Announcer on Wed, 18 Jul 2001 22:34:45 +0200 (CEST)

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<nettime> Announcements [15x]

Table of Contents:

   Call for entries                                                                
     "Pirelli INTERNETional Award's Technical Committee 2001" <>

   SKYSCRAPER IN ACTION                                                                                                                 

     Tom Sherman <>                                          

     Kalina Bunevska <>                                         

   ICA event on 26th                                                               
     Rachel Cottam <>(by way of richard barbrook)                  

   comp5 : Apparatus for browser & monitor                                         
     computer fine arts <>                                 

   cast01 // open for registration                                                 
     "Claudia Valle" <>                                          

   with the subscriber on the moon                                                 
     jimpunk <>                                                       

   cast01 // open for registration                                                                                                      

   excavation the future                                                           
     "milos" <>                                            

   Fwd: New on the ARCHSS website                                                                                                               

   loveweek -  live clubcasts from berlin                                          
     Pit Schultz <>                                                  

   BAYER ATTACKS CRITICAL COVERAGE                                                 
     "CBGnetwork" <>                                               


Date: Mon, 16 Jul 2001 02:42:48 +0200
From: "Pirelli INTERNETional Award's Technical Committee 2001" <>
Subject: Call for entries

Registration is now officially open to the VI edition of the Pirelli
INTERNETional Award 2001 (

This year, the overall prize has increased to 80,000 Euros (more than
US$65,000), for the first international multimedia competition for the
spread of scientific and technological culture, entirely carried out on the
Internet, on-line since 1996.

You are welcome to register directly on-line your multimedia work, at:

Note that you are free to register anytime, so as to secure your
registration number, and subsequently submit your multimedia work to us,
within the deadline of December 31st 2001.

If you would like our evaluation of your multimedia work, you are
encouraged to submit just your Websites' link (URL) directly, at:

We shall visit it, evaluate it and notify our suggestions to you.

For specific questions, as well as for an updated informative Report on the
Pirelli INTERNETional Award 2001, do not hesitate to contact us, at: 

For general and technical questions, please refer to our FAQ:

Looking forward to your participation, we wish you,

Good luck! :-)

- ------------------------------------------------
Technical Committee 2001
Pirelli INTERNETional Award

c/o Pirelli, Rome Office
Foro Romano, 3
00186 Rome, Italy

phone ++39 06 69517610
fax ++39 06 69517608 

Netiquette: Being Internet-based, we naturally follow the rules of the Net:
we have neither bought, nor acquired in any way other than browsing the Web
your public e-mail address. We are not bulk-mailing, we are just addressing
those potential participants considered worth contacting. If you are not
interested in our cultural initiative, please simply Reply with the word
"REMOVE" in the subject line, and you will no longer hear from us; in this
event, we are sorry for the intrusion.


Date: 16 Jul 2001 00:07:35 -0700

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New! Namezero Plus domains now available.
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Date: Mon, 16 Jul 2001 06:26:14 -0400 (EDT)
From: Tom Sherman <>


SUB/EXTROS, Tom Sherman (with Christian Science Minotaur,
and Bernhard Loibner), 2001, three vidsonic tracks, 5+ minutes each.

Sherman has combined the video streams of scores of private webcams with
the music of Christian Science Minotaur, a Brooklyn, NY-based group, and
that of Bernhard Loibner of Vienna, Austria.  This is Sherman's first
collaboration with CSM; Sherman and Loibner have collaborated extensively,
often as the performance and recording duo Nerve Theory.

This new series of vidsonic compositions offers a provocative update on
the state of global personal communication in 2001.  Millennium culture is
virtually synonymous with personal communication as mobile telephony and
wireless computing spread like wildfire.  With faster machines and
line-speed the picture-phone has finally arrived and with it there are new
forms of behaviour and attitude.  Today's webcam operators are
simultaneously pinned down and in control.  The video chat-line is the
domain of submissive extroverts, the "SUB/EXTROS."

- -----

HALF/LIVES, Tom Sherman (with Bernhard Loibner) 2001,
6 minutes 45 seconds.

