Announcer on Mon, 3 Dec 2001 04:56:51 +0100 (CET)

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<nettime> Announcements [x10]

Table of Contents:

   Tecnologie di liberazione [Liberation Technologies]                             
     Alessandro Ludovico <>                                      

   P=E9tition?= Intermittents + pr=E9cisions?= sur le

   Mikrokino FEST 2002 Call For Entries                                            
     Aleksandar Gubas <>                                           

   FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE                                                           
     Artemisia Gallery <>                                          

   open position in digital media at UC Santa barbara                              
     george legrady <>                                              

   New Art & Technology Group at MIT Media Lab                                     
     Chris Csikszentmihalyi <>                                     

   Tonite! Dj Spooky + the Coup at S.O.B.'s!!!                                     
     "Paul D. Miller" <>                                        

   The Korea Web Art Festival Is Online!                                           
     tfa <>                                                          

   /// 0100101110101101.ORG /// FTPermutations                                     


Date: Tue, 20 Nov 2001 08:41:03 +0100
From: Alessandro Ludovico <>
Subject: Tecnologie di liberazione [Liberation Technologies]

Tecnologie di liberazione [Liberation Technologies] + hacker.activism

curated by: Scum collective +


friday 23 november 2001
Ass.Cult. Anarres
via De Nittis 42, Bari [Italy]

Tecnologie di liberazione [Liberation Technologies] is a conference 
and a performance/concert to find new aesthetics and practices in a 
non-conventional use of the new media. We want to stimule thoughts 
deviated from the oppressive market paths in a conference with Franco 
'Bifo' Berardi, philosopher and author of seminal analysis on the 
digital work in the last ten years, Jaromil, artist and programmer 
that daily experiments his open and collaborative artworks, 
Alessandro Ludovico, editor in chief of Neural, the Italian new media 
culture magazine, and Antonella Marino, contemporary art critic and 
curator of electronic art exhibitions.
Later, for the very first time, 'KILL A T.V. TODAY, a 
performance/concert with use of multiple media (electronic and 
acustic music, video, software, microphones, tv-set and a specific 
choreography) to reflect on the invasive broacasting practices.

- - 16:30 hr, conference:
Franco .Bifo. Berardi,
Alessandro Ludovico,
Antonella Marino,

- - 21:30 hr, performance/concert
Digital Artifacts
+ Videosoftware
+ live e-music

din don


- -- 

Alessandro Ludovico
Neural Online - daily updated news + reviews
Suoni Futuri Digitali - 
ISBN 88-7303-614-7 


Date: Tue, 20 Nov 2001 10:56:59 +0100
From: <>
Subject: P=E9tition?= Intermittents + pr=E9cisions?= sur le "statut" d'intermittent


Nous soutenons l'action engagee par les intermittents du spectacle pour la
perennite de leur régime specifique ASSEDIC car depuis le 1er juillet 2001
plus aucune reglementation ne leur est applicable.

Si rien n'est fait par l'actuel Gouvernement les annexe 8 & 10 de
l'assurance chomage vont disparaitre.
Pourtant un accord conclu le 15 juin 2000 entre les partenaires sociaux de
la branche representative existe, en parfaite conformite avec l'arret du
Conseil d'etat du 11 juillet 2001, n'est toujours pas agree par le
Le 23 juillet 2001, suite à une forte mobilisation des intermittents du
spectacle en Avignon, le 1er Ministre a adresse un courrier a la Federation
du spectacle CGT ( FNSAC CGT ) dans laquelle il rappelle :
"Pour ma part, je tiens à vous rappeler l'attachement du Gouvernement à la
perennite de ce regime particulier, necessaire au dynamisme et a la richesse
de la vie artistique de notre pays."

Ce manque de courage politique de l'actuel Gouvernement convient
parfaitement au MEDEF et à ses "allies":


Que restera t'il alors du dynamisme et de la richesse culturelle de notre
pays (fete de village, spectacle, creation theatrale et musicale,...)

En signant cette petition je demande au gouvernement de confirmer ses
engagements par l'agrement des accords du 15 juin 2000, en conformite avec
l'arret du Conseil d'Etat du 11 juillet 2001.

