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[Nettime-ro] Fwd: The Director's Cut: Rexhep Ferri në Stacion ­ Qendra për Art Bashkëkohor Prishtinë

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From: Stacion - Center for Contemporary Art Prishtina <>
Date: 2011/4/4
Subject: The Director's Cut: Rexhep Ferri nà Stacion  Qendra pÃr Art
BashkÃkohor PrishtinÃ
To: Stacion - Center for Contemporary Art Prishtina <>

The Director's Cut: Rexhep Ferri
Kurator: Albert Heta
5/4/2011 - 30/4/2011
Hapja: 5/4/2011, 19:00

Kjo Ãshtà njà ekspozità qà sÂdo tà duhej tà ndodhte.

The Director's Cut  prerja regjisoriale: Rexhep Ferri Ãshtà pjesà e
projektit Kthimi nà tà ardhmen, projekt kuratorial i Albert HetÃs, dhe qÃ
prodhohet prej Stacion  Qendra pÃr Art BashkÃkohor PrishtinÃ.

Prej fillimit tà vitit 2009, Kthimi nà tà ardhmen u formÃsua pÃrbrenda
programit tà ekspozitave: Petrit Halilaj: Kthimi nà tà ardhmen (17/12/2009 -
6/2/2010), Kthimi nà tà Ardhmen: Agim Ãavdarbasha (11/3/2010 - 2/4/2010),
Kthimi nà tà ardhmen: Nysret Salihamixhiqi (1/6/2010 - 22/6/2010) dhe Kthimi
nà tà ardhmen: KadÃr Pagarusha (4/9/2010 - 2/10/2010).

Faza tjetÃr e kÃtij projekti do tà jetà simpoziumi Kthimi nà tà ardhmen qÃ
do tà mbahet me 7/4/2011 dhe diskutimi me panelistÃt Zdenka Badovinac,
drejtore e Moderna Galeria, LublanÃ, Mehmet Behluli, artist dhe anÃtar i
kÃshillit drejtues tà Galerisà sà Arteve tà KosovÃs, Prishtinà dhe Shyqri
Niman, drejtr i Galerisà sà Arteve, Prishtinà nga themelimi nà vitin 1979
deri nà vitin 1989.

Po qe se e shikojmà tà kaluarÃn e kÃtij projekti, Kthimi nà tà ardhmen si
projekt nà skenÃn ndÃrkombÃtare kishte njà Åtakim tà afÃrt me njà ÅobjektÂ
mà tà madh, panairin artistik Artissima (5/11/2010 - 7/11/2010). Seksioni
ÅBack to the Future pÃr kÃtà ngjarje u konceptua prej komitetit shkencor tÃ
pÃrbÃrà nga tre kuratorà tà koleksioneve muzeale: Christine Macel, kuratore
e QendrÃs Pompidou, Paris - Jessica Morgan, kuratore e Artit BashkÃkohor,
Tate Modern, LondÃr - Massimiliano Gioni, Drejtor i projekteve speciale,
Muzeu i Ri i Artit BashkÃkohor, New York dhe drejtor artistik i Fondazione
Nicola Trussardi, Milano. Ky seksion, jo vetÃm qà u krijua me tà njÃjtin
emÃr ÅBack to the future (Kthimi nà tà ardhmen), por ka edhe ngjashmÃri tÃ
jashtÃzakonshme nà projekt, qà janà mà shumà se vetÃm interesante pÃr tÃ
punuar me to nà tà ardhmen.

Kthimi nà tà ardhmen me Rexhep Ferrin dhe Xhevdet XhafÃn ishin pjesÃt e
strukturÃs fillestare tà projektit Kthimi nà tà ardhmen. Tà dy pjesÃt u
anuluan nà fazÃn e vonà tà hulumtimit, nà mes tà vitit 2010. Procesi i
hulumtimit tà punÃs sà Rexhep Ferrit (1937) kishte mbÃrritur fazÃn finale
dhe kjo ekspozità do tà projektojà pikÃtakimin e fundÃm tà bashkÃpunimit me
kÃtà artist tà madh dhe personalitet kompleks.