Sherman and Loibner team up on a vidsonic blues track, a stark, moving
picture of long-distance relationships in the millennial era.  The scene
is a global video chat-line, where the personal politics of the gaze are
played out ad infinitum.  Anonymity and falsehoods are underwritten by
explicit self-image.  This is the place where to see and be seen is
everything.  Today's webcam culture makes Sartre's "Being and Nothingness"
read like a documentary.  The strange thing is there's real emotional tone
in the distanced, distorted, muted contact.  Loibner's mix of music and
Sherman's voice drives home the very real loneliness of the halting video
streams.  There's an empty feeling in HALF/LIVES; its the incompleteness
at the core of so many totally wired digital realities.

- -----

Tom Sherman's video is distributed by:

401 Richmond St. West, Suite 452
Toronto, Ontario M5V 3A8 Canada
tel/416.351.1317, fax/416.351.1509
e-mail/  or  

- -----

For further information on the artists:

Tom Sherman and Bernhard Loibner:
Christian Science Minotaur:


Date: Mon, 16 Jul 2001 01:03:14 +0200
From: Kalina Bunevska <>
Subject: Invitation

The Contemporary Art  Center - Skopje, Macedonia
cordially invite you to attend the opening of the exhibition

I seek You on Water

Wednesday, 18.07.2001, 9 PM
CIX gallery

The project contains two parts:
A performance recorded on the river Vardar and Ohrid Lake.
An exhibition in the CIX gallery, consisted of an installation and a video projection from the performance.

The performance is consisted from lots of written messages in several languages (English, Greek, Albanian, Macedonian, Spanish...) put into transparent bottles that are marked with small flags. They were put in the river and the lake to float, where they begin their own travel, waiting to be found and read.
The installation is made from about twenty bottles thrown around on the 7 cm layer of sound on the part of the gallery floor. The messages are put in the bottles to tell that they will not wander around eternally and they will come to the goal. (Nikola Pisarev)


Date: Mon, 16 Jul 2001 14:11:46 +0100 (BST)
From: Rachel Cottam <>(by way of richard barbrook)
Subject: ICA event on 26th

Thursday July 26th


How to be an Obstacle: Ending Neoliberalism and the Anti-Globalisation

... globalization, the project that soon discovers that poor people, people
in opposition - which is to say the majority of the population - are
obstacles. Subcommandante Insurgente Marcos
The anti-globalisation movement now stretches around the globe.  Chiapas,
Seattle, Prague, Manila, Quebec... But what is the nature of the movement?
Some wonder if it is too diffuse and all-inclusive.  How can it embrace
globalising communications, like the Internet, but reject globalisation?
What is opposed in neoliberal globalisation - and what might replace it?
What are the problems posed by conducting direct action against an
abstraction like globalisation, rather than on specific sites such as a road
or GM crop?  Is the spectacular demonstration replacing nonviolent direct
action as the main weapon of struggle?

On the panel are Jim Carey from
Squall, an alternative media organisation which originated in the squatters
movement; Jai Redman, an artist and Earth First! Activist, who has been
taking radical direct action on numerous social justice and environmental
issues for 10 years, from protests against the WTO and IMF in Prague to
anti-GM protests in the UK; and Adam Lent, an activist with Charter 99 and
author of the forthcoming British Social Movements since 1945: sex, colour,
peace and power.  In the chair is Tim Jordan, co-editor of Social Movement
Studies (due to launch in 2002) who works at the Open University.
Tickets and Information: 0207 930 3647


Date: Tue, 17 Jul 2001 09:06:05 -0500
From: computer fine arts <>
Subject: comp5 : Apparatus for browser & monitor

computer fine arts presents:

comp5 / Apparatus for browser & monitor

recommended: DSL+, quicktime4+, Explorer5+/Netscape6+, 1024x768 monitor
- ---------------------------------------------------------------
- ---------------------------------------------------------------


Date: Tue, 17 Jul 2001 16:15:10 +0200
From: "Claudia Valle" <>
Subject: cast01 // open for registration

cast01 // living in mixed realities is open for registration now!

September 21-22, 2001 // Schloss Birlinghoven // Sankt Augustin near Bonn //

Dear friends and colleagues!

