Walter Langelaar on Fri, 5 Dec 2008 01:05:00 +0100 (CET)

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[Nettime-nl] xxxxx scrying workshop announce / rotterdam

Theoretical and hands-on Workshop by Martin Howse (, exploring
the obscure, crystal and liquid electromagnetic(EM) world which surrounds
us. Scrying is a technique of divination and revelation.

Participants will tinker with a variety of simple sniffing devices to
actively explore in primarily aural manner the alternative city space of
ghost EM architecture - mobile emissions, metal structures supporting
existent buildings, power and lines of transmission.
EM sniffing is presented as contemporary city flaneur and divining

> date: 18.12 and 19.12
> time: 12.00-18.00
> location: WORM
> Achterhaven 148
> 3024 RC Rotterdam

Please sign up at and tell us why you would like to
participate in this workshop.
Note that the amount of participants is limited to max. 10 people!

> Admission Fee: 30euros

Scrying boards are open hardware, occupied in a mapping of code interiority
into the world as a life coding practice [collapse of wave function]
occupied with encapsulation and rationalism.

Scrying was famously practiced by the 16th century astronomer,
mathematician and alchemist John Dee with the assistance of presumed
impostor Edward Kelley, using a mirror of obsidian amongst other devices.

Martin Howse (UK/DE): Independent xxxxx research organisation examines the
software real, life and live coding, autodestructive strategy and
crash-falsified revelation.

The workshop is hosted by moddr_
in_foo mailing list

|m|o|d|d|r|_| > |   | | |
| |w|o|r|m| | > |  | | |
| |h|o|m|e| | > | |

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* Contact: Menno Grootveld (