Rexhep Ferri Ãshtà piktor, poet dhe shkrimtar, por mbi tà gjiha Ãshtà njÃ

The Director's Cut: Rexhep Ferri sÃrish ka tà bÃjà me paraqitjen e njà pune
tà krijuar nà tà kaluarÃn, nà njà tjetÃr hapÃsirÃ, kohà dhe kontekst. Dy
figura dhe njà pritje u krijua nà vitin 1973.

The director's cut  prerja regjisoriale apo versioni i regjisorit, nà kÃtÃ
rast, Ãshtà version veÃan i edituar i projektit Kthimi nà tà ardhmen.
Director's cuts  prerja regjisoriale, nà industrinà e filmit,
pÃrgjithÃsisht mbetet i pashfaqur pÃr publikun, meqÃnÃse pÃr filmat, nÃ
shumicÃn e studiove, regjisori nuk e ka privilegjin e premjes/ editimit tÃ
versionit final. Studioja (e cila i ka investimet nà rrezik) mund tÃ
insistojà qà tà bÃhen ndryshime, qà sipas tyre, mund ta bÃjnà filmin mà tÃ
shikuar nà kinema. Kjo ndonjÃherÃ, nÃnkupton fund mà tà lumtur ose mà pak
ambiguitete, por nà shumicÃn e rasteve nÃnkupton qà filmi tà shkurtohet nÃ
mÃnyrà qà tà mundÃsojà mà shumà shfaqje mbrenda njà dite. Prandaj, forma mÃ
e shpeshtà e director's cut Ãshtà version me skena tà shtuara, qà shpeshherÃ
e bÃjnà filmin dukshÃm mà tà gjatà sesa ÂorigjinalitÂ.

Nà rastin tonÃ, Ãshtà e rÃndÃsishme tà pÃrmendim se ka qenà njà tjetÃr
prerje e vÃrtetà qà kishte luajtur rol nà kÃtà ekspozitÃ; njà prerje 18 cm
qà u pÃrshkrua si dÃmtim nà pjesÃn e sipÃrme tà pikturÃs sà pÃrzgjedhur pÃr
kÃtà ekspozitÃ. Kjo pikturà Ãshtà pjesà e Galerisà sà Arteve tà KosovÃs.

Ky koleksion Ãshtà komponenta tjetÃr e projektit Kthimi nà tà ardhmen dhe
pika qendrore e partneritetit me Galerinà e Artit tà KosovÃs Ãshtà ky
projekt. KÃrkesa zyrtare pÃr tà pasur qasje te kjo pikturà ishte rasti i
dytÃ, kur si pjesà e projektit, ne nisÃm procedurat administrative pÃr tà tÃ
huazuar punime prej Galerisà sà Artit tà KosovÃs. Rasti i parà ishte pÃr
ekspozitÃn: Kthimi nà tà ardhmen: Nysret Salihamixhiqi.

Por cili Ãshtà konteksti (tjetÃr) historik qà e rrethon kÃtà pikturà dhe
punà tà Rexhep Ferrit?

Viti 1973 ishte viti kur Rexhep Ferri krijoi mà shumà se njà pikturÃ.
NÃ vitin 1974 Krahina Socialiste Autonome e KosovÃs dhe Krahina Socialiste
Autonome e VojvodinÃs fituan njà pozità unike kushtetuese nà FederatÃn
Jugosllave dhe RepublikÃn Socialiste tà SÃrbisÃ, si dhe i fituan
institucionet e veta vetÃqeverisÃse, tà cilat jo vetÃm qà ishin autonome por
nà tà njÃjtÃn kohà shÃrbenin si mjete pÃr tà kontrolluar aspiratat
gjithÃherà tà pranishme sÃrbe pÃrmes njà zgjidhjeje unike kushtetuese, qÃ
mund tà pÃrshkruhet vetÃm si njà mvarshmÃri e dyanÃshme qà i kufizonte
fuqità SÃrbisÃ. PÃr ta pÃrshkruar kÃtà zgjidhje me vetÃm njà element:
vendimet e marra nga Kuvendi i SÃrbisÃ, qà kishin tà bÃnin me KrahinÃn
Socialiste Autonome tà KosovÃs dhe KrahinÃn Socialiste Autonome tÃ
VojvodinÃs, sipas kushtetutÃs sà vitit 1974, duhej tà aprovoheshin nga
Kuvendi i KrahinÃs Socialiste Autonome tà KosovÃs dhe Kuvendi i KrahinÃs
Socialiste Autonome tà VojvodinÃs.

Nà vitin 1977 Rexhep Ferri hapi njà ekspozità vetjake nà Galerinà (Yvon?)
Lambert, nà Paris, FrancÃ.
Alain Bosquet e fillon tekstin nà hyrje tà katalogut tà ekspozitÃs me kÃto

ÅSalut pÃr Rexhep Ferrin

Ãshtà gjithmonà ndjenjà e kÃndshme, madje ekzaltuese, tà nderosh talentin e
njà piktori, qà nuk e njeh dhe qà vjen nga horizonte tà largÃta. Kjo ÃshtÃ
kÃnaqÃsia qà kam sot para veprÃs sà njà artisti. Nuk kam mundÃsi tà them
nÃse kjo pikturà ka rrÃnjà tà veÃueshme nà traditÃn e vendit tà tij, i cili,
nga  aspekti i pikturÃs, nuk Ãshtà shumà i njohur pÃr ne. Mendoj mà parà se,
duke i shkÃputur nga rrethanat, Rexhep Ferri ka ditur mjaft mirà tà sigurojÃ
universalitÃtin e tij dhe kjo, u morr vesh, mà le mbresÃn mà tÃ

12 vjet mà vonÃ, ndrrimet nà kushtetutÃn e SÃrbisà nà vitin 1989, qà e
shlyen autonominà e KosovÃs, u aprovuan prej Kuvendit tà KrahinÃs Socialiste
Autonome tà KosovÃs. Ky votim erdhi nà njà kohà kur kushtet e autonomisà dhe
tà aparatit shtetÃror tà KrahinÃs Socialiste Autonome tà KosovÃs u lÃkundÃn
seriozisht prej sfidave tà pandÃrprera qà i bÃnte SÃrbia KosovÃs, qysh prej
vdekjes sà Josip Broz Titos nà vitin 1980. Riparaqitja e parà publike e
aspiratave tà para kolonialiste tà SÃrbisà ndodhi nà pranverà tà vitit 1981,
pas demonstratave tà studentÃve shqiptarà nà Universitetin e PrishtinÃs.

Demonstratat e vitit 1981 sot quhen edhe ÅPranvera (shqiptare) 1981Â. ShumÃ
libra e disertacione tà masterit janà shkruar prej atyre, tà gjendur sot nÃ
pushtet, qà thonà tà jenà organizatorÃt a sponsorÃt e ÅPranverÃs (shqiptare)
1981Â. Nà reprezantimin medial tà vitit 2011 tà kÃsaj ngjarjeje paraqitet
njà problem shtesÃ: njà fotografi me ngjyra e demonstratave tà viteve 1990,
tash po pÃrdoret nà version bardh e zi, nga mediet, pÃr tà ÅdokumentuarÂ
demonstratat e vitit 1981.

Nuk e di se Ãfarà ka ndodhur me fotografinà e Hydajet Hyseni me mustaqe tÃ
vitit 1981, qà i ngjitur nà njà pemà nà qendÃr tà PrishtinÃs flet pÃrmes

