Nils Röller on Thu, 13 Sep 2001 11:59:27 +0200 (CEST)

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<nettime> Towards Cusco from Mariategui/Röller

Towards Cusco-Manifesto

We need a warm-time-machine.
The Internet is becoming more and more a time-machine, that homogenizes 
worldwide relations. We do believe that this needs a new warm input.
Today's input comes from a northwestern time-structure.  We do not question 
single enterprises like the international space station, we want to build 
our a time-space-station in Cusco.

Cusco is more than Venice.  It is not only a  nice counterpart of the world, 
not only a system of channels, that is permanently overfludded by 
international tourism, it is more and it is different. It is a compass for 
ideas and a habitat to develop critical creativity.
Why? Because Cusco is a place in between: between inca-past and global 

Global future will be conditioned by electronic networks. The inca-past was 
conditioned by a non-literal network. Today  Cusco is overfludded by 
international tourists that do want to adventure the existing botanic jungle 
and also the hidden jungle of precolumbian history. This history was not 
written. Is was only interpreted by the writers of the western colonizers, 
that did represent the Inca knowledge in a medium that is strange to its 
individual structure. We will question this structure.

Our structure of approaching Cusco is the difference machine. The difference 
machine starts to work, when different media techniques are in conflict.

Our warm-time-machine works with the energy of this conflict. Going towards 
Cusco converts a hybrid energy.  McLuhan said that the artist is able to 
realize how new media techniques will change common time-space-feeling. 
Cusco is different. It enables to realize how networks in past and future 
can merge together.

We do invite artists and scientists to use their insight into 
timespace-architectures. We ask them to take examples of precolumbian work.  
For us a a vase found in an inca tomb or corns of amaranth are not only 
elements of a past tradition nice to gaze at. They are traces of another 
time-space structure.

We do encourage artists to invest in a special stock market. We trade with 
visual robbery and we do aks artists to rework and reflect the robbery of 
western treasure-hunters.

This reflection will allow us to createt resources for the 
warm-time-machine: to build step by step the Cusco Academy.

Towards Cusco-Manifesto

We need a warm-time-machine.
The Internet is becoming more and more a time-machine, that homogenizes 
worldwide relations. We do believe that this needs a new warm input.
Today's input comes from a northwestern time-structure.  We do not question 
single enterprises like the international space station, we want to build 
our a time-space-station in Cusco.

Cusco is more than Venice.  It is not only a  nice counterpart of the world, 
not only a system of channels, that is permanently overfludded by 
international tourism, it is more and it is different. It is a compass for 
ideas and a habitat to develop critical creativity.
Why? Because Cusco is a place in between: between inca-past and global 

Global future will be conditioned by electronic networks. The inca-past was 
conditioned by a non-literal network. Today  Cusco is overfludded by 
international tourists that do want to adventure the existing botanic jungle 
and also the hidden jungle of precolumbian history. This history was not 
written. Is was only interpreted by the writers of the western colonizers, 
that did represent the Inca knowledge in a medium that is strange to its 
individual structure. We will question this structure.

Our structure of approaching Cusco is the difference machine. The difference 
machine starts to work, when different media techniques are in conflict.

Our warm-time-machine works with the energy of this conflict. Going towards 
Cusco converts a hybrid energy.  McLuhan said that the artist is able to 
realize how new media techniques will change common time-space-feeling. 
Cusco is different. It enables to realize how networks in past and future 
can merge together.

We do invite artists and scientists to use their insight into 
timespace-architectures. We ask them to take examples of precolumbian work.  
For us a a vase found in an inca tomb or corns of amaranth are not only 
elements of a past tradition nice to gaze at. They are traces of another 
time-space structure.

We do encourage artists to invest in a special stock market. We trade with 
visual robbery and we do aks artists to rework and reflect the robbery of 
western treasure-hunters.

This reflection will allow us to createt resources for the 
warm-time-machine: to build step by step the Cusco Academy.

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