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<nettime> Empire: pdf and ebook: is there much difference? [2x]

Table of Contents:

   Re: <nettime> empire pdf (pdf empire)                                           
     "R. A. Hettinga" <>                                           

   Re: <nettime> empire pdf (pdf empire)                                           
     Laurent Oget <>                                                 


Date: Wed, 1 Aug 2001 23:23:52 -0400
From: "R. A. Hettinga" <>
Subject: Re: <nettime> empire pdf (pdf empire)

At 11:32 AM -0400 on 8/1/01, Laurent Oget wrote:

> It is an  ENCRYPTED PDF document

No, once again, (and in a lower tone of voice :-)), the document in
question, a PDF version of "Empire", was just a PDF document.

If you have a PDF reader, and, like I said, there are *other* pdf readers
out there besides Adobe's, even in open-source form, and free-as-in-beer or
free-as-in-speech, I expect, and, if you want, you can read it withh one of

In fact, someone *here* just converted it to text, right? I'm not a
gambling man, bit I would bet, if I were, that *they* converted it without
recourse to Adobe software.

Again, the current cryptographer-in-jail flap is about the *e-book*
software, that Adobe has put out, which is different from PDF.

Same thing, but different. Apples and Oranges, or whatever.

Hope that helps.


- -- 
- -----------------
R. A. Hettinga <mailto:>
The Internet Bearer Underwriting Corporation <>
44 Farquhar Street, Boston, MA 02131 USA
"... however it may deserve respect for its usefulness and antiquity,
[predicting the end of the world] has not been found agreeable to
experience." -- Edward Gibbon, 'Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire'


Date: Thu, 2 Aug 2001 01:43:47 -0400
From: Laurent Oget <>
Subject: Re: <nettime> empire pdf (pdf empire)

On Wed, Aug 01, 2001 at 11:23:52PM -0400, R. A. Hettinga wrote:
> At 11:32 AM -0400 on 8/1/01, Laurent Oget wrote:
> > It is an  ENCRYPTED PDF document
> No, once again, (and in a lower tone of voice :-)), the document in
> question, a PDF version of "Empire", was just a PDF document.

whose 'file info' is, as the original poster mentioned:

                            Security Method: Acrobat Standard Security
                              User Password: No
                            Master Password: Yes
                                   Printing: Not Allowed   
              Content Copying or Extraction: Not Allowed
         Authoring Comments and Form Fields: Not Allowed
              Form Field-Fill-in or Signing: Not Allowed
              Content Accessibility Enabled: Not Allowed
                          Document Assembly: Not Allowed
                           Encryption Level: 40-bit RC4 (Acrobat 3.x, 4.x)

> If you have a PDF reader, and, like I said, there are *other* pdf readers
> out there besides Adobe's, even in open-source form, and free-as-in-beer or
> free-as-in-speech, I expect, and, if you want, you can read it withh one of
> those.
> In fact, someone *here* just converted it to text, right? I'm not a
> gambling man, bit I would bet, if I were, that *they* converted it without
> recourse to Adobe software.

sebastian did.  if you  read his mail,  which mention a  decrypted PDF
version at, you  might suspect that he used the
pdf password recovery software from elcomsoft.
> Again, the current cryptographer-in-jail flap is about the *e-book*
> software, that Adobe has put out, which is different from PDF.

so you think. adobe did not come up with two different ways to de-free text.

> Same thing, but different. Apples and Oranges, or whatever.

be it an apple  or an orange that you put in  the adobe steel box, you
won't be able to eat it.


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