We invite you to participate in the cast01 conference discussing
of artistic, cultural, technological and scientific issues of:

Living in Mixed Realities

cast01 demonstrates outstanding examples of research, technological
development and artistic production in the form of research papers and
artistic presentations as well as blueprints and posters about ideas still
under development.

Internationally well known keynote speakers like Roy Ascott, Bill Buxton,
Manfred Faßler, Perry Hoberman, Natalie Jeremijenko will navigate you
through the two-days field of inspiring new concepts in the ambience of
Birlinghoven castle in Sankt Augustin near Bonn, Germany.

Highlights of the conference are the launch of the Internet platform for
art and culture "" and the initiative >digital sparks<
presenting current projects of German media education.

The cast01 Conference team wants you to be part of "Living in Mixed

Registration for cast01 has already started. There is a limited number of
Register online:
Registration by fax:

Please make use of the early registration deadline (August 15, 2001) to
benefit from lower fee.

Basis conference fee:
Until August 15, 2001 350.- DM (178.95 EURO)
>From August 16, 2001 500.- DM (255.65 EURO)

Until August 15, 2001 100.- DM (51.13 EURO)
>From August 16, 2001 150.- DM (76.69 EURO)

For more information about the program, the speakers, the registration
conditions and the location, please visit the conference website
or contact us:

We are looking forward to seeing you at the cast01 conference!

Monika Fleischmann & Wolfgang Strauss
cast01 Conference Chairs


Date: Tue, 17 Jul 2001 14:27:37 +0200
From: jimpunk <>
Subject: with the subscriber on the moon



Date: Tue, 17 Jul 2001 18:15:03 +0200
Subject: cast01 // open for registration

cast01 // living in mixed realities is open for registration now!

September 21-22, 2001 // Schloss Birlinghoven // Sankt Augustin near Bonn //

Dear friends and colleagues!

We invite you to participate in the cast01 conference discussing intersections
of artistic, cultural, technological and scientific issues of:

Living in Mixed Realities

cast01 demonstrates outstanding examples of research, technological
development and artistic production in the form of research papers and
artistic presentations as well as blueprints and posters about ideas still
under development.

Internationally well known keynote speakers like Roy Ascott, Bill Buxton,
Manfred Faßler, Perry Hoberman, Natalie Jeremijenko will navigate you
through the two-days field of inspiring new concepts in the ambience of
Birlinghoven castle in Sankt Augustin near Bonn, Germany.

Highlights of the conference are the launch of the Internet platform for media
art and culture "" and the initiative >digital sparks<
presenting current projects of German media education.

The cast01 Conference team wants you to be part of "Living in Mixed Realities".

Registration for cast01 has already started. There is a limited number of seats.
Register online: 
Registration by fax:

Please make use of the early registration deadline (August 15, 2001) to
benefit from lower fee.

Basis conference fee:
Until August 15, 2001 350.- DM (178.95 EURO)
>From August 16, 2001 500.- DM (255.65 EURO)

Until August 15, 2001 100.- DM (51.13 EURO)
>From August 16, 2001 150.- DM (76.69 EURO)

For more information about the program, the speakers, the registration
conditions and the location, please visit the conference website
or contact us:

We are looking forward to seeing you at the cast01 conference!

Monika Fleischmann & Wolfgang Strauss
cast01 Conference Chairs


Date: Tue, 17 Jul 2001 22:57:19 +0200
From: "milos" <>
Subject: excavation the future

CALL FOR PROPOSALS: Excavation the Future
July 17, 2001
Deadline for proposals: October, 2001

Term: December, 2001


1.Virtual Man: An Archeology of Moving Pictures
Prague, December 4.5. 2001
Goethe Institut Prag, Center for Contemporary Art Prague

