announcer on Fri, 20 Feb 1998 14:08:56 +0100 (MET)

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NETTIME'S WEEKLY ANNOUNCER - every friday into your inbox
send your PR to in time!

1...Le Monde Diplomatique..February 1998
2...Le Monde Diplomatique..How to subscribe to our Internet
3...Eric Nellen............Toaster Lineage
4...Vadim Epstein..........lady olialia saves your screen
5...V2_Organisation........V2_Book publication landscape painting: 1995
7...Don Weightman..........Last call for reading group on
                           technical standards
8...Paul Kneisel...........Anti-fascist news groups forming
                           on the net
9...ARTSPACE Sydney........Launch of Digital Media Studio
                           at Metro TV
10..Australian Network.....F O L D B A C K


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Date: Thu, 12 Feb 1998 15:27:08 +0000
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                                                    LE MONDE DIPLOMATIQUE

                           Le Monde diplomatique

                              english edition

                               February 1998

                        edited by Wendy Kristianasen


  France divided
      by Ignacio Ramonet *

     The recent protests in France come as no surprise. For the Jospin
     government has focused on the convergence criteria for the euro and
     neglected the needs of the three million unemployed and millions
     more struggling to get by on the bare minimum.


  The Algerian army holds the levers of power
      by Lahouari Addi

     The month of Ramadan was marked by a further escalation of violence
     in Algeria, with serial massacres ravaging villages in the west of
     the country in the Islamist heartland. To try to understand what
     lies behind these dreadful events, we need first to examine the
     country's power structure. In this article, Lahouari Addi analyses
     the role of the army and its dominant role in the Algerian state.

                                          Translated by Francisca Garvie

    Heading for deflation?

  From overproduction to financial crisis and into recession
      by François Chesnais

     It is more than seven months since the financial meltdown that
     began in Thailand with the collapse of the baht. Despite
     intervention by the IMF, the situation remains unstable. The
     much-vaunted Asian tiger economies, South Korea in particular, will
     be subject to structural adjustments which will almost certainly
     entail massive job losses, company closures and increased poverty.

                                              Translated by Julie Stoker

  Muddled measures by the IMF
      by Ibrahim Warde *

     The problems of Southeast Asia's economies were seen as glitches
     along the road -- that is, until last November when South Korea, on
     the verge of default, applied to the IMF for help. The IMF has
     responded by transposing the remedies it knows and has already used
     in Latin America to the vastly different Asian context. A
     heavy-handed reshaping of Southeast Asia is under way.

                                            Translated by Sally Blaxland

  On the web *

     Internet addresses and information on world economic organisations.

  Time for a change in the Indonesian leadership?
      by Françoise Cayrac-Blanchard

     The rice harvest has failed and, at the start of the year, the
     rupiah collapsed. This has led to a social and political crisis.
     General Suharto, standing for a seventh term as president, has had
     to agree to IMF reforms, but there have been riots in Java and the
     opposition is calling for him to go.

                                            Translated by Barbara Wilson

  A dangerous new manifesto for global capitalism
      by Lori M. Wallach *

     The Multilateral Agreement on Investment (MAI) proposes to grant
     inalienable rights to multinational corporations at the expense of
     national governments, which would find themselves forced to defend
     their own laws in court and pay compensation for any infringement
     of the proposed treaty. Those negotiating it in the OECD have kept
     very quiet. But late in the day, the public and their
     representatives may be beginning to wake up to a new threat.

                                                Original text in English


  Basque nationalism undermined by ETA
      by Barbara Loyer

     On 12 January a fourth Basque local councillor was murdered by ETA.
     After hundreds of killings, ETA now seems to be targeting members
     of the People's Party, which is part of the Madrid government, as
     well as waging a campaign of violence against the governing party
     in the Basque Autonomous Community. Barbara Loyer explains the
     meaning of this, giving a rare insight into the little-known
     origins of Basque nationalism.

                                              Translated by Barry Smerin


  Americans fight for ecological justice
      by Eric Klinenberg

     Wherever industry buys up land as dumps for its waste, it is
     putting the most vulnerable at risk. In the United States, this has
     provoked an unexpected response. Different groups - Blacks,
     Indians, environmentalists and others - have got together in the
     name of "environmental justice" to fight for their right to live
     free of pollution.

