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[Nettime-ro] Fwd: Roman Tolici - BARBER’S SHOP / RKI PRAHA

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From: roman tolici <>
Date: 2009/11/1
Subject: Roman Tolici - BARBERâS SHOP / RKI PRAHA

  Roman Tolici - BARBERâS SHOP
â Scroll down for english â

4 noiembrie - 8 decembrie 2009
Vernisaj: miercuri, 4 noiembrie, 18:30
*Institutul Cultural RomÃn Praga*<>
ANGLICKÃ 26, Praha 2, 120 00
Partener: KOMIKS FEST! <>
MulÅumiri speciale: TomÃÅ Hibi MatÄjÃÄek

Seria Barberâs Shop (2008) s-a nÄscut din Ãntrebarea âce-i face pe oamenii
remarcabili sÄ fie memorabili?â. Se constituie practic un âportret
cumulativâ unde, de-a lungul a 40 de desene Roman Tolici decapeazÄ cu buna
ÅtiinÅÄ personaje care au âmutatâ istoria din loc, fie ea politicÄ ori
culturalÄ. Unii pot vedea aici o rÄfuialÄ cu âeroiiâ; alÅii â un demers de
Ãmprietenire cu ei, prin a le da chip Ãn ciuda faptului cÄ date fizionomice
lipsesc Ãntr-o bunÄ mÄsurÄ. La limitÄ, procesul este similar unuia de
castrare Ãn termeni vizuali, pentru a detrona autoritatea personajelor
alese. Potrivit artistului, startul seriei l-a dat chiar Adolf Hitler, a
carui mustaÅÄ inconfundabilÄ funcÅioneazÄ ca un stigmat Ãn memoria
colectivÄ. Ãn astfel de cazuri, barba ori mustaÅa ascunde nu doar trÄsÄturi
majore ale fizionomiei ci au chiar rolul unei mÄÅti. De-a lungul istoriei,
barba Åi mustaÅa au avut atÃt conotaÅii pozitive, cÃt Åi negative: grecii
venerau barba ca pe un semn al bÄrbÄÅiei, romanii o blamau ca pe un semn al
barbariei, creÅtinii Åi musulmanii au reabilitat-o ca pe un semn al
ÃncÄrcÄturii spirituale. AÅadar, ambele constituie Ãnsemne simbolice cu
statut magic, pe care o persoanÄ decide sÄ le poarte, conÅtientÄ fiind sau
nu de forÅa acestui statut. Barberâs Shop este un âtop 40â realizat de
artist (asumÃndu-Åi subiectivitatea alegerii Åi fÄrÄ a pretinde un clasament
interior), al celor mai marcante personalitÄÅi care au influenÅat
modernitatea. Portretele sunt desenate ca busturi monumentale, singurul
indiciu fiind prenumele personajului: ce-i uneste pe toÅi este funcÅia unui
tipar Ãn memoria colectivÄ, este influenÅa lor modificatoare asupra
umanitÄÅii. Ãn procesul de lucru asupra seriei Roman Tolici a trÄit o
curiozitate reala de a le descoperi â din postura de âbÄrbierâ â, âadevÄrata
faÅÄâ. La procesul de documentare au slujit fotografii din tinereÅea spÃnÄ a
unor personalitÄÅi, imagini care au ajutat reconstituirea trÄsÄturilor
feÅei; de multe ori artistul a pornit de la o informaÅie minimÄ: desenul
gurii. Parte dintre personaje au rÄmas recognoscibile chiar Åi dupÄ
eliminarea bÄrbii, prin urmare seria acestor desene urmÄreÅte deopotrivÄ o
demascare Åi reversul ei, iar unul dintre rezultate este chiar accentuarea
laturii umane, cÄci dincolo de mit cei 40 au fost oameni ca noi. (Oana

Seria Barberâs Shop a fost iniÅial prezentatÄ Ãn cadrul expozitiei personale
a lui Roman Tolici, Cel mai probabil mÃine (curator: Oana Tanase, Muzeul
NaÅional de ArtÄ ContemporanÄ BucureÅti, 2008), pentru a fi Ãn acest an
expusÄ Åi la Berlin, la Collectiva Gallery.
Roman Tolici - BARBERâS SHOP
November 4 - December 8, 2009
Opening: Wednesday, 4th of November, 18h30
*Romanian Cultural Institute Prague*<>
ANGLICKÃ 26, Praha 2, 120 00
Partner: KOMIKS FEST! <>
Special thanks: TomÃÅ Hibi MatÄjÃÄek

The series Barberâs Shop (2008) grew out of the question âWhat makes
remarkable people memorable?â There is actually a âcumulative portraitâ of a
nation, where, throughout the 40 drawings, the artist Roman Tolici
intentionally âscrubâ the people who have âdisplacedâ history, be that
politically or culturally. The audience can detect here the settling of
accounts with âheroesâ or, on contrary, an attempt to make friends with them
by revealing their faces, despite the fact that the physiognomic data
required are largely unavailable. Could we read it as a process of visual
castration in order to undermine their authority, at least their
media-generated authority? The first image that really made the artist ask
this question was that of Adolf Hitler, whose unmistakeable moustache acts
like a stigma in collective memory. In cases like this, a beard or moustache
doesnât only hide major facial features. Throughout history, beards and
moustaches have enjoyed both positive and negative connotations: the Greeks
venerated beards as a sign of manhood; the Romans saw them as a sign of
barbarianism; Christians and Muslims rehabilitated them as signs of
spiritual wealth. Thus, both constitute symbolic insignia with a magical
status that a person chooses to wear, whether conscious or not of the power
of that status. Barberâs Shop is a âTop 40â created by Roman Tolici
(assuming the subjectivity of his own selection and without pretensions to
an interior ranking) of the most important people to have influenced
modernity. The portraits are made like monumental busts, the only clue being
the first name of the person: what unites them all is the role of patterns
in collective memory, their influence on humanity. While working on the
series the artist felt a real curiosity to discover â from the position of a
âbarberâ â âtheir true facesâ. When conducting research, photographs from
the beardless youths of different people worked well for reconstructing the
features of the faces to which Roman Tolici then added some years of age.
Many times he would begin with only a basic piece of information: the mouth.
Some of the people remained recognisable even after eliminating their
beards, and consequently this series of drawings aims both at de-masking and
its reverse, and one of its results is showing their human side, for, beyond
the myth, these 40 people were just like you and me. (Oana TÄnase)

The series Barberâs Shop was presented for the first time in Bucharest, as
part of the Roman Tolici exhibition It Could Happen Tomorrow (curator: Oana
TÄnase, The National Museum of Contemporary Art Bucharest 2008), and this
year included in the one man show at the Collectiva Gallery Berlin.

Maria-Valentina Iancu
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