Dimitris C.Milionis on Thu, 2 May 2002 12:46:45 +0200 (CEST)

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<nettime> full of digital hot air

Every one on this list that post 

talks about the tools of there craft (software, flash etc,etc.)

but nobody talks about each others work of art

painters and sculptors don't talk about there tools (paint, oil, canvas, rock, metal, etc.)

they talk about the art they make, and not there craft

but then this has been going on for over 5-6.000 years

So net.artist at the end have a very short life-cycle. lets say until 2004

and art history will record there was a trend for a decade, but it was full of digital hot air

I guess at the end somebody should read the little footnotes at the bottom of art books!

dimitris c. milionis
athens, greece.eu


p.s. ...and the " net.art world " seems so bloody dead now!


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