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[Nettime-ro] OFFICIAL O.INC 2|2|2

> i will be in bucharest on tue 17.
> yasir
> budaipest


As I recall you were searching for ART,
in which case you may care to exit the cess pool of organized  
prostitution which is bucuresti.
That's not Romania.  It's an Art Gallery / Brothel of Capitalism and  

When you can't find a prostitute, some pitiful 2x wearing gaudy  
garments or some clown with an eticheta
on his fore-head advertising himself an artist, when u can no longer  
meet a degraded human being with a job title
and the horizon not one gallery reveals, you are nearing ... i nf UNITY

in the interim ... the day's orga.nani.zed agenda:

> BUCHAREST, February 19th, 2009: PAVILION UNICREDIT, the centre for
> contemporary art and culture, announces its official opening with the
> exhibition "STATEMENT", curated by Lia Perjovschi.
> The Day's Agenda:


New and Improved Prostitution
from the prostitutes Perjovschi & Co

Two government sponsored marionnettes, particularly the latter
uncosconcious neo-comunist  who thinks anything without an official  
is noise and inconsequential - peruse nettime-ro for his completely  
'artistic' views of the 'center' -
which mirror the new and improved cucu's sporting bmw's and manele  


promulgate the destruction of complex informal systems grown over  
by countless nameless nobodies in favor of a mindless official system  
that sanctions:

Razvan Ion sees nary a thing beneath the apparent misery and filth  
of .ro
and similarly cannot fathom one iota of the filth and misery promulgated
by the colorful gullibloon metro-sexual rainbow of western democracy
which he prostrates himself before, demonstrating the mindless credulity
and utterly vapid idolatry prevalent among the neo-comunist 'avant- 
[http://ion.pavilionmagazine.org/?p=157 ... http:// 
http://ion.pavilionmagazine.org/ ... inconstient+++++++

These lfz prostitute Art and themselves with the People's money
and are an integral component of the new and improved 'avant-garde'
who hand in hand with the 'democratic' government that finance them
sell prostitution as ART, imported demo.crassy as LIFE,


The destruction of complex informal systems grown over centuries,
as PROGRESS. In other words the logical continuation
of the Communist Agenda.

These are the glorious 'artists' suckled by the large scale complex of
organized arbeit macht frei promulgated by both capitalism and comunism


much as the marionnetes that sport bmw's and manele non-stop and
sell communist factories as scrap metal and degrade women to enrich  


much as politicians that degrade the country and their constituents'  
to international 'investors' for personal favors,

these 'artists'

sell and extend the experience of communism and degrade
ART to evolve their names and a monopoly on ART + LIFE.

> i will be in bucharest on tue 17.
> yasir

As I recall you were searching for ART,
in which case you may care to exit the cess pool of organized  
prostitution which is bucuresti.

When you cannot find a prostitute, some pitiful 2x wearing gaudy  
garments or some clown with an eticheta
on his fore-head advertising himself an artist, when u can no longer  
meet a degraded human being with a job title
and the horizon not one 'art' gallery reveals, you are nearing ... i  

in the interim ...

1x prostitute:

 >We know

Not to know that one does not know is a mistake.
To know that this is a mistake keeps one from making it.

 >We know what we are made from (our genome),

Prostitutes are made from a genome.
We are made of LIGHT.

 >we know where we are (in the Universe),

Where We are there is no Here
We are the Multiverse

 >but do we know why?

All is Full of Light Theory!!
In the interim ...


In the interim ...


In the interim ...


In the interim ...



mmmmmm !!!

We celebrated each moment of our feelings as
a revelation alone in all the world. You were lighter
and bolder than the wing of a bird
flying down the stairs two at a time
pure giddiness, leading me through moist lilac to
your domain beyond the looking glass.
When night fell I was favored.
The altar gates were opened and in the dark there
gleamed your nudity, and I slowly bowed. Awakening,
“Be blessed,” I said, and knew my blessing
to be bold for you still slept. The lilac
on the table stretched forth to touch your lids with heavenly blue
and your blue-tainted lids
were calm, and your hand was warm. Locked in crystal,
rivers pulsed, mountains smoked, seas glimmered. You held
a sphere of crystal in your hand and slept on a throne. And
— righteous Lord! — you were mine. You awakened
and transformed our mundane, human words. Then did
my throat fill with new power and give new meaning to “you”
which now meant “sovereign.” All was transformed, even such
simple things as basin, pitcher — when, like a sentinel,
layered, solid water lay between us. We were drawn
on and on where cities
built by magic parted
before us like mirages. Mint carpeted our way, birds
escorted us and fish swam upstream while the sky spread
out before us as Fate followed
in our wake like a madman brandishing a razor.

 >What can be done?

in the interim:
PROSTITUTES Øv THE WORLD \4 ur health's sake\  FUK FREELY!

   |   |  m9ndfukc.maCht./fre!

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