wayne clements on Fri, 11 Jan 2008 19:08:43 +0100 (CET)

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<nettime> wikipedia censorship and self-censorship

Hi Nettimers

a couple of years ago I made a work that retrieved deleted user content
 from the Deletion Logs of Wikipedia: un_wiki

The deleted material in the Deletion Logs used to be preceded by the
 phrase: 'Content was:' The Log still exists but has been altered. New
 entries to the Log have recently ceased to contain this deleted user
 material. Instead it is replaced by a bland sysop summary. Not only that,
 all user entered content has now been expunged from the Deletion Logs of
 Wikipedia stretching back as far as can be seen. A case of
 retrospective censorship? 

When were these actions taken?
When were they publicly discussed?
Who of the sysops at Wikipedia are responsible?
Why were these actions taken?

I can find no reference to the change. 

un_wiki is now historical: without the content it has nothing to show
 you -- except for the absence of content.

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