridan Kennedy (NSW), 
Shilpa Gupta (India), Sophea Lerner (NSW), Steve Bull (WA), Vanessa 
Mafe-Kean (Qld).

To culturally contextualise the project, satellite events - combining 
fora with open days - will be held, giving the public and media an 
opportunity to view the work-in-progress produced by participants.

For additional information, visit or contact Amanda McDonald 
Crowley on 0419 829 313.

Alchemy is made possible with the generous financial assistance of 
the Daniel Langlois Foundation the Young and Emerging Artists 
Initiative (an initiative of the New Media Arts Fund of the Australia 
Council, the federal government's arts funding and advisory body) the 
Australian Film Commission, and has received further support from 
Arts Queensland, the South Australian Government through Arts SA, 
Arts Tasmania and the NSW Ministry for the Arts.  The event is being 
sponsored by Apple Computers (Australia) Choice Connections, 
Macromedia and Adobe.

postal address: PO Box 8029, Station Arcade, Adelaide, SA, 5000, Australia
web address:
ph:  +61 (0)8-8231-9037
fax:   +61 (0)8-8211-7323

Director:  Amanda McDonald Crowley (mobile: 0419 829 313)
Manager: Amber Carvan
Information Officer: Charity Bramwell

Memberships: $A12 (unwaged), $A25 (waged), $A50 (institutions)
Please note that memberships are subject to GST.

ANAT receives support from The Australia Council,
the Federal Government's arts funding and advisory body
Content-Type: text/enriched; charset="us-ascii"
Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable

<center>The Australian Network for Art & Technology (ANAT) announce



** Alchemy **

International Masterclass for New Media Artists and Curators

in partnership with

Brisbane Powerhouse - Centre for the Live Arts, Queensland, Australia,
May/June 2000



ANAT's International Masterclass for New Media Artists and Curators is
due to commence at the new Brisbane Powerhouse - Centre for the Live
Arts on Monday 8 May, 2000.

=46or five intense weeks (from 8 May to 9 June 2000) artists, curators
and theorists will come together to germinate and hothouse their ideas,
test their hypotheses, develop new processes and create new works,
within the context of an intensive learning environment.

Participants will be provided with 24 hour access to a lab., exhibition
/ installation, performance space and workrooms in the exciting new
Brisbane Powerhouse - Centre for the Live Arts
<<>. Highly experienced curators and
artists will provide training and lead workshops for participants,
within the context of a critical production site. The makeup and
composition of the Masterclass will constantly evolve, as tutors and
participants undertake different aspects of the project.

The Masterclass will engage with a diverse range of topics: from
science discourses to indigenous issues to curatorial practice. Of
particular note will be the component of the masterclass dedicated to
performance and hybrid practices being developed in collaboration with
the New Media Arts Fund of the Australia Council. As the project is
intended as a dynamic one, there will be continual opportunities for
exchange of ideas.

Tutors for the project are:

* Alexei Shulgin, net artist, performer and curator, from Moscow

* Nina Czegledy, An independent media artist, curator and writer,
Czegledy divides her time between Canada and Europe

* Mongrel, a mixed bunch of people and machines working to celebrate
the methods of an 'ignorant' and 'filthy' London street culture.
Mongrel  make socially engaged cultural product employing any and all
technological advantage that they can lay their hands on

* Geert Lovink, lecturer and activist who has participated in many
conferences on  independent media, the arts and new technologies
internationally, and has presented at previous ANAT events, CODE RED
and resistant media: NxT

* John Tonkin, animator, web artist who develops his own software in
low level programming languages such as C++ and Java.  Tonkin has
taught at many of the previous ANAT National Summer Schools and is
currently in receipt of a fellowship from the Australia Council's New
Media Fund

* Rea, (Gamileroi/ Wailwan), an internationally recognised artist who
specialises in developing digital media, and who also participated in
the 1999 ANAT National Summer School in Science and Art

* Sara Diamond, Director for the New Media and Visual Arts programs of
the Banff Centre for the Arts, Canada

