Tjebbe van Tijen via Chello on Sun, 21 Aug 2011 15:32:21 +0200 (CEST)

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[Nettime-nl] What will be the last view of Gaddafi of this world?

What will be the last view of Gaddafi of this world?

August 21, 2011 by Tjebbe van Tijen 

For the version with two tableau pictures and links see The Limping Messenger:

[tableau: which way up?]

What will be the last view of Gaddafi of this world?

which way up?

which way down?

what will be our last view of him?

the anti-colonial guerilla fighter hero he associated with Omar al Mukhtar – Lion of the Desert – hung in 1931 by the Italian fascist colonial regime under Benito Mussolini
(Gaddafi wore the last photograph of Mukhtar alive just before his execution as a badge on his military uniformwhen visiting Berlusconi in Italy in 2009)


the ruthless dictator Benito Mussolini, as captured by Italian Partisans in 1945, when he tried to flee to Switzerland and executed on the spot, hung by his feet

the flag of his copy cat green revolution waved four decades

the regime he helped create repressed as many people as it did bind, to its peculiar form of common wealth

despised and embraced at the same time, by other leaders from other countries
who drew their plans for his removal while celebrating their meetings with him

those from his own camp, who now leave him to face up to his last days
will trample on his face to hide their own past

will his court be in the streets or in The Hague?

there will be no singular view of Gaddafi

as with all dictators both his face
and the way we see it
are split.

[tableau: which way down?]


Tjebbe van Tijen
Imaginary Museum Projects
Dramatizing Historical Information
web-blog: The Limping Messenger

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