Por cili Ãshtà dallimi ndÃrmjet demonstratave tà vitit 1981 dhe atyre tÃ
vitit 1990? ShqiptarÃt dolÃn nà rrugà si nà vitin 1981 ashtu edhe nà vitin
1990. Nà demonstratat e pranverÃs sà vitit 1981 shqiptarÃt ishin edhe
demonstrues edhe policÃ. NÃ vitin 1981 Lidhja Komuniste e KosovÃs ishte
partia qà e udhÃheqte KrahinÃn Socialiste Autonome tà KosovÃs. Nà vitin
1981, Mahmut Bakalli ishte ende nà pozitÃn e kryesuesit tà Komitetit Qendror
tà Lidhjes Komuniste tà KosovÃs. Mahmut Bakalli u diplomua nà Fakultetin e
Shkencave Politike nà Universitetin e Beogradit. Karriera politike e
Bakallit nisi nà organizatat e rinisà sà Lidhjes Komuniste tà KosovÃs,
ndÃrsa nà vitin 1961 pÃrfundimisht u vu nà krye tà saj. Nà vitin 1967, ai u
bà udhÃheqÃs i komitetit partiak tà PrishtinÃs. PÃrderisa ngritej nà pozitÃ,
ai u zgjodh nà mandate pasuese nà Komitetin Qendror tà Lidhjes sÃ
KomunistÃve tà SÃrbisà dhe nà Kryesinà e Lidhjes Komuniste tà Komitetit
Qendror tà JugosllavisÃ. Bakalli e udhÃhoqi Partinà Komuniste nà KosovÃ
gjatà viteve tà vonshme tà Â70 e deri nà vitin 1981. Ai dha dorÃheqje mà 6
maj 1981 pas demonstratave tà studentÃve shqiptarÃ.

Po qe se e google-oni Hydajet Hysenin, njà prej udhÃheqÃsve tà demonstratave
tà pranverÃs sà vitit 1981, mund tà gjeni pÃrshkrimin nÃn imazhin (tashmà tÃ
munguar) e vÃrtetà tà demonstratave tà vitit 1981: Dhe atÃherà Hydajet
Hyseni, aktivist, themelues nà zà i grupit Marksist-Leninist si dhe gazetar
i tà pÃrditshmÃs kosovare nà gjuhÃn shqipe Rilindja, i cili deri kohà mÃ
parà fshihej, u ngjit nà pemà dhe u foli demonstruesve para ndÃrtesÃs sÃ
Partisà Komuniste e i nxiti qà tà mos ndaleshin. KÃshtu ai u bà i njohur si
Che Guevara i KosovÃs. (Daut) Dauti thotÃ: "NjerÃzit thoshin se ne duhet tÃ
Ãliroheshim prej sundimit sÃrb. Ekzistonte njà ndjenjà se [pavarÃsisht prej
autonomisÃ] pozitat kyÃe ende mbaheshin prej sÃrbÃve dhe shqiptarÃve

Nà imazhin e vitit 1990, qà tani shihet si imazh i vitit 1981, shqiptarÃ
qenà vetÃm demonstruesit. Imazhi i pÃrdorur dokumenton demonstratÃn e
organizuar nà vitin 1990 gjatà vizitÃs sà delegacionit amerikan nà Kosovà qÃ
udhÃhiqej prej Bob Dole-it dhe gjashtà senatorÃve tà tjerà tà Senatit tÃ
Shteteve tà Bashkuara tà AmerikÃs. Nà vitin 1990 Kosova ishte nÃn okupimin
sÃrb. Lidhja Komuniste e KosovÃs nuk ekzistonte mÃ. Policia nà imazhin e
vitit 1990 ishte polici sÃrbe qà ishte pjesà e aparatit tà shtypjes sÃ
okupimit sÃrb.

Krejt kjo qà u tha mà sipÃr mà sjell te dy pyetje kyÃe qà kanà tà bÃjnà me
kÃtà projekt.
Cili Ãshtà imazhi i punÃs sà Rexhep Ferrit gjatà gjithà kÃtyre viteve? Qysh
gjeti vend ky kompleksitet social nà pikturÃn moderniste tà Rexhep Ferrit
dhe tà piktorÃve tà tjerà modernistÃ?

Dhe, cili Ãshtà roli i koleksionit tà artit si dhe roli i institucionit qÃ
punon nà mbledhjen e artit dhe tà narrativÃve tà njà vendi? A munden kÃta
artikuj, tà mbledhur rastÃsisht dhe pa kontekstualizim tà krijimit tà tyre,
tà luajnà ndonjà rol nà artin e tà sotmes?