* Tess de Quincy and Laura Jordan, respectively performance artist and
new media artists.  Tess and Laura have collaborated on performance and
research events including Triple Alice, an ongoing project over three
years which seeks to provide a space for cross disciplinary research
and development

* Marko Peljan, Ljubljana based performance and communication artist
and writer, founder of the arts organisation Projekt Atol and Program
Coordinator of Ljudmila (Ljubljana digital media lab). His most recent
work Makrolab was part of Documenta X, and is currently installed at
Rottnest Island as part of the Art Gallery of Western Australia's
Homeproject;  <<>

* Blast Theory, is a group of four artists (two of whom will be at
Alchemy) based in London who make live events, installation and new
media work

* Shuddhabrata Sengupta from Delhi, India is currently working towards
the establishment of the Sarai new media initiative, participant of
ANAT's Resistant Media project as part of the NxT Darwin Multimedia
Symposium last year. Shuddha also works with the RAQS Media Collective
in New Delhi on video and other media based projects

Participants for this inaugural International Masterclass are:

Brook Andrews (NSW), Bruce Gladwin (Vic), Caroline Farmer (SA), Chris
Dempsey (Qld), Christian Thompson (Vic), Christiawan (Indonesia),
Deborah Lawler-Dormer (NZ), Dena Curtis (NT), Edwina Bartleme (Qld),
Gongxin Wang (China), Grisha Coleman (NY), Hartanto (Indonesia), Jane
Schneider (Qld), Jenny Fraser (Qld), Jernej Kozar (Slovenia), Jo Law
(WA), Kamal Krishna (Qld), Keith Armstrong (Qld), Kelli Mccluskey (WA),
Kim Machan (Qld), Lisa Anderson (Qld), Mae Adams (Vic), Mari Velonaki
(NSW), Maryanne Lynch (Qld), Megan Rainey (SA), Mike Stubbs (UK),
Monica Narula (India), Partha Pratim Sarker (Bangl.), Patricia Adams
(Qld), Peter Toy (WA), Raewyn Turner (NZ), Raul  Ferrera (Mexico),
Rebecca Youdell (Qld), Rolando Ramos (NSW), Sam James (NSW), Sarah Ryan
(Tas), Sarah Neville (SA), Sheridan Kennedy (NSW), Shilpa Gupta
(India), Sophea Lerner (NSW), Steve Bull (WA), Vanessa Mafe-Kean

To culturally contextualise the project, satellite events - combining
fora with open days - will be held, giving the public and media an
opportunity to view the work-in-progress produced by participants.

=46or additional information, visit or contact Amanda McDonald
Crowley on 0419 829 313.


Alchemy is made possible with the generous financial assistance of the
Daniel Langlois Foundation the Young and Emerging Artists Initiative
(an initiative of the New Media Arts Fund of the Australia Council, the
federal government's arts funding and advisory body) the Australian
=46ilm Commission, and has received further support from Arts Queensland,
the South Australian Government through Arts SA, Arts Tasmania and the
NSW Ministry for the Arts.  The event is being sponsored by Apple
Computers (Australia) Choice Connections, Macromedia and Adobe.=20


postal address: PO Box 8029, Station Arcade, Adelaide, SA, 5000, Australia
web address:
ph:  +61 (0)8-8231-9037
fax:   +61 (0)8-8211-7323

Director:  Amanda McDonald Crowley (mobile: 0419 829 313)
Manager: Amber Carvan
Information Officer: Charity Bramwell

Memberships: $A12 (unwaged), $A25 (waged), $A50 (institutions)
Please note that memberships are subject to GST.

ANAT receives support from The Australia Council,
the Federal Government's arts funding and advisory body


¤ ¤ ¤ ¤ ¤ ¤ ¤ ¤ ¤ ¤ ¤ ¤ ¤ ¤ ¤ ¤ ¤ ¤ ¤ ¤ ¤ ¤ ¤ ¤ ¤ ¤ ¤ ¤ ¤ ¤ ¤ ¤ ¤ ¤ ¤ 

From: (Black Dog Publishing Limited)
Subject: No Other Symptoms
Date: Fri, 5 May 2000 09:57:30 +0100