As we tend more and more rely on new communication technologies, we need to
understand where they are coming from and what the ramifications of their
use are. Hence there is internationally a growing interest in the history
and archeology of media. Excavating the Future seeks shed a light on this
questions and to facilitate this movement by connecting individuals and
institutions, artists and scientists, and by initiating their future
In his dissertation published in Prague in 1818, Jan Evangelista Purkyne
(Purkinje) was first to observe that we see an object a fraction of a second
after it disappears from our visual field. The discovery of this phenomenon,
which was described in a greater detail by Peter Mark Roget in 1824 and
called later persistence of vision, has been the basis of devices and media
that have turned still images into moving pictures, including cinema,
television, as well as digital audiovisual technology that is transforming
the present world.
Electronic media increasingly influence our everyday life as they provide us
with new possibilities and change the way of life as well as the way we
understand ourselves. This fastest growing field necessitates its
self-examination, a reflection of its historical and theoretical concepts
and preconceptions, raising questions such as follows:
How do cognitive models contribute to the evolution of electronic media and,
conversely, what is the role of digital technology in cognitive science? How
is the rapid growth of electronic media embedded in history?
How do cultural traditions condition the use and development of new media on
one hand, and how do new media reconfigure these traditions and our notion
of history on the other?
The conference will seek to confront the latest findings of cognitive
science with the present development of electronic media and their aesthetic
explorations by foregrounding self-reflectivity and historicity in these
closely related, and yet different fields. The purpose of this conference is
to bring together scientists and artists, artists who are using the
scinetific methods, historians and futurologists in the hope that such
encounters can contribute not only to the emerging field of electronic media
archeology and history but could also inspire new collaborations between
artists and scientists. The theme of the December conference, Virtual Man:
An Archeology of Moving Pictures, highlights the perception and simulation
of movement as a driving force behind the development of new media in the
last two hundred years.

The project Virtual Man is continuin of the Flusser Media symposium series
organized by Goethe Institut Prag between 1992 and 1999.

Organizers and their partners: The Goethe Institut and the Center for
Contemporary Art in Prague, Faculty of Fine Arts Technical University Brno,
Academy of Fine Arts Prague, The National Museum of Technology in Prague,
Center for Culture and Technology Budapest,  Institute for Advanced Studies
at Charles University and further initiatives and institutions.

Invited speakers: Lev Manovich, Miklos Peternak, Siegfried Zielinski,
Friedrich Kittler, Jonathan Crary, Tom Gunning, Erkki Huthamo, Semir Zeki,
Nicholas Wade, Knowbotic Research,  Jiri Fiala, Ivan Havel, Michael
Bielicky, Bohuslav Blazek, Andrej Smirnov, Carsten Holler, Roy Ascott.


Milos Vojtechovsky
Center for Contemporary Arts
Jeleni 9
118 00 Praha 1
Czech Republic
tel +420 2 24373178

Jaroslav Andel
New York


Date: Wed, 18 Jul 2001 01:19:21 --100
Subject: Fwd: New on the ARCHSS website

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************************************************************ wrote on 17/7/2001
ARCHSS NOTICEBOARD 17 July 2001 <br>
- ----------<br><br>
GLOBALISATION CONFERENCE NOW ONLINE: papers & discussion<br><br>
<font face="Verdana"><b>Fri July 13 - August 10 2001<br><br>
register now for the online conference (AUD$40, or $30
</b></font><font face="Verdana" color="#990000"><u>online registration :
<a href="" eudora="autourl"><br>
</a>print & fax registration :
</u></font><a href="" eudora="autourl"><font face="Verdana"><br>
</a>enter from
<a href="" eudora="autourl"></a><br><br>
<b>80 contributors & 74 presentations, including:<br>
</b>-- slavoj zizek -- <br>
- -- michael hardt & antonio negri -- <br>
- -- jk gibson-graham --<br>
- -- paul smith --<br>
- -- irene watson -- <br>
- -- patricia monture-angus -- <br>
- -- stelarc --<br>
- -- james galbraith --<br>
- -- mbulelo mzamane --<br>
- -- doug henwood -- <br>
- -- marian pastor roces --<br>
- -- stephen muecke --<br>
- -- sharon bell --<br>
- -- amritjit singh --
<dd>SPEAKERS AT</font><font face="Verdana" color="#990000"><u>
<i>ARTSPACE</u></i></font><font face="Verdana"> (WEBCAST live online 27-29 july)
<dd>-- coco fusco --
<dd>-- rasheed araeen --
<dd>-- nikos papastergiadis --<br><br>
<dd>See full list of participants and titles </font><font face="Verdana" color="#990000"><u>here</u></font>
</dl><font face="Verdana"></b>SPEAKERS IN THE LIVE SERIES (26-29 july) 
<dd>-- arif dirlik --
<dd>-- doug henwood -- 
<dd>-- marian pastor roces --
<dd>-- stephen muecke --
<dd>-- sharon bell --
<dd>-- amritjit singh --
<dd>-- stelarc --
<dd>-- dipesh chakrabarty -- <br><br>