1/ Fabien Salabert, intermitent du spectacle, Rodez, France
2/ Romaszko Pierre,musicien intermitent du spectacle, Decazeville
3/ Nathanael BRIEGEL, musicien, intermittent du Spectacle,Nancy, France
4/ Murat Ozturk, musicien,intermittent du spectacle,Metz,France
5/ Bruno Tocanne, musicien, intermittent du spectacle, France
6/ Guillaume Orti, musicien, intermittent du spectacle, Paris
7/ Jean-rémy Guédon, musicien, intermittent du spectacle, Paris
8/ Antoine Hervé, musicien, intermittent du spectacle, Paris
9/ Jean Charles Richard, musicien, intermittent du spectacle, Paris
10/ Michèle Ninassi, conseillère d'orientation,Argenteuil
11/ Philippe Lemoine, musicien, intermittent du spectacle, Argenteuil
12/ Pier Paolo Pozzi, musicien, intermittent du spectacle, Stains
13/ Paul Christian STAÏCU, musicien, intermitent du spectacle, Paris
14/ Françoise FOGNINI, musicienne,intermittente du spectacle, Paris
15/ Jean-François ESTEVE, intermittent du spectacle, Malakoff
16/ Stéphane Einhorn, Producteur délégué, intermittent du spectacle, Paris

Comment proceder?
1. Copiez ce message.
2. Ajoutez votre nom, profession (facultatif) et votre adresse partielle.
3. Envoyez ce message par courrier a tous les gens qui figurent dans votre
carnet d'adresses. (Ne faites pas de transfert mais un copie-coller, afin de
ne pas alourdir le message.)

Si vous etes la 25e personne de la liste, retournez SANS FAUTE cette
petition a , a l'adresse suivante : Mr Jean Le Garec,president de
la commmission des affaires culturelles, familiales et sociales avec copies
conformes (c. c.) a, conseiller a la culture
au cabinet de Mr le President de l'assemblee nationnale et a et

+ un mail intéressant obtenu sur la liste reçu avant la manif de Port Royal de la semaine dernière:


je reçois par 3 ou 4 intermédiaires un e-mail dont vous semblez être à l'origine, qui me réjouis par son intention, mais dont certaines informations sont inexactes et peuvent fausser la compréhension de la situation actuelle. Je me permets donc de vous apporter quelques précisions...

- - Les Annexes VIII et X (mieux connues sous le nom d'ASSEDIC Spectacle) ne sont pas prorogées ! (Ni jusqu'au 31 décembre, ni jusqu'à quand que ce soit). Elles sont déjà, depuis le 1er juillet 2001, dans une inexistence juridique absolue (ce qui n'était encore jamais arrivé). Elles ne sont que "maintenues" par décision du MEDEF, sans date de fin de maintien, et sans que ce maintien ait la moindre validité juridique. Si le MEDEF le décide, les Annexes VIII et X peuvent disparaître demain, ou en janvier, ou après les élections présidentielles et législatives... sans autre forme de procès : il lui suffirait de constater que le fonctionnement actuel des Annexes VIII et X selon l'ancien règlement est illégal puisque l'ancien règlement est abrogé depuis juillet.
La manifestation de demain vise à demander d'une part au MEDEF de commencer enfin à négocier les Annexes et d'autre part au gouvernement de créer (par décret ou par une loi) un cadre juridique au fonctionnement actuel des Annexes VIII et X, leur permettant d'être légales jusqu'à ce que les négociations aient abouti.

- - Si les annexes VIII et X sautent, nous risquons bien de nous retrouver en Annexe IV (intérimaires) mais même avec 2000 heures, les droits versés dans le cadre de l'Annexe IV n'auraient pas grand chose à voir avec le fonctionnement habituel des Annexes VIII et X. En gros, en Annexe IV, s'il a été calculé qu'on a droit à 6000 F par mois, et qu'au cours d'un mois on travaille 4 jours pour 1000 F par jour, l'ASSEDIC nous verse 6000 - 4X1000 = 2000 F...
De plus, la notion de "cachet" n'existe pas en Annexe IV et les ASSEDIC ne compteraient donc que les heures de travail effectif... Et ce ne sont là que quelques exemples de grosses différences entre le fonctionnement des intérimaires et des intermittents.