                                                Original text in English


  Uganda, nearly a miracle
      by Gérard Prunier

     Uganda is often cited as one of Africa's rare success stories.
     Yoweri Museveni may have seized power in 1986 in the traditional
     manner, but he has guided Uganda to an unusual degree of economic
     progress and political stability. The country also has a key role
     in the continent's new geopolitics, but the unrest that surrounds
     it does not make for domestic tranquillity.

     Read also: Facts and figures *

                                                Translated by Lorna Dale


  Conflict resolution, the new challenge
      by Virginie Raisson

     The West is constantly torn between the need to intervene in
     fratricidal conflicts, like those in Algeria, Burundi or
     Afghanistan, and the real risks for its own soldiers. One of the
     new approaches being looked at is "conflict prevention". But
     serious questions have first to be addressed. How can we identify
     wars in the making? What are the criteria for intervention: likely
     success, numbers of victims or just visibility on the evening news?
     And should we try to stop "just" wars?

                                              Translated by Barry Smerin


  Developing the weapons of the 21st century
      by Maurice Najman

     Space platforms, drones, hypersonic attack aircraft, cruise
     missiles, space-based action. This is not science fiction, but part
     of the United States' arms programme. The aim is to remain the sole
     superpower and to be capable of winning two conflicts - on a par
     with the Gulf war - simultaneously and without losses.

  From space platforms to electronic warfare (M. N.) *

                                         Translated by Malcolm Greenwood


  The irresistible rise of the Orthodox establishment
      by Joseph Algazy

     As a result of his intransigence, Israel's prime minister, Binyamin
     Netanyahu is having to rely more closely than ever on his coalition
     partners of the religious right, who are trying hard to increase
     their hold on the state. This is causing resentment among Israelis
     at large, most of whom fiercely resent the power of the Orthodox
     establishment and its control over their daily lives -- to the
     point where the divide between the secular majority and the
     religious minority is assuming the proportions of a "war of

  Who is who (J. A.) *

  Glossary *

                                        Translated by Wendy Kristianasen

     (*) Star-marked articles are available to every reader. Other
     articles ar available to paid subscribers only.


       For more information on our English edition, please visit


       To subscribe to our free "dispatch" mailing-list, send an
       (empty) e-mail to:

        To unsubscribe from this list, send an (empty) e-mail to:


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Date: Wed, 18 Feb 1998 11:55:27 +0000
To: English edition <>
From: Le Monde diplomatique <>
Subject: How to subscribe to our Internet edition
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               Le Monde diplomatique
                    in English

     Compulsory reading for French speakers everywhere

        Also for readers of German, Italian,
           Spanish, Greek and Arabic...

                and now English...

     Dear reader,

     You are on our mailing list, but you have not yet subscribed to
     our Internet edition.

     Are you worried about subscribing by the Internet? Rest assured.
     You can send us your credit card details with complete confidence
     through our agents, Kagi. We have selected Kagi to deal with our
     subscriptions service because it uses a totally secure system and
     maintains the highest business standards.

     Can you afford to miss out on

     * our first-hand accounts by leading specialists,
       journalists and academics?

     * the quality of our analysis of political, social
       and economic issues?

     * the critical spirit with which we address the
       affairs of our time?

     Half a million readers read Le Diplo in a variety of the world's
     major languages. Our English edition is at the start of its life.
     Subscribing to it on the Internet will help us towards our goal
     of providing you with a printed alternative as well.

     You may have seen Lori M. Wallach's article about the MAI this
     February which we made freely available to all. Or have you not
     yet looked? What else could you be missing?

     For 24 US dollars a year (institutions 48 dollars), you can have
     the whole English Internet edition of Le Monde diplomatique: just
     press the TO SUBSCRIBE sign on our Website at


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Date: Fri, 13 Feb 1998 12:35:56 +0100
To: Marjan Alberda <>,,
        Patrice Riemens <>,
From: "Nellen, Eric" <> (by way of Eduard de
Subject: Toaster Lineage
X-Pop-Info: 00003294 00000058