</dl><b>live series registration info:<br>
<a href="" eudora="autourl"><br>
</a>live series program follows --<br><br>
Thu 26 July<br>
day 1 <live series> <br>
</b>[<u>Art Gallery of South Australia</u>]<b> <br>
</b>from 12noon Registration S.A. Museum, Pacific Gallery<br>
1.15pm Welcome: Kuarna People and Adelaide University<br>
1.30-2.45 <br>
Public Lecture: Irene Watson, 'Sovereignty/Terra Nullius' <br>
- --coffee--<br>
3.15-4.45 Global Flows: <br>
                Amritjit Singh (Professor of English, Rhode Island College), ‘South-Asian literatures and cultures: at transnational crossroads’<br>
                Melinda Cooper (Macquarie University), 'Bio-Economics: Human DNA in the Global Pharmaceutical Market and the New Politics of Survival'<br>
                Brett Neilson (School of Cultural Inquiry, University of Western Sydney), 'How to Launder Money: Finance Capital, Value, and Biopower'<br>
<b>Fri 27 July<br>
day 2 <live series> <br>
</b>[<u>Museum of South Australia & Lion Arts Centre</u>]<b> <br>
</b>from 10am Registration S.A. Museum, Pacific Gallery <br>
10.30am-11.45 <br>
Public Lecture: Stephen Muecke, 'Culture and Commerce in the Indian Ocean'<br>
- --coffee--<br>
12.15-1.30pm Global Politics: <br>
               Jonathan Louth (Department of Politics, Adelaide University, 'The Complexity of Globalisation, Presenting Global Dynamics as a Complex Adaptive System'<br>
               Jennifer Pickerill (School of Media and Information, Curtin University of Technology), 'From grassroots to global: Internet facilitated environmental activism'<br>
               Peter Mayer (Department of Politics, Adelaide University), '"Computer Chips, not Potato Chips"?: Coming to Grips with Globalisation in India'<br>
- --lunch--<br>
2.30-3.45pm <br>
Public Lecture: Arif Dirlik, 'Our Ways of Knowing: Globalization-the End of Universalism?'<br>
4-6pm <br>
Reception, exhibition and book display, Experimental Art Foundation. Chris Chapman (director), will speak on the Thrash exhibition<br>
<b><live online> <br>
</b>7.30pm Rasheed Araeen webcast from Artspace (Sydney)<b> <br>
Sat 28 July <br>
day 3 <live series> <br>
</b>[<u>Adelaide University</u>]<b> <br>
</b>from 11am Registration S.A. Museum, Pacific Gallery <br>
11.30am <br>
Documentary screening -- 'The Actor and the President' (Sharon Bell & Geoff Burton)<br>
- --lunch--<br>
1-2.15pm <br>
Public Lecture: Sharon Bell, 'The Actor and the President: Peacekeeping in Sri Lanka'<br>
- --coffee--<br>
2.45-4.15pm Local, regional, global: 
<dd>             Graeme Hugo (Department of Geographical and Environmental Studies & Director </font><font face="Verdana" color="#990000"><u>GISCA</u></font><font face="Verdana">), ‘Globalisation and Population Mobility’ 
<dd>             Ray Broomhill (Associate Professor, Labour Studies & Director, Centre for Labour Studies, Adelaide University), ‘The limits of local neoliberalism: unsustainable strategies for survival in the global jungle’.
<dd>             James Juniper (School of International Business, University of South Australia), ‘Globalisation and Innovation’
<dd>4.45-6 Public Lecture: 
<dd>Doug Henwood, 'What is Globalisation Anyway?'
</dl><b><live online> <br>
</b>9.30am Nikos Papastergiadis webcast from Artspace (Sydney)<b> <br>
Sun 29 July <br>
day 4 <live series><br>
</b>Symposium: globalisation and art [<u>Art Gallery of South Australia</u>]<br>