- - J'en profite au passage pour faire un commentaire sur la notion de "statut". Il faut être vigilant à ce sujet : "intermittent du spectacle" n'est pas un statut en France, et heureusement ! Le jour où nous aurons un "statut" d'intermittent, ce sera vraiment le début de la fin des haricots. Je m'explique :
Notre statut actuel est celui de "salarié". C'est grâce à ce statut de salarié que nous sommes couvert par la législation du travail (applicable à tous les salariés) et que nous avons donc droit à une protection sociale : sécurité sociale, retraite, médecine du travail, assurance chômage, et -- très important -- le droit d'être protégés par des conventions collectives, avec des salaires minima, des conditions de travail réglementées, etc.
Certes, les employeurs du Spectacle ont, par dérogation prévue par le Code du Travail, la possibilité de nous employer par intermittence, sans que 3 CDD successifs ne les obligent à nous passer en CDI. Cela fait de nous des "salariés intermittents à employeurs multiples", ou "intermittents du spectacle", mais ce n'est pas notre statut. C'est juste une description de ce qui nous arrive (Soit dit au passage, on peut se dire "intermittent du spectacle" dès le 1er cachet, même si on n'a pas fait 507 heures et qu'on n'a pas d'ASSEDIC...)
Le jour où on nous proposera de nous créer un statut spécifique d'intermittents du spectacle, différent du statut de salarié, il faudra se battre pour refuser : sinon, nous ne serons plus couvert par la solidarité inter-professionnelle et nous pourrons dire adieu à toute forme de protection sociale et au droit d'être défendus par des syndicats. (En Irlande, où les artistes interprètes ont le statut de "travailleurs indépendants", et où ils avaient cherché à imposer des tarifs minima de rémunération dans un domaine précis, la Commission Européenne leur a fait un procès pour briser cette "entrave à la libre concurrence" entre artistes...)
Pour en revenir aux ASSEDIC, ce que nous avons est un régime spécifique d'indemnisation du chômage, qui s'applique aux salariés intermittents des entreprises du Spectacle. Avec 507 heures, nous ne changeons pas de statut, simplement nous ouvrons droit à une indemnisation chômage, calculée selon les règles spécifiques des Annexes VIII et X, mais bien dans le cadre des ASSEDIC, donc de la solidarité interprofessionnelle.

Voilà, chers amis Francs-Comtois, peut-être nous croiserons-nous demain, à partir de 15h au départ du Palais Royal


Laurent L (comédien, militant au SFA)


Date: Tue, 27 Nov 2001 13:07:47 -0800 (PST)
From: Aleksandar Gubas <>
Subject: Mikrokino FEST 2002 Call For Entries


Mikrokino FEST 2002 is an international short film festival to be held for
the second time from February 22-26th, 2002 in Belgrade, Serbia.

Mikrokino FEST is organized by LOW-FI VIDEO (Belgrade-based organization
promoting short, independent and alternative films), the leading Eastern
European microcinema programmer. LOW-FI VIDEO was launched in 1997, and to
this date it has screened almost 500 Serbian and more than 160 foreign
short film.

The success of Mikrokino FEST 2001 where 80 short films, 2 interactive
CD-ROM projects and one full-length feature film, from five continents,
were presented to the Serbian audience logically led to Mikrokino FEST

Mikrokino FEST 2002 will be a competitive festival with two symbolic
1. Mikrokino Audience Award
2. LOW-FI VIDEO's Mikrokino2002 Reward

Mikrokino FEST 2002 is looking for titles from all over the world. The
categories are: 

1. Short narrative (drama, comedy, action, any other genre)
2. Short animation (any kind)
3. Short experimental
4. Documentary
5. Internet and CD-ROM film (made primarily for the Internet or CD-ROM

There is no entry fee. 

There is no censorship. 