I am sending you a press release for Suzanne Treister's new project: a book
and CD-ROM titled '...No Other Symptoms - Time Travelling with Rosalind
Brodsky'.  If you order a copy direct from Black Dog Publishing you can
take advantage of a special offer of 15% off the normal retail price.
Send a cheque or credit card details for #14.25 (normal price #16.95). If
you are paying by credit card please include the expiry date, telephone
number and address.

by Suzanne Treister

"Treister's work is an exuberant celebration of what the new media were
supposed to be about: individual endeavour and creativity. It is garage
hypermedia, it's shocking pink gothic letters jeering at the commercial
world of e-design." INDEPENDENT ON SUNDAY

"...No Other Symptoms uses multimedia in the fullest sense of the word,
immersing its viewer in an idiosyncratic artificiality in which fiction is
mingled with fact, imagination with inventiveness." ART MONTHLY UK

"Sexy science seems to be the name of the game..." REALTIME

Rosalind Brodsky (1970-2058) is a delusional time traveller who believes
herself to be a researcher at the Institute of Militronics and Advanced
Time Interventionality (I.M.A.T.I.) in South London. Your journey, through
the book and
interactive CD ROM, takes the form of a tour organised by the Institute in
memory of Brodsky's contribution to time travel research.  

The tour exposes Brodsky's investigations and obsessions with the 1960's,
the Russian Revolution, the Holocaust, and the history of psychoanalysis.
It includes a visit to Brodsky's Castle in Bavaria and return trip to her
satellite spy probe as well as providing access to her Electronic Time
Travelling Diary and her various time travelling costumes. 

The book includes transcripts of Brodsky's analysis with Freud, Jung,
Klein, Lacan and Kristeva which was funded through the album sales of her
band 'Rosalind Brodsky and the Satellites of Lvov', her time travelling TV
cookery show and her range of vibrators which feature the heads of figures
such as Karl Marx, Sigmund Freud, Emma Peel and Jacques Lacan.

In the book ... No Other Symptoms and the accompanying CD-ROM, digital
artist Suzanne Treister has created a
fictional biography that challenges the conventions of science fiction,
psychoanalysis and historical narrative,
addressing issues of insanity and humour, fetishism and sexuality, identity
and technology, in relation to personal
histories and fictions of the 20th century.

CD-ROM Mac/Win
Hardback 124pp
111 Colour  reproductions
15x 15cm/ 6x6in
ISBN 1 901033 66 X
UK #16.95/ US $29.95

This project has been funded by 
the Australian Film Commission and
the New Media Fund of the Australia Council

For more information please contact:
Black Dog Publishing Ltd
PO Box 3082
London NW1
T: 0171 692 2697
F: 0171 692 2698

¤ ¤ ¤ ¤ ¤ ¤ ¤ ¤ ¤ ¤ ¤ ¤ ¤ ¤ ¤ ¤ ¤ ¤ ¤ ¤ ¤ ¤ ¤ ¤ ¤ ¤ ¤ ¤ ¤ ¤ ¤ ¤ ¤ ¤ ¤ 

Date: Fri, 05 May 2000 15:47:58 +0200
From: infos 2000 <>
Subject: call for submissions


INFOS 2000 (off-line) "" contest

 "" or "" has been understood as art work that is produced =
and  seen on the Internet. These works tend to be crafted in HTML, =
viewed with  web browsers, and are located somewhere on the web. For =
INFOS 2000, we wish  to expand this category to feature (off-line) =
"" that need not depend  on the Internet for its display but can =
be circulated to users and venues  without internet access through a =
CD-ROM, hard disk, or network.

 INFOS is Slovenia's largest computer and communications fair. It takes  =
place every October in Ljubljana. INFOS annually issues a CD-ROM  about =
the fair. This year's CD-ROM will include up the winning entries of the = contest.

 We welcome submissions of (off-line) "" work to the INFOS 2000  =
(off-line) "" contest. Up to 100 artists will be chosen for
 exhibition and will receive two gratis CD-ROM's. The CD-ROMs also will =
be  distributed to media art institutions, academies, and curators =
around the  world.

