NOPCSA on Sat, 16 Mar 2002 08:25:05 +0100 (CET)

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[Nettime-ro] Lucid Dreaming and Simbolist Art Show

Lucid Dreaming inseamna sa stii ca visezi in timp ce visezi.  Pe siteul lui Steve LaBerge, unul dintre cei mai importanti cercetatori contemporani din domeniul viselor si a somnului lucid, puteti afla informatii despre Nova Dreamer, un device de inducere si control al somnului lucid. Nova consta intr-o pereche de ochelari  plushati care au in interior un sistem computerizat miniaturizat. Acest sistem are sensori care devin activi in timpul REM (rapid eye movement) caracteristic somnului profund in care au loc visele si transmit semnale care prin automatism si exercitii pot induce visul lucid.  Steve LaBerge  este cercetator la Stanford University iar siteul despre lucid dreaming este .  Cei interesati sa participe la prima expozitie internationala pe tema viselor gasesc informatii pe siteul
The First Annual International Juried
Online Symbolist Art Show
August 28, 2002 "The Dreamer and the Dreamed"
The first annual International Juried Online Symbolist Art Show invites artists and art students from around the world to participate in this event and celebrate symbolist art. The purpose of this first-of-a-kind event is threefold:
- To promote symbolist art and its importance of leading the viewer's imagination into the unseen world of thoughts, hopes, and fears. Symbols in art are a catalyst to personal revelation.
- To provide artists from all backgrounds a convenient and meaningful online presence. Finalists and winners will be showcased through to May 1, 2003, the date of the next show.
- To help art students gain exposure and bring together a diverse array of inspirational perspectives.
According to the Oxford Dictionary, symbolist art seeks special symbols to express the essence of things by suggestion. It engages the viewer by appealing to the heart, personality and unconscious mind, as well as the intellect.
How is it dreams can heal us, frighten us, spark creative inspiration or carry us to other realms? "The Dreamer and the Dreamed" encourages artists to explore how dreams influence their lives.
The show is curated by Canadian artist and writer, Susanne Iles. To enter the show, simply complete the entry form below.
Jury: The international jury selected for the first annual show includes:
Erik Heyninck, Artist,  Ven. Robert T. Mason, Ph.D., D.D.,  Dr. Barbara Tampieri,
Jury Process: The jury will view art submitted as digital files (see details below under "Entries"). All submissions will be viewed independently, whereby each judge will make their selections based upon their own criteria, and will do so without knowledge of who the artist is. Three (3) winners will be chosen from a select group of finalists. Decisions of the judges are final.
Prizes & Promotion: All finalists will participate in an online show which will run through to May 1, 2003, the date of the next show. Cash prizes will be determined on the basis of the entries received. A concerted effort is planned to promote the show in the media internationally. Please feel free to print a copy of this prospectus and post it at your local art organization or submit it for inclusion in an art's newsletter. Use the print-friendly version of this prospectus for your convenience.

Enteries: Due to the fact the show is online, entries are restricted to original visual two- and three-dimentional art including: painting, drawing, printmaking, sculpture, digital art and photography. The jury will judge from digital images only (eg. a scanned drawing or painting). No slides, photographs or artwork will be accepted. The digital images must not have a vertical or horizontal dimension exceeding 432 pixels per inch (ppi) at 72 ppi resolution. Total file size must not exceed 75KB, in either .jpg or .gif format. Artists are asked to please respect the file size limits.

Copyright of any images used will remain the property of each artist. Please use the entry form below to identify the location of the URL where the images can be retrieved (eg. As an alternative, you may email images as file attachments to, but please ensure to complete the information required in the entry form below.

Artist Statement: Each artist is asked to provide an artist statement, not to exceed 200 words. Please make use of the entry form below.

Entry Fee: Two methods of payment are available for your convenience. The entry fee allows each artist to submit up to two(2) images.

Money Order Payments$15 (Canadian) for artists or $5 (Canadian) for students enrolled in a recognized art program. Please make money orders payable to:
Susanne Iles
P.O Box 348
Union Bay, B.C.
V0R 3B0 Canada
Please Note: No personal cheques will be accepted. Any post office should be able to offer an "International Money Order" in Canadian funds. Please include a note with your name and email address to ensure proper identification of your entry.

PayPal Payments$12 (US) for artists or $4 (US) for art students.

Commissions: Sales are the responsibility of each artist. A small commission of 10% is requested, should participating artwork sell as a result of the online show.

Registration: Deadline for entries is June 1, 2002. Finalists will be announced on Aug. 14, 2002 and showcased on this website. Winners will be announced Aug. 28, 2002. Watch for details!