Each film will be previewed by the preview jury, which will select the
films to be shown at the Mikrokino FEST 2002. 

Deadline for submissions: January 1, 2002 

Entry form and declaration can be downloaded at:

Do You Yahoo!?
Yahoo! GeoCities - quick and easy web site hosting, just $8.95/month.


Date: Wed, 28 Nov 2001 15:06:35 -0600
From: Artemisia Gallery <>


Scholarship Show Available to women artists in the Chicago area.
Artemisia Gallery is excepting applications for a solo
exhibition to be awarded for February 2003 paid by the Linda Kramer
Exhibition Fund.  Please submit 10 slides, slide list,
resume, and artist statement in a SASE to:   Artemisia Gallery 700 N.
Carpenter St. Chicago, IL 60622.

Additional information available at:
Only women artists in the Greater Chicago area will be considered.
Slide deadline 4/1/02

Direct all questions to Tricia Alexander, Gallery Coordinator

Artemisia Gallery
700 N Carpenter St
Chicago, IL 60622
312 / 226-7323


Date: Thu, 29 Nov 2001 23:45:07 -0800
From: george legrady <>
Subject: open position in digital media at UC Santa barbara

Digital Media Arts Position
Tenure-track Assistant Professor level

The Media Arts and Technology Program (a new graduate program jointly
offered by the College of Letters and Science and the College of
Engineering) and the Department of Art seek a practitioner in the field of
Digital Media Arts. The available position is at the assistant professor

The candidate should be an accomplished digital media artist with an
established record of achievement in digital and media arts who possesses a
broad understanding of both contemporary visual arts and computer
technologies, and has a clear understanding of the state of the discipline.
The candidate¹s work should reflect a deep knowledge of digital media
production in one or more of the following areas: 3D visualization (virtual
reality visualization, immersive environments; virtual architecture,
synthespians (cybernetically constructed actors); telecommunications (GPS
tracking, netspaces, etc.); mixed realities (interactive media
installations, motion sensing, etc.); data mining/datastructures as
environments for narrative; algorithmic art; and robotics, or computer
controlled devices. In addition, the candidate should demonstrate a working
knowledge of one or more programming languages and familiarity with digital
media theory.

The new appointment will help to develop digital production facilities,
establish an environment for learning cross-platform tools as well as
theoretical and critical issues, and teach undergraduate and graduate
courses. University teaching experience, a doctorate, MFA, or equivalent
degree required, with significant exhibitions and/or publication record
preferred. Starts July 1, 2002.

Applications should include a cover letter that details areas of expertise,
professional and teaching experience, CV, and representative samples of work
in digital form (DVD, cd-rom or websites). This may include supplemental
materials such video documentation of installations or published catalogs of
digital works. Applicants should also include a SASE, and at least three
letters of recommendation sent by academic/professional references. Review
of applications will begin on December 1, 2001, and continue until the
position is filled.

Send materials to: Professors George Legrady and JoAnn Kuchera-Morin,
co-Chairs of Search Committee for Digital Media, Department of Art Studio,
UCSB, Santa Barbara, CA 93106. UCSB is an Equal Opportunity, Affirmative
Action Employer committed to excellence and diversity. Women and minorities
are encouraged to apply.

For further information: and UCSB is the
host site of the UC system-wide Digital Media Innovation Program
( and the UC system-wide Digital Cultures Project


Date: Fri, 23 Nov 2001 18:09:40 -0500
From: Chris Csikszentmihalyi <>
Subject: New Art & Technology Group at MIT Media Lab

______________New Research Group at MIT Media Lab______________

I am pleased to announce the formation of Computing Culture, a MIT Media 
Lab research group dedicated to exploring art and technology.

Computing Culture is in a unique position:  First, it is situated within 
the Media Lab, an interdisciplinary research center exploring and 
developing new technologies since 1985.  The Media Lab is part of the 
Massachusetts Institute of Technology, one of the premiere technical 
institutions in the world.  Computing Culture seeks to create new 
technologies for the full range of human experience, rather than the 
applications suggested by market forces, “productivity,” and the internal 
logic of technical production.  Some information about the group may be 
found at [].

