nettime's_digestive_system on Sat, 10 Oct 1998 20:51:14 +0200 (MET DST)

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<nettime> re: gated communities [waz, nathan, van belle]

     [<...> below = quoted material deleted. -t]

Date: Sat, 10 Oct 1998 15:59:23 +0100
Subject: a question on antiorp

so, has antiorp passed the turing test?


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From: P Nathan <>
Date: Sat, 10 Oct 1998 11:25:53 -0500 (CDT)

re: gate(way)ed communities, etc.

\/\/h!l3 ! 4ppl4ud n3tt!/\/\3 f0r !tz \/\/34lth 0v d!zkuzz!0nz 4nd 
br34dth 0v 4ud!3nc3, 4r3n't y'4ll k0pp!nG 4 /\/\4j0r 4tt!tud3 h3r3?

th3r3 \/\/3r3 4nd 4r3 0th3r 3/\/\4!l l!ztz \/\/!th s!/\/\!l4r 4nd 
s!Gn!f!k4nt d!zk0urz3 3xt4nt l0nG b3f0r3 n3tt!/\/\3, y3t ! k33p 
h34r!nG 0v3rt0n3z 0v h0\/\/ th3 Gr0up !n th3 n3th3rl4ndz \/\/3r3 
p!0n33rz, n0\/\/ b3!nG k0p!3d.
^M 1995 != 1983

but th3 3xch4nG3 r3G4rd!nG 4nt!0rp !z r3fr3sh!nG.
^M m0d3r4t!0n != c3nz0rzh!p, unl3zz y0u d3!Gn t0 b3 4 G0v3rn/\/\3nt

p4c0 x4nd3r n4th4n.


- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Date: Sat, 10 Oct 1998 19:17:21 +0200 (MET DST)
From: Guy Van Belle <>

O dear, a very thrilling and interesting story! The maths were convincing.
The storyline very strong. This should be in the netime bible!
Especially the middle part: I was sobbing my way all over the
screen seeing almost in front of my eyes, little ted doing all that work
and that bad wicked antiorp inundating the world with dirtily encrypted
codes and statements! But then there came the good ending! Nettime was
saved! We were left pure in our untainted discussions about free speech
and technology and society and that bloody war in the Balkan. 
Thanks to Ted, Knight of the order of the Round Firewall. 
So it was inevitable, this Moldred was not to be allowed in!
In the end I was truly touched by the parential advice Ted gave to antiorp
to start his own list. The problem remains though, who will moderate it to
protect it from evil nettimers' decrypted, cleaned up, restored and
rebuilt neat messages? 

My favorite quote in all this also came from Ted in true film noir style: 
"But I can tell you one thing: I gave antiorp *exactly* what it  
wants, a new toy fascist." 
*boooohoooo* beuauuuuuuuuutiful!


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available for reappropriation by whoever has the time to learn how to use
redefine, misuse and rewire it
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