from 10am Registration S.A. Museum, Pacific Gallery <br>
10.30-11.30am Globalising Art & Art Industries?<br>
                   Keith Bradbury (College of Art, Griffith University), 'How Scooby Doo taught Australia to Bark: Multi-national animation and the Australian animation industry'<br>
                    Ann McCulloch (School of Literary & Communication Studies, Deakin University), 'Globalising Art'<br>
- --coffee--<br>
12-1.15 <br>
Public Lecture: Marian Pastor Roces, 'Curating Interfaces'<br>
- -- lunch-- <br>
2.15-3.15 New Art Cultures <br>
                    Tracey Benson (National Institute of Arts, Australian National University), 'The future utopia of nostalgia - network culture and online community'<br>
                   Amanda McDonald-Crowley (Artistic Director, Adelaide Festival), 'New Media/Art Cultures and Online Communities'<br>
- --coffee--<br>
3.45-4.20 The Yuendumu Doors now: Warlpiri artists in a global frame<br>
4.25 - 4.45 Stelarc, 'Alternate Interfaces'<br>
4.45 - 5.45 Coco Fusco (New York-based performance artist, from Artspace, Sydney), 'ONLY SKIN DEEP: CHANGING VISIONS OF THE AMERICAN SELF'<br>
6pm reception and Hossein Valamanesh exhibition<br>
<b><live online> <br>
</b>4.45pm Coco Fusco<b> </b>webcast from Artspace (Sydney)<br><br>
</font><b>What else is online at ARCHSS right now?<br>
NATION/STATES CONFERENCE (13-16 December) <br>
Call for Papers now online at <a href="" eudora="autourl"><font color="#0000FF"><u></a></u></font> <br><br>
<b>Professor Frederic Jameson (Duke University) <br>
Professor Rey Chow (Brown University) <br>
Professor Simon During (University of Melbourne<br>
</b>· Phillip Adams (cultural critic, writer and radio presenter) <br>
· Dr Paul Carter (Australian Centre, University of Melbourne) <br>
· Dr Helen Irving (1901 Centre, UTS, & Law, University of Sydney) <br>
· Associate Professor Ken Gelder (University of Melbourne) <br>
· Lester Irabinna-Rigney (Flinders University) <br>
· Paul Kelly (author and International Editor of The Australian) <br>
· Professor Joan Kerr (Centre for Cross-cultural Research, ANU) <br>
· Professor Stuart Macintyre (University of Melbourne) <br>
· Dr Fiona Nicoll (Institute for Cultural Research, UWS & UTS)<br><br>
Abstracts of 300-500words due by 1 September 2001 <br>
to ARCHSS <> <br>
or fax to 08 8303 4882 [in Australia]; (+61) 8 8303 4882 [outside Australia] <br>
MAIL:  ARCHSS, Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, Adelaide University, Adelaide SA 5005, Australia<br><br>
<b>THEMES  </b>immigration and borders : national culture? : human rights : theorising the state: sovereignty : state histories: diasporas : federation - a retrospective<br>
- ----------<br><br>
more information on forthcoming public lectures and Semester II seminar series in the Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences will go online this week (another ARCHSS bulletin coming next week...)<br><br>
- ----------<br>
<font color="#0000FF"><u><a href="" eudora="autourl"><br>
</a></u></font>--------- <br>
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have subscribed to the ARCHSS noticeboard. <br>
If you wish to be removed from this mailing list <br>
please mail with the <br>
message 'unsubscribe ARCHSS noticeboard'.<br>
</html><br><br><br>_____________________________________________________________<br>Work. Virtually. Anywhere.<br>Get your free Desktop at <a href= target=_blank></a><br>

