Asociatia ECUMEST on Fri, 18 Oct 2002 17:20:25 +0200 (CEST)

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[Nettime-ro] INFO ARCult: Un nou portal dedicat mobilitatii artistice in Europalansat de IETM

Subiect: Un nou portal dedicat mobilitatii artistice in Europa a fost lansat de reteaua europeana IETM (International European Theatre Meeting)

Subject: IETM presents a new Cultural Mobility Portal


A new Cultural Mobility Portal giving searchable links to primary sources of information and funding supporting mobility of artists and cultural operators in/out of/around the countries of Europe and its neighbours.


You are a DANCER from the Caucasus and you would like to participate in a summer workshop in France. And perhaps you also want to find out if there is a travel grant available somewhere to get you there.

You are the MANAGER of a theatre company and you wonder if there might be an interest in its work outside its country of origin. How do you make the necessary contacts to find out? And if things work out, where do you find the money to realise your plans?

You are a PLAYWRIGHT and you just know that if you could only work without distractions for a certain period, you could finish the play you've been working on for several months. How do you find a residency and an organisation to support you financially?

Or you are a PERFORMING ARTIST at the beginning of your career and you want to broaden your vision by spending some time doing ''something'' abroad. What kinds of possibilities exist?

Now there is a practical tool on the web which makes it easier for you to find the information you seek. <> is a new web site designed to give practical information to artists and cultural
operators. On the Move is a self-help tool which simply gives links to primary sources of information, funding, potential partners, and helpful advice. We provide the links; you follow them up according to your needs.

<> is a test site which has been launched in the summer of 2002 in order to get feedback from you, our users! We will continuously improve the site according to your feedback. We are looking for organisations who could be our partners to help us research more and more links.

In this first version, <> has started out focusing on the areas of theatre, dance, and other performing arts. It is in English. We would welcome institutions that would like to translate the texts into other languages and make On the Move more easily accessible for those who don't speak English.

Visit the site, use the search facility. THERE ARE SEVERAL DIFFERENT WAYS TO SEARCH! Send us your FEEDBACK and comments, and FORWARD THIS EMAIL to all your friends, members, colleagues, funders, and to any
organisations you think might be interested.

<> is a project of IETM (Informal European Theatre Meeting), conceived together with Relais-Culture-Europe (F), and Kultur Kontakt (A). It has benefited from a grant from the European Culture Foundation.

For more information contact or the current site manager Tela Leão at, or contact them through the e-mail

If you wish to subscribe to the On The Move mailing list we will send you news about our developments from time to time: just send an e-mail to

To cancel your subscription, just send an e-mail to

*INFO ARCult reprezinta un serviciu de informare a sectorului cultural romanesc in domeniul politicilor si legislatiei culturale, propus in cadrul programului ARCult. Pentru a va inscrie sau sterge din lista de distributie electronica INFO ACRult trimiteti un mesaj la
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