cosmin manolescu on Tue, 25 Sep 2001 11:04:13 +0200 (CEST)

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[Nettime-ro] Fw: [ISEA-FORUM:1182] body/machine

----- Original Message -----
From: Jim Ruxton <>
To: Liste de discussions sur la isea-forum <>
Sent: Tuesday, September 25, 2001 3:34 AM
Subject: [ISEA-FORUM:1182] body/machine

> body/machine:
> a conference on the body/technology interface
> Friday, October 26 through Sunday, October 28 in Toronto
> body/machine is a three-day public and academic conference dedicated to
> exploring the body/technology interface. Initiated by the Moving
> Pictures Festival, the conference is being hosted by the Faculty of Fine
> Arts at
> York University as well as downtown Toronto institutions and organizations
> such as Ontario College of Art and Design, InterAccess Electronic Media
> Centre, V-tape and Pages Books. Programming runs the gamut from academic
> paper presentations and panels to artists'talks and workshops, public
> performances, installations and lecture/demonstrations.
> Highlights include the Anatomic Cabaret of multidisciplinary
> performance, installations in various downtown Toronto sites including
> Kupper's
> Touch, Stelarc's Alternative Interfaces and Sophia Lycouris' Bodysight.
> Papers and panels on subjects ranging from the cyborg body to the future
> of animation will take place on York University campus. Presenters include
> Robert Wechsler(Germany), Kinga Araya (Canada), Terry Braun (UK), Bruce
> Elder(Canada), Kent De Spain (USA), Isa Gordon and Jesse Jarrell(USA)
> and Yacov Sharir(USA). Screenings, workshops and artists' talks round out
> the schedule.
> The Moving Pictures Festival of Dance on Film and Video takes place
> immediately following the conference from Monday, October 29 through
> Saturday, November 3.
> Programming details and registration forms are now available at
> (click body/machine) or contact:
> body/machine
> c/o Moving Pictures Festival
> 253 College Street, # 102
> Toronto, Ontario M5T 1R5
> ph (416) 961 5424/fx (416) 961 5624

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