- ----=B4A7500D74C711D58058_0008_C784_3DDE--


Date: Wed, 18 Jul 2001 06:05:33 +0200
From: Pit Schultz <>
Subject: loveweek -  live clubcasts from berlin

live clubcasts / realvideo streams / allnight long

WMF & TRESOR lineup: 

Thu     19 Jul 2001      23:30   7:00    
Globus  'True Spirit 1991-2001' JOHN ACQUAVIVA (K7, +8, Definitive, Ontario) 
        Sender Berlin DJ Team (Tresor Rec., unGleich, Berlin) Dole (BCC Berlin) 
        Tama Sumo (Berlin)

Thu     19 Jul 2001      23:30   7:00    
Tresor  'True Spirit 2001' Sender Berlin DJ Team (Tresor Rec., unGleich/Berlin)

Thu     19 Jul 2001      23:30   7:00    
WMFfloor 'Kaleidoskop' JOE CLAUSELL (Spiritual Life/Ibadan) JAZZANOVA djteam

Fri     20 Jul 2001      22:30   7:00    
Globus  'True Spirit 2001' DANIEL BELL (7th City/Detroit) MITJA PRINZ 
        (WMF Rec./Berlin) Wimpy (Berlin) Daffy (Berlin) 

Fri     20 Jul 2001      22:30   7:00    
Tresor  'True Spirit 2001' NEIL LANDSTRUMM (Tresor Rec., Scandinavia/NYC)
        DAVE TARRIDA (Tresor Rec., Sativae/Barcelona) Eva Cazal (Berlin)
        MARC SNOW (Boston - Berlin)

Fri     20 Jul 2001      23:30   7:00    
WMFfloor Hardedged: Metro, Most Wanted, Defiant, X-Plorer, Mcs: White, Mc 
        Santana, Visuals: Visomat Inc.

Fri     20 Jul 2001      23:30   7:00    
WMFlounge Groove Party: live: MARKUS NIKOLAI Feat. CLAIR DIETRICH (Perlon)
        Djs: RASOUL (San Francisco) Tobi Neumann (flokati munich/berlin) DJ T

Sat     21 Jul 2001      22:30   7:00    
Globus  'True Spirit 2001' BLAKE BAXTER (Tresor Rec./Detroit)
        MARSHALL JEFFERSON (KMS/Chicago) Tom Clark (Highgrade/Berlin) Djoker Daan 
        (BPitch Control/Berlin) Senze (grow!Rec./Berlin)

Sat     21 Jul 2001      22:30   7:00    
Tresor  'True Spirit 2001' JAMES RUSKIN (Tresor Rec., Blueprint/London)
        RUSH (KneeDeep/Chicago) Dash (Rampe D/Berlin) Steve D (Berlin)

Sat     21 Jul 2001      23:59   7:00    
WMFfloor 'Kompakt Night' live: Schaeben & Voss (Kompakt, Cologne)
        GEBRUEDER TEICHMANN (Festplatten, Berlin) Djs: Tobias Thomas,
        MICHAEL MAYER (Kompakt, Cologne) MITJA PRINZ (Wmfrec, Berlin)
        Superpitcher (Kompakt, BPitch Control, Berlin)

Sat     21 Jul 2001      23:59   7:00    
WMFlounge 'Cologne Night' Live: Closer Musik (Kompakt, Cologne) SCSI 9
        (Forcetracks, Salo) Djs: Triple R (De:Bug) Anima (Cologne), Ralph 
        Christoph (Studio672)

Sun     22 Jul 2001      20:00   7:00    
Globus  'Tresor Park' JOSH WINK (cocoon, Philadelphia) Dave
        (raum...musik, Müller Rec./Berlin) James Flavour (Highgrade/Berlin) 
        Djoker Daan (BPitch Control/Berlin) Sammy Dee & Tom Clark 

Sun     22 Jul 2001      20:00   7:00    
Tresor  'Tresor Park' Chris Liebing [4 Hours Set!] (cocoon, FfM) Dry
        (Rampe D/Berlin) Pacou (LL Rec., Tresor Rec./Berlin) Mad Max (Berlin)   

