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[Nettime-ro] Erich Weiss, Thomas Galler/ on view @ mnac

Erich Weiss, Thomas Galler 
curator: Florin Tudor septembrie - noiembrie/ September - November 2007
MNAC, Calea 13 Septembrie, Bucuresti

scroll down for english

Expozitia prezinta o selectie de lucrari video si instalatii in care cei doi artisti abordeaza teme legate de felul in care percepem frumusetea si moartea. Texte preluate sau found footage, imagini ale unor locuri de conflict reale sau fictive se unesc pentru a construi o lume modelata dupa dorintele noastre.

Erich Weiss
Aceasta scena provine dintr-un interviu televizat al muzicianului francez Serge Gainsbourg, imagini video in care o prezinta  pentru prima oara in public pe viitoarea sotie, actrita Jane Birkin. Privind mai atent, vom descoperi imaginea unei tinere adolescente foarte indragostite, fapt care ne va duce cu gandul si la povestea âFrumoasa si Bestiaâ.

âCan Beauty Kill ?â  este un scurt film video conceput in contextul unei expozitii personale cu acelasi titlu pe care Erich Weiss a avut-o la Muzeul de Arta Vaduz din Lichtenstein. Filmul este o reflectie asupra fragilitatii si efemeritatii conceptului de frumusete, subliniind faptul ca o persoana nu poate detine imaginea perfectiunii pentru totdeauna si e sortita degradarii.

HELL 2001
In timpul unei vizite in Los Angeles, pe locul unde un barbat de culoare fusese impuscat de politia din L.A., artistul a fost uimit de prezenta unei sigle plasata deasupra statiei de benzina. In locul numelui âSHELLâ era scris âHELL (Iad)â. La o privire mai atenta, detaliile imaginii se transforma intr-o pictura pop-art, aducand aminte de una din lucrarile lui Ed Ruscha. Coloana sonora ce acompaniaza aceasta lucrare este compusa din fragmente de conversatie preluate de pe statia radio a politiei locale.

Thomas Galler
Filmul prezinta scene luate din lung metrajul âA Thin Red Lineâ realizat in 1998 de Terrence Malick. Se aude o voce de barbat (posibil un general) dand ordine si motivandu-si soldatii. Dar, la un moment dat o schimbare cruciala se petrece si intelegem atunci ca nu aceasta este banda sonora originala, ci vocea unui antrenor de fotbal (un fragment luat din filmul âAny Given Sundayâ al lui Oliver Stone din 1999), folosind un vocabular similar. Cele doua lumi sunt legate pintr-o gramatica a agresivitatii.

9. MAI 1976 2003
Aceasta a fost ziua in care Ulrike Meinhof, membra a primei generatii Rote Armee Fraktion (RAF) a fost gasita moarta in celula inchisorii. Fragmentul video este preluat de la o televiziune germana si o infatisa pe Ulrike vorbind despre moartea lui Benno Ohnesorg si vizita Sahului Iranului din 1967. Calitatea acestor imagini a fost modificata si pare a aduce aminte de  faimoasa pictura a lui Gerhard Richter, âPortret de tinereteâ, provenind din seria de picturi despre istoria RAF, intitulata â18 octombrie 1977â.

The exhibition presents a selection of video works and installations in which both artists are engaging themes related to the way we perceive beauty and death. Appropriated texts or filmed footage, images of real or fictional places of conflict come together to reconstruct a world completely shaped by our desires.

Erich Weiss
This scene is a television-interview of the French musician Serge Gainsbourg.  It is the first time he presents his future wife, the actress Jane Birkin in public.  When having a close look at the scene we discover a young girl madly in love.  It also brings in mind the story of  âthe beauty and the beastâ.

âCan Beauty Kill ?â is a short video made within the context of a solo-exhibition with the same title at the Kunstmuseum Vaduz (Liechtenstein).  Itâs a reflection on the fragility and the ephemeral aspect of beauty.  One cannot hold a wonderful perfect image for ever, it is doomed to destruction.

HELL 2001
When visiting the location in Los Angeles, where a black man was shot down by the local police, I was struck by a publicity-sign on top of a gas-station.  Instead of âShellâ one could read âHellâ.  Zooming in the sign turns into a pop art like painting bringing to mind the work of Ed Ruscha.  The sound accompanying the images is in part composed of fragments captured from a police-radio.

Thomas Galler
The video âInchesâ confronts us with a scene taken from the war movie âThe Thin Red Lineâ (Terence Malick, USA 1998).  We hear the voice of a man (a general ?) giving instructions and motivating his troops.  But at the certain moment there is a crucial shift and we understand that this isnât the original soundtrack.  In fact we are listening to a football-trainer (a fragment taken from âAny given Sundayâ, Oliver Stone, USA, 1999) using a similar vocabulary.  The two universes are linked by a grammar based on agressivity.

9. MAI 1976
9. Mai 1976 was the day, Ulrike Meinhof, one of the members of the first generation of the RAF (Rote Armee Fraktion) was found dead in her prison-cell. The footage is taken from a german television program in which she is referring to the death of Benno Ohnesorg and the visit of the Shah of Iran in 1967. The quality of this media image has been modified and remembers the famous painting by Gerhard Richter entitled âJugendbildnisâ (youth portrait), part of a series about the RAF called 18. Oktober 1977.

Cu sprijinul: Prohelvetia
Parteneri MNAC:  HP, BRD
Sponsor: Peroni
Partneri media: 24 Fun, Re:PUBLIK, Igloo, Arhitectura,
Rfi, Time Out Bucuresti

The National Museum of Contemporary Art
2-4, Str. Izvor, aripa E4,  Bucharest (RO), 050563
tel: +40 21 318 91 37/ fax: +40 21 318 91 38,

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