Our research will result in specific works of art, but will also help 
further an understanding of the relationships between art, technology, and 
cultural production.  Some of the strategies we practice include 
interventions in contemporary consumer electronics, creating special media 
events for public situations, and applying technical development to 
cultural agendas that wouldn't normally receive it.  Our central interest 
is in physically embodied (rather than screen-based) work.

The group’s research centers on studio practice, but includes strong 
components of critical media theory, science history, the sociology of 
scientific knowledge, and art history and theory.  Research projects are 
primarily determined and investigated by graduate students, with guidance 
by the group’s director, Professor Chris Csikszentmihályi.  Within yards of 
our workshop are other groups exploring nano-bio-tech, quantum computing, 
affective computing, interactive cinema, and many other directions:  There 
are few environments where artists can access such a wide range of 
scientific and technical research.

We are currently accepting applications to the graduate program in Media 
Arts and Sciences.  The MAS is a two-year master’s program, during which a 
student spends half their time on course work and the other half on their 
directed art research.  Tuition is fully funded, and students receive a 
significant stipend to live on.  The program and funding are open to 
students of any nationality.

Students may be trained in either art or science and/or engineering, but 
should show crossover.  For instance, an art student should be an 
accomplished programmer, have machining skills, or be able to design and 
fabricate electronics.  An engineering students should have done several 
art projects, worked with a professional artist, or shown their ability to 
author radical or unexpected technologies.  Students should be extremely 
self-motivated, and ready to take advantage of the unparalleled 
opportunities at the Lab and MIT.  More information on the MAS program may 
be found at [].
Application forms may be obtained from the MIT Graduate Admissions office 

 >>>>>>>technical information on applying>>>>>>>>>
Applicants must indicate on the application form (question #2) the 
department of Media Arts and Sciences -- we are a separate program and not 
part of another department at MIT. "Area of research interest" should 
indicate Chris Csikszentmihályi (Computing Culture). Application or 
admissions questions may be directed to Media Arts & Sciences (e-mail:, tel: (1) (617) 253-5114).

Completed applications must be _received_ by January 8th. The principal 
components of an application are: academic transcript(s), the applicant's 
statement of objectives, a portfolio, and three letters of recommendation. 
GREs are not required. International applicants are required to submit an 
official copy of their TOEFL scores to MIT. The MIT institution code for 
TOEFL scores is 3514. The Media Lab does not have its own department 
number. Scores should be sent to MIT Graduate Admissions, department code 
99. The Program in Media, Arts & Sciences requires a minimum TOEFL score of 
600 (paper-based) or 250 (computer-based).

Computing Culture also requires the submission of a portfolio of relevant 
work.  We’ll accept 1 CD-rom (CD or DVD) AND/OR 8 pages max of A4 or letter 
size paper material AND/OR a URL.  If submitting slides, please send no 
more than one sheet (20 slides), _not_ in a tray.  CD ROM submissions may 
be MAC or PC format, but, due to the number of applicants, should be widely 
compatible and immediately ready to launch.  Submit your portfolio with 
your application by the application due date. Do not send portfolios 
directly to Chris Csikszentmihályi, but rather to the MAS Program. Return 
postage should be included in any of the following forms: U.S. postage 
stamps, U.S. money order, or personal check (U.S. only). This sum must be 
separate from the application fee.

 >>>>>>>end technical information>>>>>>>>>

Looking forward hearing from you!

Christopher P. Csikszentmihályi
Director, Computing Culture Group

Assistant Professor of Media Arts and Sciences
MIT Media Lab


Date: Wed, 28 Nov 2001 12:46:25 -0500
From: "Paul D. Miller" <>
Subject: Tonite! Dj Spooky + the Coup at S.O.B.'s!!!

this is the first wave!!!      this is the first wave!!!!!    this is 
the first wave!!!!   this is the first wave!!!!

Hello All! Sorry about the last minute message, but I've been out of 
town and the travel thing can be a mutha... but anyway, yeah, tonite 
I'm doing a live mix of my new album "Under the Influence" at 
S.O.B.'s with the Coup (whose new album "Party Music" got all sorts 
of weird media 'cause it had the WTC situation on the cover - before 
9/11...), and I just wanted to remind friends and family about the 

The show comprises turntables and  multi-media material about the WTC 
situation and video's by Emergency BroadCast Network and a crew out 
of San Francisco called "One Infinity" that's been working on some of 
the best animation I've seen in a while (they did "Dice Raw" for the 
Roots affiliates on MTV that predates Tha Gorrilaz by a long shot... 
but anyway, that's another topic...)... the whole evening is 
basically another wildstyle situation.... the album is one situation, 
the media is another... multi-cultural multi-media y'all... come on 
by!!! The show starts at 9pm or so, and goes until after midnite or 
something like that (it is a showcase...). Let me know if you want 
guest list etc etc otherwise tix are


The show is at
S.O.B.'s tonite

Hudson and Varick in Manhattan...
starts at 9pm...

The tour then goes on the road  in the U.S. before I hit Europe, but 
that, as they say, is a different theater of operations. If you're in 
the U.S. check me at any of these dates... The tour dates for the 
U.S. are listed below, along with some of the more "academic" stuff 
I'll be doing on the side at Duke Univeristy and MIT:

Dj Spooky That Subliminal Kid "Under The Influence Tour" - the 
politics of sound in a democracy of images...  the next wave of tours 
in the U.S. will be in the Spring after I get back from Europe...

Wed-Nov-28		NEW YORK, NY	SOB's
Thu-Nov-29	 	<web event>
Sat-Dec-01		CAMBRIDGE, MA	MIDDLE EAST and lecture at MIT

Sun-Dec-09		<web event>

Sat-Dec-15		WASHINGTON, DC	9:30 CLUB


Thu-Jan-17	CONF	Raleigh, NC	Seminar at Duke Univ.
Fri-Jan-18	CONF	Raleigh, NC	Seminar at Duke Univ.

for more info etc etc check the website

I'm still working 'pon de next album, the new magazine "21C" and book 
projects.... more on that stuff in a little while... there's only 24 
hours in the day...

peace All...

oh yeah... Synchronic is on Fridays... going strong with the Mutiny 
Crew this week, and wildstylz from rachel Bowditch's theater 
experience "Vessel".... stay tuned for more info...


wildstyle access:

Paul D. Miller a.k.a. Dj Spooky that Subliminal Kid

Subliminal Kid Inc.

Office Mailing Address:

Music and Art Management
245 w14th st #2RC NY NY


Date: Mon, 03 Dec 2001 01:15:24 +0900
From: tfa <>
Subject: The Korea Web Art Festival Is Online!

The first Korea Web Art Festival: "Alone Together," curated by Marc
Voge, features exclusive new work by the following artists:

- - Mark Amerika   
- - Candy Factory  
- - Critical Art Ensemble     
- - Entropy8Zuper! 
- - Lisa Jevbratt     
- - Sean Kerr   
- - Talan Memmott  
- - Motomichi Nakamura     
- - Beth Stryker + Sawad Brooks 
- - Superbad    
- - 0100101110101101.ORG


Date: Sun, 02 Dec 2001 18:45:19 +0100
From: FTPermutations@0100101110101101.ORG
Subject: /// 0100101110101101.ORG /// FTPermutations

/// FTPermutations /// HTTP://WWW.0100101110101101.ORG ///

/// WHO


/// WHEN

Dec 02 2001 - 02:00:00
Dec 02 2001 - 02:00:00
Dec 02 2001 - 02:00:00
Dec 02 2001 - 02:00:00
Dec 02 2001 - 02:00:00
Dec 02 2001 - 02:00:00
Dec 02 2001 - 02:00:00
Dec 02 2001 - 02:00:00
Dec 02 2001 - 02:00:00
Dec 02 2001 - 02:00:00