Toaster Lineage
If IBM made toasters... They would want one big toaster where people
bring bread to be submitted for overnight toasting. IBM would claim a
worldwide market for five, maybe six toasters.
If Xerox made toasters... You could toast one-sided or double-sided.
Successive slices would get lighter and lighter. The toaster would jam
your bread for you.
If Radio Shack made toasters... The staff would sell you a toaster, but
not know anything about it. Or you could buy all the parts to build your
own toaster.
If Oracle made toasters... They'd claim their toaster was compatible
with all brands and styles of bread, but when you got it home you'd
discover the Bagel Engine was still in development, the Croissant
Extension was three years away, and that indeed the whole appliance was
just blowing smoke.
If Sun made toasters... The toast would burn often, but you could get a
really good cup of Java.
Does DEC still make toasters?... They made good toasters in the '80s,
didn't they?
If Hewlett-Packard made toasters... They would market the Reverse Polish
Toaster, which takes in toast and gives you regular bread.
If Cray made toasters... They would cost $16 million but would be faster
than any other single-slice toaster in the world.
If the NSA made toasters... Your toaster would have a secret trap door
that only the NSA could access in case they needed to get at your toast
for reasons of national security.
If Sony made toasters... The ToastMan, which would be barely larger than
the single piece of bread it is meant to toast, can be conveniently
attached to your belt.
If Timex made toasters... They would be cheap and small quartz-crystal
wrist toasters that take a roasting and keep on toasting.
If Fisher Price made toasters... "Baby's First Toaster" would have a
hand-crank that you turn to toast the bread that pops up like a
If the Franklin Mint made toasters... Every month, you would receive
another lovely hand-crafted piece of your authentic hand-crafted Civil
War pewter toaster.
If CostCo made toasters... They'd be really cheap, as long as you bought
a six-pack of 'em.
If Apple made toaster... They would be the easiest toasters in the world
to use, but if you tried to use them in a room with other toasters they
would refuse to share the loaf of bread and automatically file law
suites against the other toaster manufacturers claiming Apple was the
only company entitled to make toast. While doing this of course they
would forget how to make good toast and end up being paper weights.
And, of course: If Microsoft made toasters... Every time you bought a
loaf of bread, you would have to buy a toaster. You wouldn't have to
take the toaster, but you'd still have to pay for it anyway.  Toaster
'95 would weigh 15000 pounds (hence requiring a reinforced steel counter
top), draw enough electricity to power a small city, take up 95% of the
space in your kitchen, would claim to be the first toaster that lets you
control how light or dark you want your toast to be, and would secretly
interrogate your other appliances to find out who made them. Everyone
would hate Microsoft toasters, but nonetheless would buy them since most
of the good bread only works with their toasters.


Date: Sun, 15 Feb 1998 15:48:14 +0300
From: Vadim Epstein <>
Organization: here:// complex con-science
Subject: lady olialia saves your screen

high there,

we all need to be screened from the world.
and our lovely screens needs care.

therefore enjoy new ergonomic creature and save your screen now:



Date: Mon, 16 Feb 1998 19:00:39 +0100
From: (V2_Organisation)
Subject: V2_Book publication

We would like to bring to your attention the latest publication
by V2_Organisation: TECHNOMORPHICA.
=46or more information about this book and how to order it,
please, check, or contact us by
You can also order this book directly from your local bookstore
using the ISBN number: 90 6617 190 1.

=2E............. V2_Publication: TechnoMorphica ..................
Will technomorphization, the reorganization of the organic based
on the intelligent machine model, become the dominant model of
our age? Has evolution entered a technological-scientific phase
where humans no longer develop themselves in natural processes,
but where the human body adapts itself to the parameters of this
technological era?
In this book fourteen authors give their views on this blurring
of borders and the fusion of the biological with the
technological. Ideas about angels and robots, about viruses and
mad cows. A world where machines are anthromorphized and where
humans are technomorphized. And if only the glare of our
monitors is left to illuminate us, isn't it time to build a
museum for the sun?
The authors are:

