Fundatia Culturala Meta on Tue, 10 Jul 2007 13:28:42 +0200 (CEST) |
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[Nettime-ro] Hitchhiking to Transilvania anyone? |
*Autostop spre Transilvania - proiect de arta video colaborativa*
*1-31 August 2007*
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concept - Iuliana Varodi
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In jur de 7 artisti specializati in arta video din nord si sud, est si vest sunt invitati sa faca autostopul spre Transilvania. Pe drum, vor inregistra imagini, sunete/muzica reprezentand tot ceea ce ii atrage sau ii intriga. Locul de intalnire este Morisena, in Sangergiu de Mures – un centru pentru proiecte de arta, schimburi culturale si dezvoltare regionala - la 1 August 2007.
Prima saptamana va fi dedicata unui rastimp in care artistii vor face cunostinta, se vor familiariza unul cu materialele celorlalti, vor stabili moduri de colaborare si vor hotari procedee in care materialul va fi folosit pentru filmul final, de exemplu compunerea fragmentelor dupa un scenariu scris impreuna. Artistii s-ar putea sa aiba nevoie sa mai adune material / sa filmeze cadre la fata locului si in imprejurimi. Ultima saptamana va fi rezervata edidarii si procesarii finale ale filmului.
Morisena pune la dispozitie atat tehnologia necesara pentru editare cat si masa si cazarea in timpul proiectului. Conditiile vor fi decente dar simple si impreuna vom avea grija ca locul sa curat, pate putin haotic dar primitor. Vom avea vin de casa, gem, paine si multe altele, toate produse la Morisena din fructe si legume din gradina noastra si ale vecinilor.
La sfarsitul lui august va avea loc vizioanrea filmului la Teatrul 74 in Targu Mures. Raspandirea, cat si lansarea DVD-ului si distribuirea filmului prin reteaua noastra de colaboratori va fi asigurata. Filmul va fi prezentat in cadrul unor festivaluri de arta vizuala si film alternative, de exeplu in Octombrie la Sibiu.
Continuaritate: in 2008 intentionam sa organizam reitinerea filmului in sens invers spre punctul initial de pornire a fiecarui artist, cu o echipa de caravane care va pleca de la Morisena in acelasi moment si va opri pe drum in diferite locuri – in centre unde exista un interes pentru discutarea filmului. Vizionarile in aceste centre se pot desfasura simultan, urmate de mese rotunde si teleconferinte prin web cam in care se vor discuta aspecte precum identitatea spatiilor parcurse etc. Acest proiect va fi dezvoltat in colaborare cu SODAart ( in contextual proiectului NOMAD care poate oferi logistica si infrastructura necesare proietctarii filmului si desfasurarii meselor rotunde.
Proiectul va fi elaborat in continuare impreuna cu Fundatia Culturala META si cu O3ONE, care vor juca un rol important in selectionarea artistilor, curatorat si difuzarea rezultatului final.
Inscrieri: trimte-ti un CV, o scrisoare de motivatie si un portofoliu la
:::: :::: :::: ::: adresa :::: Sangerogiu de Mures :::: Str Principala nr 940 ::::::::: + 40 265 319 771 :::::: + 40 728 055 775:::::::: Romania::::::
*Hitchhiking to Transylvania – collaborative video art project*
1 – 31 August 2007**
*Concept: *Iuliana Varodi //
*m **o r i s e n a** ** *offers a space for international collaborative art projects, seminars on ecology, sustainability, contemporary art related issues, summer camps and at times a dorm for backpackers::::::::::::::
About 7 video artists from north and south, east and west will be invited to hitchhike to Transylvania. On the way, they will record images, sounds / music representing whatever charms or intrigues them. The meeting point is Morisena, the centre for art residencies, cultural exchange and local development established in Sangeorgiu de Mures, on the 1st of August 2007.
The first week will be devoted to time for the artists to get familiar with each other, to watch each others material and to figure out a way of working together and to decide about the ways the material will be used for the final film, for example recomposing fragments according to a script to be written together. Artists may need to shoot some more material on the spot / in the surroundings. The last week will be reserved for the editing and final processing of the film. At the end of August a screening will take place at Teatru 74 (in Targu Mures). Dissemination, as well as a DVD publishing and spreading through our network will be provided. The movie will be presented submitted to various art / alternative film festivals.
Morisena will provide the necessary technology for editing as well as food and lodging during the project. The conditions will be quite basic, and together we'll make sure the place will be clean, messy and cozy. There will be homemade wine, jams, bread and more, all produced at Morisena from fruits and vegtables coming mainly from our own (and neighboring) gardens.
*Continuity and follow up*: in 2008 we intend to have the film "travelling" back to the original departure points of each artist, with a team of caravans leaving Morisena at the same time and stopping on the road to various locations – at centres that would be interested in discussing the film. Various screenings can take place simultaneously, followed by round table discussions and teleconferences via webcams in order to discuss issues such as identity of the traversed spaces etc. This project can be developed in collaboration with SODAart ( in the context of their NOMAD project, that can provide the needed caravans equipped with all it takes for screenings and round-table discussions.
Fundraising ideas:,,, etc
For applications, please send a CV and a motivation letter at or at
:::: :::: :::: ::: adress :::: Sangerogiu de Mures :::: Str Principala nr 940 :::::::: + 40 265 319 771 :::::: Romania :::::::::::::
-- Fundatia Culturala Meta Str. Sfintii Apostoli nr. 37A, sector 5, Bucuresti tel.:(004) 031.805.21.23 fax. 031.805.21.24 e-mail: web page: _______________________________________________ Nettime-ro mailing list --> arhiva: