Ricardo Bello on Mon, 13 May 2002 07:14:41 +0200 (CEST)

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RE: Re: <nettime> The Weird Global Media Event and the Tactical Intel lectual 1/4

Two major Latin American scholars, Angel Rama (Uruguay) and Pedro
Henriquez Ureña (República Dominicana) never held a secure teaching
post in any University anywhere; they worked here and there,
but were unable to find stability for their work. Rama is emblematic,
he left Montevideo after directing a left-wing intellectual magazine
(Marcha) and worked with his wife, Colombian art critic Marta
Traba, in Bogotá, Caracas and even in the U.S., but was expelled
from a New England college after Inmigrations officers asked
him to leave in the 80´s ("Marcha" was his communist estigma).
He died in an airplane crash in his way to a Literary Congress
in Colombia, and did not finished his long planned Social History
of Latin American Literature. Would he have done it if any University
had shown some sense? It could be said he was Benjamin´s disciple,
and as Henríquez, had a brilliant mind.

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