Stelarc (AUS).............................................artist
Manuel De Landa (USA).....................................writer
Knowbotic Research (D)...................................artists
Gerburg Treusch-Dieter (D)...........................sociologist
Wim Nijenhuis (NL)...............................urban developer
Mark Dery (USA)..................................cultural critic
Lars Spuybroek/NOX (NL)................................architect
Humbert Maturana (RCH).................................biologist
Kerstin Dautenhahn (D)................artificial life researcher
Detlef Linke (D)....................................neurosurgeon
Stefaan Decostere (B)........................television producer
Louis Bec (F).............fabulatoire artificial life researcher
Jozef Keulartz (NL).............................environmentalist
Paul Virilio (F).................................urban developer
16x23cm, 368 pages, illustrations in full color (184 pages)
bilingual (Dutch-English), retail price approx. US$ 23.-
ISBN 90 6617 190 1
=2E......................ALSO STILL AVAILABLE.....................
=2E.............V2_Publication: Interfacing Realities.............
Are computer networks a virtual world, parallel to a 'real'
world? Can a superhighway be digital? Can a city be digital? Is
the Internet nothing but a huge collective mental projection,
constructed with the aid of a large number of (architectural)
metaphors? If the answer to these questions is affirmative, we
- together with these authors - will have to address a number of
essential issues. What does this mean to the cities we inhabit
now? And if this technological extension of the urban space has
so much, 'reality effect', are we willing to throw ourselves on
the Net for shopping, education and even to search for money and
happiness? In the end, will we have to metaphorize ourselves,
with our bodies becoming nothing but a protrusion of the screen?
The five authors Knowbotic Research, William J. Mitchell,
Stephen Perrella, Stacey Spiegel and Siegfried Zielinski wrote
their texts in a procedure proposed by the V2_Organisatie. The
authors could read and comment on each other's material via the
Net in three consecutive rounds. Stefan M=B8nker moderated the
proceedings and wrote the introduction.
The book is not a metaphor, but a machine that has caught a
virus from the Net. When used intensively the shape changes.
This publication is an initiative of V2_ resulting from DEAF95
(Dutch Electronic Art Festival) that V2_ organised with
Interfacing Realities as its theme.
17x24cm, 72 pages, full color, bilingual (Dutch-English), retail
price approx. US$ 17.- ISBN 90 6617 183 9
to order, contact:

Postbus 19049
3001 BA  Rotterdam
The Netherlands

T: +31.10.404 6427
=46: +31.10.412 8562
VAT: NL 96.89.102.B.01


>From  Tue Feb 17 10:24:05 1998
Received: from sam.comms.unsw.EDU.AU (sam.comms.unsw.EDU.AU
[]) by (8.8.5/8.6.9) with ESMTP id KAA07082 for
<>; Tue, 17 Feb 1998 10:24:01 +0100
Received: from default ([]) by sam.comms.unsw.EDU.AU
(8.8.8/8.7.5.kenso-central) with SMTP id UAA18564 for <>;
Tue, 17 Feb 1998 20:28:42 +1100 (EST)
Message-Id: <>
X-Mailer: QUALCOMM Windows Eudora Light Version 3.0.3 (32)
Date: Tue, 17 Feb 1998 18:01:43 +1100
Subject: australian landscape painting: 1995
Mime-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii"

australian landscape painting: 1995

off my face on the inner swell of the valley:
looking across at the land undulating and the plastic trees.
folding: i wonder what hides in the troughs.

built a control tower for twig radio -
broadcasting out and down.
can't catch any signals on my scanner see.

it's easy here - it's nowhere but now here.
there's no two levels through which to flux -
the dry language verses a wet song.
somewhere i'm a bridge builder but not here.
here is now and the blue hills and the fire.

i am turpentine snow-shoes and the earth is dry -
the twigs are dry.
it snaps - releases a fine spray of dust.
snap_&_release and reverb
as the dust and the moment beyond themselves
and disperses into the field.
volition? wind?

two pieces of bark,
one in each hand and two pieces of log,
one in each hand and bragging across the paddock
through the trees at an even pace to come home
and play with the chainsaw.

sure work up a sweat with those things.
Anti-Destination Society
PO Box 950, Darlinghurst NSW 2010, Australia. (wip) (wip)


Date: Tue, 17 Feb 1998 11:26:18 -0500 (EST)
From: Don Weightman <weightmands@Radix.Net>
Subject: Last call for reading group on technical standards

This is a follow up to an earlier announcement of a  reading group on
legal/policy, economic and strategic dimensions of technical compatibility
standards.  Readings will include materials ranging from the economics of
networks and the (antitrust) effects of standards on high tech markets --
viz US v. Microsoft -- to comparative and historical studies on
technological change.  The readings will come from Phil Agre's graduate
seminar syllabus, from technical journals and scholarly anthologies, some
of which are hard to come by. I have a complete set (1000 pages) in hard
copy -- and hope to be able to help (costs to be reimbursed) people who
have difficulty finding materials on their own. The syllabus is still
available by email from me for anyone who wants it.

There will be a "live" version, probably meeting in downtown Washington DC
on weekend afternoons. Several people from all over have expressed interest
in an on-line version, and offered resources. Looks like there will be an
email list, or a Web bulletin board, or maybe both.  Details to follow to
interested people.

Feel free to recirculate this message wherever there might be interest & to
contact me at the phone number or email address in my .sig below.

Apologies for the cross-posting (to: dccp, cybertelecom, cyberia, nettime).


