Oana Mateescu on Mon, 8 Oct 2001 15:57:01 +0200 (CEST)

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[Nettime-ro] call for proposals - "A Bridge of Understanding"

Call for Proposals by The Arts and Culture Network Program, Open Society
A new projects' window within the Soros foundations network, linked with
Azerbaijan, Armenia, Georgia, Kazakhstan, Kyrgysztan, Mongolia, Tajikistan
and Uzbekistan. 

Goals of the program:
- to bridge different cultures from Central Asia, the Caucasus and Mongolia
with cultures of other countries in the network;
- to stimulate networking, communication and regional cooperation between
Central Asia, the Caucasus countries and Mongolia in culture, arts and
related fields;
- to help for a better understanding, knowledge and tolerance between the
various cultures and religions of this region.

- The text should be up to 5 pages;
- The project should have a detailed budget;
- All types of cultural and artistic organizations are eligible to apply;
- The duration of the project should not exceed 6 months;
- Projects can be presented in English or Russian language.

The maximum budget that can be requested is 15,000 USD.
The projects should be submitted at the CONCEPT Foundation on paper and in
electronic form. Incomplete projects will not be taken into consideration.

Deadline for submitted applications is November 10, 2001.
The final decision will be taken by December 3, 2001.
The program will continue in the year 2002.

Additional information can be requested from CONCEPT Foundation:
Bucharest: Pictor Constantin Stahi Str, Nr.14, Cod 707642, Sector 1, 
Tel: + 40-1-313 78 72  / 40-1-311 12 52, Fax: 40-1-311 12 53,E-mail:
info@concept.osf.ro, Monday-Thursday: 13.00-17.00

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