/// WHAT

0100101110101101.ORG	-->	Entropy8Zuper!
Beth Stryker		-->	Lisa Jevbratt
Candy Factory		-->	Beth Stryker
Critical Art Ensemble	-->	Sean Kerr
Entropy8Zuper!		-->	Superbad
Lisa Jevbratt		-->	Motomichi Nakamura
Motomichi Nakamura	-->	0100101110101101.ORG
Sean Kerr		-->	Talan Memmott
Superbad		-->	Critical Art Ensemble
Talan Memmott		-->	Mark Amerika
YOUNG-HAE_CHANG		-->	Candy Factory

/// WHY!/

/// HOW

220 kiri1 Microsoft FTP Service (Version 5.0).
USER 0100101110101101org
331 Password required for 0100101110101101org.
PASS ******
230-hi thank you !!
230-If You want to see uploaded files  in the browser ,
230-type this way...
230-ex ) myid - sson and upload file - default.html
230 User 0100101110101101org logged in.
200 MSDOS-like directory output is off
200 MSDOS-like directory output is on
CWD /artist/
250 CWD command successful.
PORT 172,26,0,2,59,137
200 PORT command successful.
200 Type set to A.
150 Opening ASCII mode data connection for /bin/ls.
12-02-01  02:35AM       <DIR>          0100101110101101org
12-01-01  07:31AM       <DIR>          beth
11-09-01  05:23PM       <DIR>          Candy_Factory
11-29-01  06:30AM       <DIR>          Critical_Art_Ensemble
11-28-01  01:39AM       <DIR>          Entropy8Zuper!
11-08-01  07:53PM       <DIR>          Lisa_Jevbratt
11-11-01  02:38PM       <DIR>          Mark_Amerika
11-13-01  02:33PM       <DIR>          Motomichi_Nakamura
11-20-01  07:27AM       <DIR>          Sean_Kerr
11-27-01  05:26AM       <DIR>          Superbad
11-16-01  11:24AM       <DIR>          Talan_Memmott
11-23-01  12:55PM       <DIR>          YOUNG-HAE_CHANG_HEAVY_INDUSTRIES
226 Transfer complete.
257 "/artist" is current directory.
200 NOOP command successful.
RNFR Motomichi_Nakamura
350 File exists, ready for destination name
RNTO Motomichi_Nakamura-
250 RNTO command successful.
RNFR 0100101110101101org
350 File exists, ready for destination name
RNTO Motomichi_Nakamura
250 RNTO command successful.
RNFR Candy_Factory
350 File exists, ready for destination name
RNTO Candy_Factory-
250 RNTO command successful.
RNFR beth
350 File exists, ready for destination name
RNTO Candy_Factory
250 RNTO command successful.
350 File exists, ready for destination name
250 RNTO command successful.
RNFR Candy_Factory-
350 File exists, ready for destination name
250 RNTO command successful.
RNFR Superbad
350 File exists, ready for destination name
RNTO Superbad-
250 RNTO command successful.
RNFR Critical_Art_Ensemble
350 File exists, ready for destination name
RNTO Superbad
250 RNTO command successful.
RNFR Entropy8Zuper!
350 File exists, ready for destination name
RNTO 0100101110101101org
250 RNTO command successful.
RNFR Lisa_Jevbratt
350 File exists, ready for destination name
RNTO beth
250 RNTO command successful.
RNFR Talan_Memmott
350 File exists, ready for destination name
RNTO Talan_Memmott-
250 RNTO command successful.
RNFR Mark_Amerika
350 File exists, ready for destination name
RNTO Talan_Memmott
250 RNTO command successful.
RNFR Motomichi_Nakamura-
350 File exists, ready for destination name
RNTO Lisa_Jevbratt
250 RNTO command successful.
RNFR Sean_Kerr
350 File exists, ready for destination name
RNTO Critical_Art_Ensemble
250 RNTO command successful.
RNFR Superbad-
350 File exists, ready for destination name
RNTO Entropy8Zuper!
250 RNTO command successful.
RNFR Talan_Memmott-
350 File exists, ready for destination name
RNTO Sean_Kerr
250 RNTO command successful.
350 File exists, ready for destination name
RNTO Mark_Amerika
250 RNTO command successful.
221 bye

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