202 544-1458
Donald Weightman
dweightman@ (day) (evenings & recreation)


Date: Sun, 15 Feb 1998 00:37:41 -0500
From: Paul Kneisel <>
Subject: Anti-fascist news groups forming on the net

I wrote you a year ago about defending Shel Epstein at Northwestern
University after Shel got in trouble challenging the notorious Holocaust
Revisionist Arthur Butz. I am writing you now about three anti-fascist news
groups several of us are trying to form on the net.

The groups are really very "plain vanilla" anti-fascist ones, designed to
be open to input from many different types of people with different
backgrounds and politics. You can read the definition of the groups from
the bureaucratically-worded document we had to submit. This is at
<>. You can also see a partial list of our
endorsers there.

To create the groups we need to win a vote by a 2/3 majority. That means
that we need two pro-tolerance votes for every bigot and cybernazi who
votes against the groups.

To get your ballot and a formal description of the groups you need to send
e-mail to "" saying "Please send
soc.politics.anti-fascism CFV". The voting ends on 20 February so we hope
you can write as soon as possible.

The defeat of an earlier cybernazi organizing attempt to create the news
group <> was a massive victory for the forces opposing
bigotry and hate-speech on the net. The success of the anti-fascist news
groups can be an even greater victory.

But we need your support in this matter.

We tried to anticipate questions and provide answers at our new web site
<>. We also have more information stored there
on the groups and the opposition to them.

  --  tallpaul

PS: Should you want to read the 1000-post flamefest that's greeted us
during the net discussion, almost all of it is up on my ftp site:


Date: Wed, 18 Feb 1998 16:52:20 +1100 (EST)
Mime-Version: 1.0
To: "Recipient.List.Suppressed":;
From: ARTSPACE Sydney <>
Subject: ANNOUNCEMENT: Launch of Digital Media Studio at Metro TV
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id HAA15780
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You are invited to the launch of Sydney's first open access Digital Media
Studio at Metro Television on Friday 27 February at 10.30-11.30am.

Sandra Nori, NSW Government Parliamentary Secretary for small business will
speak at the launch which will also include screening of recent web
projects created at the studio during the Digital Media Summer School.

For the past 15 years, Metro Television has worked at the grass roots level
to discover, train and develop talent in the screen arts. Our Digital
Studio is dedicated to the development of next generation digital skills by
new and emerging screen practitioners.

Located in Paddington in central Sydney the Digital Media Studio is
equipped with ten state of the art, high speed computers with the latest
design and imaging software for video, multimedia and world wide web

Projects already utilising the digital studio include the Metro/Australian
Centre for Photography Summer School in Digital Media Production for the
Web, the AFTRS/NIDA Byte Sized Theatre web initiative and the LOUD Youth
Media Arts Festival. In February 1998 a conference for screenwriters on
interactive storytelling hosted by the Australian Writers Guild will be
held in the Studio.

>From 1998 Metro is running accredited courses in Interactive Multimedia,
Digital Video and Audio, 2D Animation and Digital Imaging. The studio will
also host multimedia industry traineeships.

The digital studio is located in Metro's current premises at the Sydney
Film Centre in the Paddington Town Hall at the corner of Oatley Rd & Oxford
St, Paddington.

RSVP for launch by Wednesday 25 February to Fiona Weir on ph: 02 9361 5318

All press and media enquiries to Metro's New Media Manager Peter Giles:
0417 454 899 or email:

Metro's  Digital Media Studio is supported by State and Regional
Development NSW and the Australian Film Commission.

Peter Giles
Facilities/New Media

Metro promotes a strong, independent screen culture which is innovative,
representative and diverse.
Metro Television, Sydney Film Centre, Paddington Town Hall, PO Box 299,
Paddington, NSW, 2021.  Ph: 612 9361 5318, Fax: 612 9361 5320.
On the web:

Please contact Artspace:

- If you wish to be removed from our mailing list or if you are receiving
this message more than once
- If you know of other people who would like to be advised about our
upcoming events and exhibitions
- If you would like announcements sent to an alternative address
- To let us know about your programs, events and exhibitions
- For further information

Please forward this message to other interested people, organisations and
mailing lists (it currently goes to acam-l and

Many Thanks


The Gunnery
43 - 51 Cowper Wharf Road
Woolloomooloo NSW 2011

tel +61 2 9368 1899
fax +61 2 9368 1705

Director: Nicholas Tsoutas
Acting Administrator: Kristen Elsby
Acting Curatorial Assistant: Helen Hyatt-Johnston


Mime-Version: 1.0
Date: Wed, 18 Feb 1998 17:11:06 +0930
To: (Recipient list suppressed)
From: (Australian Network for Art & Technology)
Subject: F O L D B A C K
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id IAA26155
X-Pop-Info: 00004910 00000095
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The Australian Network for Art and Technology in association with the
Telstra Adelaide Festival presents:

**********************     F O L D B A C K     **********************


f o r u m  **  e x h i b i t i o n  **  s a t e l l i t e s  **  t o u r

                             March 8 1998
       Ngapartji Multimedia Centre, 211 Rundle Street, Adelaide
                             12pm - 8pm
                              $10 / $15

This year's Adelaide Festival will be the site of a celebration of some of
Australia's most dynamic new media artists.

The Australian Network for Art and Technology (ANAT) in association with
the Telstra Adelaide Festival will present a day long forum on media, sound
and screen culture celebrating the tenth anniversary of ANAT's existence as
Australia's peak network for artists working with technology.  FOLDBACK is
a transmedia event looping in upon the memories and histories of ANAT
artists, featuring real-time performances by flesh and data bodies.

Taking place on March 8, the FOLDBACK forum will form a bridge between the
themes explored at Writers' Week and Artists' Week, drawing connections
between the often divergent cultures of art, writing and sound.  Forming a
living biography of ANAT's past and present, all the participants of
FOLDBACK work in cross disciplinary ways, dispelling the assumption that
media art belongs only in a visual art context.

Creating resonances and linkages across cultures and sub-cultures FOLDBACK
uses real and virtual media to bring together contributors of some of
ANAT's most successful projects of recent times.  Keynote speaker, renowned
cyberwriter and web publisher MARK AMERIKA (USA) <> will
interweave electronic writers, JOSEPHINE WILSON (Perth) and LINDA CARROLI
(Brisbane) <> into a presentation of where
the digerati meets the literati.

Also presenting at the exhibition and forum is artist and writer, LINDA
DEMENT, who explores the notion of 'the monstrous feminine' through
confronting and poignant multimedia pieces, and nervous_objects
<>, the artists collective born at the 1997 ANAT
National Summer School, who utilise the internet as a performance forum,
illustrating the idiosyncrasies of online collaboration. Cyberpoet KOMNINOS
ZERVOS <>, direct from Artec in the UK,
will perform a selection of his underground cyberpoetry, and sound artist
STEVIE WISHART,  traversing the unlikely nexus between medieval and
contemporary musics, will perform with her famous hurdy-gurdy.  Electronic
music collective, ZóNAR RECORDINGS <>will
transform FOLDBACK into feedback with techno experimenta to close the day.

An exhibition, on display at Ngapartji Multimedia Centre during the forum
and throughout  Artists' Week will provide an opportunity to delve deeper
into some of the memorable work developed by artists through ANAT's
programs of support.  A specially commissioned exhibition interface by
Adelaide based designers inSECT 22, will explore the grey area between art,
technology, minds and machines.

A number of satellite events, scanning the contemporary face of
electrosonic culture will focus attention on the often marginalised medium
of sound art.  In a mini-festival of sound and technology, noise and
signal, the FOLDBACK satellites ensure a holistic incorporation of
soundculture into the milieu of the "festival city".

This unique event also features a tour by Mark Amerika, placing FOLDBACK in
a national context.  Presenting at the Perth Institute for Contemporary Art
(PICA) on March 18 with writers Josephine Wilson and Terri-ann White,
Amerika will address the frictions between hard and soft publishing.  On
March 21 he will give a presentation at The Performance Space in Sydney,
before joining writer Linda Carolli at the Institute for Modern Art in
Brisbane on 24th March.

For further information or interviews, please contact:
Amanda McDonald Crowley or Honor Harger

postal address: PO Box 8029 Hindley Street, Adelaide, SA 5000, Australia
web address:
telephone:  +61 (0)8-8231-9037
fax:   +61 (0)8-8211-7323
Director: Amanda McDonald Crowley   (tel: 0419 829 313)
Administration & Information Officer: Honor Harger
Web & Technical Officer:  Martin Thompson

Memberships: $A10 (unwaged), $A20 (waged), $A40 (institutions)

ANAT receives support from The Australia Council, the Federal
Government's arts funding and advisory body

#  distributed via nettime-l : no commercial use without permission
#  <nettime> is a closed moderated mailinglist for net criticism,
#  collaborative text filtering and cultural politics of the nets
#  more info: and "info nettime" in the msg body
#  URL:  contact: