Michael Gurstein on Tue, 14 Jun 2011 18:25:35 +0200 (CEST)

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<nettime> [New post] The Dead Hand of (Western) Academe: Community Informatics in a Less Developed Country Context

There may be some interest in this context...


Gurstein.wordpress.com: The Dead Hand of (Western) Academe: Community
Informatics in a Less Developed Country Context 

I'm just back from a variety of recent travels--lecturing, workshopping,
seminaring, meeting with academics and researchers in various parts of the
Asian less developed countries (LDCs).  Specifically I was invited to
discuss community informatics with academics/researchers in 3 universities
in 3 rather different regions of Asia.

In reflecting on these meetings I realized the very strong strain of
consistency in our discussions.  In each instance, the academics, almost all
of whom had recent Ph.D.s from research universities in Developed Countries
(DC's) returned home to find that their recently acquired skills and areas
of expert knowledge were of little direct value in their home environments.

More http://wp.me/pJQl5-6Z

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