 All the files of the work should not exceed 2 MB. The work must be put =
in  one folder (PC Windows format) compressed with WinZip and put on an =
Internet server for access by the curators. A bio and short description =
of the work must also be included;  artists' home page URL and e-mail =
are optional.

For more information please visit

Deadline for submissions is 15 June, 2000.

curated by: Teo Spiller & Timothy Murray

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Date: Fri, 05 May 2000 16:03:39 +0200
Subject: monomedia berlin 05
From: "monomedia" <>

Um diesen Newsletter auf deutsch zu erhalten, auf diese Mail mit 
DEUTSCH in der Betreffzeile antworten, um sich von der Liste 
streichen zu lassen: ABOSTOP in der Betreffzeile)

monomedia berlin


May 12 - 14, 2000

The International Conference on the Cultural Challenges of New Media

Newsletter 05: Electronic Business, updated web site

Add On Electronic Business
Due to the enormous interest in the planned new course of studies at the HdK
the first in Germany - the conference program has been expanded by the Add
Electronic Business taking place on Sunday.
Two basic questions are treated separately: Which are the new business
that open up as chances with the establishment of the internet as trading
or which are the business models to which you have to adapt if you
want to stand the competition? Which requirements must be met by the
because of the fast changes in economy, technology and society?
With Joseph Weizenbaum, Dick Rijken, Uwe Vock as well as experts of the
Institute of Electronic Business, Software AG, Electronic Data Systems,
Publicis and Pixelpark.

Sunday, May 14th   , 2:15 pm -  4 pm, concert hall HdK,
Hardenbergstraþe / Fasanenstraþe, Berlin.

Additional information
Only recently, we added tips to the monomedia site concerning fringe events
and activities: Where to grab good food, where to shop (most effectively),
and which parties you just cannot miss.

Small Changes
Please note that some times have changed slightly in the schedule!

Havent decided yet?
Could one believe this? You still do not know whether you attend the
or stay home instead? We designed the ultimate device to help you make your
the newly created Customer Matrix on the web site is a compilation of
decisive factors
that will leave no room for doubt. You cannot ask for more...

Your monomedia team

monomedia berlin is a joint project of the Berlin University of the Arts
(Hochschule der Kuenste Berlin) and the following partners: Deutschen Bank
Pixelpark Inc., MediaGroup Munich, UUNET, Apple Computer Inc., PIK, n-tv,
Der Tagesspiegel, Horizont, Berlin Excelsior Hotel. It is taking place under
the auspices of an initiative of the city of Berlin called Project Future -
the Berlin Approach to the Information Society.

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Date: Sat, 06 May 2000 19:57:15 -0400
From: Pierre Robert <>
Subject: a_r_c_h_>_e__=3E__mai__2000__>__sommaire

a r c h é e  >  m a i   2 0 0 0  >  s o m m a i r e

La gauche numérique s'implante activement dans l'interréseau. L'art
logiciel et l'art de la communication logistique s'accaparent
d'importantes zones d'influence dans le cyberespace. ®TMark (Biennale du
Whitney 2000) et Copyleft Attitude (France) engagent, à cet égard, des
actions intrusives et collectives dignes de la matrice numérique, on
pénètre les codes, ceux du profit et ceux des algorithmes corporatifs.
Une intelligence combative, dont l'arme principale est une éthique ultra
sensible. La notion d'artiste en subit d'inévitables contrecoups. Le
point de vue d'Hervé Fischer alimente, sur ce point, une réflexion
aiguisée sur notre réalité sociale.

 >>> Entretien avec Rtmark
 - par Richard Barbeau

 >>> Copyleft Attitude
 - par Antoine Moreau

 >>> Les artistes sont-ils une minorité visible?
 - par Hervé Fischer

Rien, cependant, ne délogera l'absolu caractère intimiste de la relation
à l'ordinateur. La cyberartiste Annie Abrahams préserve l'image
médiatique du cyberespace d'un déni de la fragilité dans la
communication. La vie se meut, même dans la binarité mathématique.

 >>> Entretien avec Annie Abrahams
 - par Bertrand Gauguet

Bonne consultation!

