emanuel vasiliu on Wed, 16 Aug 2006 15:16:49 +0200 (CEST)

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[Nettime-ro] (no subject)

e-werk weimar e.V. desfasoara un proiect la care participa artisti din franta,
germania si polonia, urmarind reactiile sociale si politice la EU in statele limitrofe Uniunii. 
O parte dintre artisti vor fi in Bucuresti intre 12 si 14 septembrie, si isi doresc sa
intalneasca artisti romani. Descrierea proiectului se gaseste pe www.missioneurope.info, iar 
persoana de contact e Katja Schäfer la MissionEurope@gmx.net.  

*The e-werk weimar e.V. is an incorporated society, that combines 
different artists, people 
engaged in the cultured sector and institutions from Weimar and Jena, 
to establish the terrain of 
the old electric power station Weimar as an island of culture. Together 
with the German National 
theatre, the E-Werk studio of the Bauhaus-University and Klassik 
Stiftung Weimar the e-werk 
association is exerted for a young and international orientation of art 
Their members and partners are organising daily cinema showings and the 
media in the film? (www.backup-weimar.de), exhibitions, 
theatreperformances, readings, 
symposia, workshops, interactive mediaperformances and European 
festivals such as ?Räuber & 
Gendarmen? (www.schillerfestival.com) and ?UWAGA! Polen 
kommen.de). Members are et al. ?ACC Galery Weimar?(www.acc-weimar.de), 
the theatre 
medialabor ?Theaterhaus Weimar? (http://theaterhaus-weimar.de), 
?netzwerk filmfest e. V.?, 
Bauhaus-University Weimar (www.uni-weimar.de), ?Schiller05 e.V.? and 
?Lichthaus Kino? 
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