Galeria Grigore Mora on Mon, 10 Sep 2007 19:25:01 +0200 (CEST)

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ROLL UP ART, aflat acum la a doua sa editie, un proiect de arta publica din
cadrul programului "I love Bucharest", deschide sesiunea de aplicatii pentru
artisti vizuali contemporani. La prima sa editie, ROLL UP ART a pus accentul
pe artistii romani si creatiile lor, anul acesta proiectul fiind deschis in
aceeasi masura si artistilor din alte tari. Lucrarile selectate vor fi
proiectate pe una dintre cladirile centrale din Bucuresti.

Daca vrei sa te afli printre participantii de anul acesta, *trimite pana la
15 octombrie* CV-ul si o selectie din lucrarile tale pentru una dintre
urmatoarele sectiuni:

*Arta Plastica – maxim 15 imagini – format jpeg (rgb)*

*Fotografie – maxim 15 imagini – format jpeg (rgb)*

*Scurt Metraje – maxim 7 minute – format avi*

*Animatie – maxim 7 minute – format avi*

*Proiecte Video – maxim 7 minute – format avi*

*Dans Contemporan – maxim 7 minute – format avi*

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Proiectiile se desfasoara* fara sunet!*

Trimite selectia ta prin e-mail la adresa:

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prin posta (CD sau DVD) la adresa:

* Galeria Grigore Mora, Strada Grigore Mora nr. 39, sector 1, Bucuresti,

Locatia si perioada de desfasurare vor fi anuntate ulterior.

ROLL UP ART face parte din programul de arta publica si comunitara I LOVE

Prin evenimentele sale anuale, ROLL UP ART  determina si intermediaza
contactul publicului larg cu noile tendinte în arta, schimband mereu
perspectivele vizuale si familiarizand publicul cu acestea.

 ROLL UP ART desfiinteaza barierele dintre galeriile de arta - spatii
expozitionale clasice, care in general sufera de o lipsa acuta de vizitatori
- si spatiul public - un spatiu viu si dinamic.

ROLL UP ART creeaza o punte de legatura intre artist si public, fiind si un
proiect dedicat artistilor,

fata de care in general mass media ramane foarte putin interesata si care
sunt foarte putin sau deloc sustinuti de catre institutii sau de catre
comunitate in realizarea si continuarea creatiilor lor.

Pentru mai multe detalii:

*Mara Patriche*

Coordonator proiect

T:  021 316 55 41

M: 072 999 78 37

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If you are an artist and you want to show your works in outdoor projections
on one of the central buildings in Bucharest, Romania, as part of an annual
public art project called ROLL UP ART, *submit* *before October 15* your CV
and a selection of your artworks for one of the following sections:

*Fine Arts – up to 15 images – jpeg (rgb) format*

*Photography – up to 15 images – jpeg (rgb) format*

*Short films – up to 7 minutes long – avi format*

*Animation – up to 7 minutes long – avi format*

*Video projects – up to 7 minutes long – avi format*

*Contemporary Dance – videos up to 7 minutes - avi format*

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Please note *no sound* will be used for the projections!

Please send your selection to:

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Post it (on CD or DVD) to the following address:

* Grigore Mora Gallery, 39 Grigore Mora Street, sector 1, Bucharest, 011886,

The place and the exact dates of this year event to be announced later on.

ROLL UP ART is part of the I LOVE BUCHAREST public and community art

Through its annual events, ROLL UP ART aims to get the public in touch with
new tendencies in arts and to familiarize the public with its constantly
changing visual perspectives.

The project aims to dissolve the boundaries between traditional art
galleries (closed spaces with few and mainly very specialised visitors) and
public space, an open and very dynamic one.

ROLL UP ART is a project dedicated to the artists, who lack media coverage
or they are very poorly sustained by the institutions or by the community in
continuing their own work.

ROLL UP ART is also a platform for the artists to share their work with the

Last year, for 4 evenings, hundreds of visual artworks, mainly Romanian,
were projected on a big canvas positioned on the facade of the National
Theatre in Bucharest, in a central and very busy area.
For this year's edition we enlarge the artistic scope by inviting artists
from all over the world to show their work in a similar context. This will
bring a benefit of both the artists and the public.

For further details, please contact:

*Irina Abaza *

Programme Coordinator

T:  0040 213 165 541

M: 0040 724 015 905
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