Pierre Robert / rédacteur en chef
Richard Barbeau / rédacteur adjoint
Kathleen Goggin / administration
Archée, revue d'art <en ligne>

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Date: Sat, 6 May 2000 17:34:25 +0100
From: stanza <>
Subject: some arty links for you???

Below is some info.

Internet specific artwork.

"The Central City".
This can be seen online at

To help guide you through...........THE CENTRAL CITY....

Welcome to The Central City (Version 2000), an interactive art and 
text piece with embedded sounds, made for the  internet. Please be 
patient and wait for files to download and enjoy your trip.
There are now over 15 areas of the Central City (more to come later) 
, and each area has lots of things within each section so chances are 
you won't find everything. (IN TOTAL OVER 200 MOVIES some movies can 
only be found by clicking through areas) These areas can be found 
behind each of the windows in the cityscape or by using the pull-down 
navigation menus. These areas are:- indus. universa.  constructor. 
videotron. megalopotron. elevator.  maputor. proser. city central . 
mondomix. textus. sounder. randomizer.  cuboid .  matrixity

The Central City area an interactive city experience. The 
juxtaposition of urban sounds and sights. Towers, maps, the sounds of 
the city, an audio visual city experience. Embedded shockwave movies 
in frames and specially composed backgrounds sounds forming a collage 
with texts and computer works. Images from computer based drawings 
and sounds of London. Themes or motifs that occur within the context 
of this work include: Networks of information technology contrasted 
with organic networks and city networks as grids. Cities as grids and 
computer chips as grids.

In some ares city cells mutate and grow move around the screen and 
birth new spaces and cells. The music SOUNDER features a streaming 
audio cd player which plays 30 mins of industrial ambient music, 
streaming into your home. A VIDEO AREA called videotron plays video 
artitextures built into a video wall. Motifs of urban design 
deconstructed and repeated in a grid. A series of videos shot in 
london and continually edited and reprocessed to form isolated 
fragments of our city experience.   From the video "Artitextures".

Technical points. You will need shockwave for some areas and will not 
be able to listen to the music unless you get shockwave. You must 
have downloaded and installed the shockwave plug-in available from 
the macromedia website. This plug in goes in the plug - ins folder 
within netscape.


Please visit the site, print the URL, write a review, tell your 
friends, bookmark us, and let us know what you think of the site. 
Make links to the site and if you are interested in the artworks get 
TEL 020 7737 1524
92 Lilford Road.
SE5 9HR.

        (art and multimedia)   (internet specific art project)     (arts directory service)   (online resource for soundtoys and digital artists)

  _/ _/ _/ _/ _/ _/ _/ _/ _/ _/ _/ _/ _/ _/ _/ _/ _/ _/
If you have received this message in error, Sorry.
  _/ _/ _/ _/ _/ _/ _/ _/ _/ _/ _/ _/ _/ _/ _/ _/ _/ _/


Content-Type: text/enriched; charset="us-ascii"

<fontfamily><param>Geneva</param><bigger>Below is some info.

Internet specific artwork.

"The Central City".

This can be seen online at

To help guide you through...........THE CENTRAL CITY.... 

Welcome to The Central City (Version 2000), an interactive art and text
piece with embedded sounds, made for the  internet. Please be patient
and wait for files to download and enjoy your trip.

There are now over 15 areas of the Central City (more to come later) ,
and each area has lots of things within each section so chances are you
won't find everything. (IN TOTAL OVER 200 MOVIES some movies can only
be found by clicking through areas) These areas can be found behind
each of the windows in the cityscape or by using the pull-down
navigation menus. These areas are:- indus. universa.  constructor.
videotron. megalopotron. elevator.  maputor. proser. city central .
mondomix. textus. sounder. randomizer.  cuboid .  matrixity

The Central City area an interactive city experience. The juxtaposition
of urban sounds and sights. Towers, maps, the sounds of the city, an
audio visual city experience. Embedded shockwave movies in frames and
specially composed backgrounds sounds forming a collage with texts and
computer works. Images from computer based drawings and sounds of
London. Themes or motifs that occur within the context of this work
include: Networks of information technology contrasted with organic
networks and city networks as grids. Cities as grids and computer chips
as grids. 

In some ares city cells mutate and grow move around the screen and
birth new spaces and cells. The music SOUNDER features a streaming
audio cd player which plays 30 mins of industrial ambient music,
streaming into your home. A VIDEO AREA called videotron plays video
artitextures built into a video wall. Motifs of urban design
deconstructed and repeated in a grid. A series of videos shot in london
and continually edited and reprocessed to form isolated fragments of
our city experience.   From the video "Artitextures". 

Technical points. You will need shockwave for some areas and will not
be able to listen to the music unless you get shockwave. You must have
downloaded and installed the shockwave plug-in available from the
macromedia website. This plug in goes in the plug - ins folder within


Please visit the site, print the URL, write a review, tell your
friends, bookmark us, and let us know what you think of the site. Make
links to the site and if you are interested in the artworks get in 

TEL 020 7737 1524


92 Lilford Road.


SE5 9HR.



<fontfamily><param>Monaco</param>        (art and multimedia)   (internet specific art project)     (arts directory service)   (online resource for soundtoys and digital artists)


 _/ _/ _/ _/ _/ _/ _/ _/ _/ _/ _/ _/ _/ _/ _/ _/ _/ _/

If you have received this message in error, Sorry.

 _/ _/ _/ _/ _/ _/ _/ _/ _/ _/ _/ _/ _/ _/ _/ _/ _/ _/

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Date: Sat, 06 May 2000 19:35:18 +0200
From: Jaka Zeleznikar <>
Subject: _CALL FOR SUBMISSIONS: INFOS 2000 (off-line) "" contest

INFOS 2000 (off-line) "" contest

 "" or "" has been understood as art work that is produced and  seen on the Internet. These works tend to be crafted in HTML, viewed
with  web browsers, and are located somewhere on the web. For INFOS 2000, we wish  to expand this category to feature (off-line) "" that need not
depend  on the Internet for its display but can be circulated to users and venues  without internet access through a CD-ROM, hard disk, or network.
 INFOS is Slovenia's largest computer and communications fair. It takes  place every October in Ljubljana. INFOS annually issues a CD-ROM  about the
fair. This year's CD-ROM will include up the winning entries of the contest.
 We welcome submissions of (off-line) "" work to the INFOS 2000  (off-line) "" contest. Up to 100 artists will be chosen for
 exhibition and will receive two gratis CD-ROM's. The CD-ROMs also will be  distributed to media art institutions, academies, and curators around
the  world.
 All the files of the work should not exceed 2 MB. The work must be put in  one folder (PC Windows format) compressed with WinZip and put on an
Internet server for access by the curators. A bio and short description of the work must also be included;  artists' home page URL and e-mail are
For more information please visit
Deadline for submissions is 15 June, 2000.

curated by: Teo Spiller & Timothy Murray

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Date: Sat, 6 May 2000 14:09:58 -0400
From: Robert Atkins <>
Subject: writers wanted for media channel

The Media Channel <> is a non-profit,
international mass media watchdog site comprised of hundreds of
progressive, affiliate orgs from which content is amalgamated. Some
(media-arts- and opinion-related) content is also commissioned. Robert
Atkins is media-arts editor and his intention is to demonstrate the value
of art as another form of knowledge to a broad, soocially concerned
audience. Muntadas's "File Room," the pioneering online censorship
archive-cum-conceptualist artwork, now resides on the Media Channel server.
Samples of arts commentary have included pieces such as "When Did the Media
Start Hating Artists?" (in response to the "Sensation" sensationalism), an
interview with conceptualist and presidential candidate wannabe Lowell
Darling, "Art AS Auction" (a look at eBay art), a Q & A with Muntadas on
the occasion of his current NY shows (to be posted on Thurs.) Atkins is
looking for such Perspectives pieces with a non-US slant, payment is
$.25/word. Contact him at

Robert Atkins

voice: 212.662.2961
fax:   212.222.4524

Robert Atkins

voice: 212.662.2961
fax:   212.222.4524

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  bzzzzzt kl!k...           set the controls for the heart of the sun
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