Sun     22 Jul  2001      23:30   7:00    
WMFfloor 'International Gigolos Night' live :  FISCHERSPOONER (Nyc)
        Crossover(Nyc) Superstars Of Love (St.Louis, US) Djs : HELL (Munich) 
        Traxx(Chicago) Highfish & Diringer (Berlin)

Sun     22 Jul 2001      23:30   7:00    
WMFlounge 'International Gigolos Night' Live:  MISS KITTIN & THE HACKER
          (Grenoble)  Djs: FILIPPO "NAUGHTY" MOSCATELLO (Berlin) Savas Pascalidis (Stuttgart)

and more.....

        all times are in GMT+2
        realplayer 8 basic needed       


Date: Wed, 18 Jul 2001 14:51:45 +0200
From: "CBGnetwork" <>

Dear friends,
Bayer Corporation forced us to stop our homepage (see =
attached article). Please change your link to our new site: =
Our group will not be allowed to bear the name Bayerwatch. We have to =
use our German name CBG (Coordination gegen BAYER-Gefahren / =
Coordination against BAYER-dangers). Please change our name in your =
publications because we will be fined for using "Bayerwatch" and please =
spread the following article. Thanks for your cooperation!

Economic superiority puts a stop to homepage

Bayer AG has forced the German group Coordination against BAYER-Dangers =
(CBG) to remove their homepage from the Internet by threatening them =
with heavy court costs. CBG had registered a domain and had oriented the =
name to be similar to other group names such as Germanwatch, AOLwatch, =
and Human Rights Watch. Bayer has taken legal action to apparently avoid =
confusion - despite the homepage's unequivocally critical orientation.

The company also forced the group to cancel the related trademark by =
threatening them with a second court case. The CBG had already =
successfully registered the aforementioned name with the Munich Patent =
Office. Bayer has assessed the amount of the controversies to be 250,000 =
DM (115.000 US$) each, which would have led to the CBG having to pay =
over 100,000 DM in court costs. The honorary association therefore had =
no other choice but to concede by canceling the trademark and homepage.

The Patent Office's copyright investigation had reviewed whether there =
was any danger of confusion as a result of the copyrighted trademark and =
had determined that there was none. Bayer's arguments are also ignoring =
a recent court decision that declared that a domain name cannot be =
viewed separately from the contents of a homepage.

Axel Koehler-Schnura had the following to say about the issue: "Bayer's =
behavior in this issue, which is clearly directed towards the network's =
economic ruin is clearly an attack on democratic principles and freedom =
of opinion. The company is obviously afraid of a public discussion and =
has instead chosen repression and the devastating power of money". =
According to Koehler-Schnura, the association does not want to waste its =
energy on legal hair-splitting on letters, but instead chooses to =
continue to publicize the company's role in causing environmental =
damage, maintaining worker exploitation and endangering human health =
throughout the world.

The Bayer Group's attempts to prohibit the CBG from criticizing the =
company on the Internet have failed. You can now find all of the =
network's information and publications (including English newsletter =
Keycode Bayer) at However, the proceedings have =
already used up an exorbitant amount of money, which could threaten the =
group's existence. The CBG is therefore urgently asking for financial =
backing against the expensive legal attacks. Please show your support =
and transfer money to the following German bank account:=20
Oekobank, account number 17 96 12, bank routing number (BLZ) 500 901 00=20
In addition, the CBG is asking associated groups to stage protests =
against this attack at the Bayer headquarters. An initial attempt by =
Bayer to silence the group was rejected by the Bundesverfassungsgericht =
(German Federal Constitutional Court) in 1992. The CBG has been =
campaigning against the questionable practices of Bayer's international =
operations for over 20 years.

CBG/Coordination against BAYER-dangers collects information about BAYER =
and coordinates activities against violations of human and environmental =
rights caused by this company. Anyone who has information on possibly =
illicit activities of BAYER - please let us know. Anyone who needs =
photos or information concerning BAYER is invited to contact us:

CBG/Coordination against BAYER-dangers, Postfach 15 04 18, 40081 =
Duesseldorf, Germany
Fax: +49 211 333 940 Tel: +49 211 333 911

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