Ted Byfield via Nettime-tmp on Wed, 14 Jun 2023 17:07:21 +0200 (CEST)

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Re: <nettime> Direction of Travel

Thank you, David, this is exactly right. We’ve  started to see some helpful discussions about various roles — admin, moderator, etc. My hope is that we’ll end up with some constellation of people and orgs who can not just maintain a mailing list well but also navigate larger questions about nettime as a project, whatever form(s) it might take.

It’s become a truism that nettime is pretty homogeneous, but it’s worth remembering that it exemplified  radical kind of diversity early on — geographical, ideological, disciplinary, institutional, practical, stylistic, etc. That was a big part of what made it so unusual. There’s no guarantee that building on that diversity will ‘work,’ or that it won’t — but nettime was never about guarantees. 

On Jun 14, 2023 at 9:40 AM -0400, David Garcia via Nettime-tmp <nettime-tmp@mail.ljudmila.org>, wrote:
moderation requires a personal culture capable of understanding the
intellectual concepts used in Nettime content
moderation requires intellectual acuity to detect unhealthy or
discriminating content
but none of these skills are linked to skin color, age, gender or
sexual preference.

Jean-Noel, thats clear. But I'm right behind Vesna on this one. I think
the ability to detect "discriminating content" (which may not always
manifest through ill will but though unconscious bias) may be picked up
more swiftly by a moderator who has experienced this as part of their
own lived experience.

We may also want to take on board the potential editorial opportunities
of new moderators. If we are keen to attract readers and contributors
from a wider demographic they might be more willing to participate when
invited by someone who could draw from a wider network and whose
experience of issues were closer to their own.

Best David

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