A Ãshtà konteksti (historik) i munguar qà lidhet me departamentin e munguar
tà historisà sà artit qà nuk u krijua asnjÃherà si pjesà e ndonjà prej
universiteteve a institucioneve tà tjera arsimore nà Kosov�

A janà pÃrpjekjet pÃr ta shlyer artin bashkÃkohor tà ndÃrlidhura me
pÃrpjekjet pÃr tà shlyer modernizmin nà kÃtà shoqÃri?

PÃr ta pÃrmbyllur, do tà citoj njà pjesà tà njà studimi nga GÃzim QÃndro,
kritik arti qà jeton nà TiranÃ, pÃr monografinà e punimeve tà Rexhep Ferrit,
tà publikuar tash sà voni nga Akademia e Shkencave dhe Arteve tà KosovÃs:
ÅModernizmi pÃr njà vend si Kosova kishte njà rÃndÃsi qà e kapÃrcente
lidhjen vetÃm me artin dhe letÃrsinÃ. Kjo, pasi modernizmi pÃr EvropÃn ishte
njà risi qà tronditi themelet e botÃs nà tà cilÃn kishin jetuar evopianÃt
deri atÃherÃ, ndonÃse, ndryshe nga cÂmendohet, thyerja me traditÃn nuk pati
atà pÃrmsà qà i jepet. Thelbi i kÃsaj risie qÃndronte nà vÃtÃkritikÃn qÃ
propozonte hapur epoka moderniste, njà shqyrtim qà nuk ndalej kur vinte nÃ
dikutim vetà themelet e qytetÃrimit perÃndimor.

ShoqÃria kosovare, nà shumicÃn e saj, ragoi pozitivisht ndaj modernitetit,
duke pranuar karakterin e tij zanafillor reformist socio-kulturor. PÃrpjekja
pÃr futjne e konceptit tà vetÃkritikÃs nà njà shoqÃri tà mbyllur
konzervatore si Kosova e viteve Â50âÂ60 Ãshtà padyshim e lÃvdueshme, ndonse
pÃr mendimin tim modest, ndaj modernizmit dhe risive te tij reagoi
pozitivisht vetÃm elita kulturore dhe njà pjesà e klasÃs sà mesme nà qytetet

Pyetja ime ÃshtÃ: Cila Ãshtà ajo ndjenjà ndÃrmjet ÅPranverÃs (shqiptare)
1981Â, shkatÃrrimit tà shoqÃrisà kosovare dhe aparatit tà KrahinÃs
Socialiste Autonome tà KosovÃs (modernizmit nà KosovÃ), okupimit sÃrb tÃ
KosovÃs dhe projektit  shtet tà ri (lindur) tà KosovÃs?

Dhe si mund ta projektojmà modernizmin (e munguar) si realitet nà epokÃn e
Lady Gaga-sÃ?

Kthimi nà tà ardhmen nga Stacion  Qendra pÃr Art BashkÃkohor Prishtina
Ãshtà kÃrkim pÃr ta zÃnà kohÃn nÃpÃrmjet punimeve tà pÃrzgjedhura tà artit
dhe teksteve, si dhe puna nà kontekstualizimin e kohÃs dhe gjeografisà tÃ
ndÃrlidhur me punÃt e jashtÃzakonshme qà janà nà fokus tà kÃtyre ekspozitave
dhe qà janà njà investim nà krijimin e hapÃsirÃs pÃr reflektime tà ardhshme
tà besueshme mbi punÃt e gjeneratave tà kaluara tà artistÃve pÃr gjeneratat
e ardhshme tà artistÃve.

Albert Heta
Prill 2011

Stacion - Qendra per Art Bashkekohor Prishtine
Rr. Zija Prishtina p.n.
10000 Prishtine
Republika e Kosoves


The Director's Cut: Rexhep Ferri
Curatorial by Albert Heta
5/4/2011 - 30/4/2011
Opening: 5/4/2011, 19:00hrs

This is an exhibition that is not supposed to happen.

The Director's Cut: Rexhep Ferri is part of the project Back to the Future,
a curatorial project by Albert Heta, produced for Stacion  Center for
Contemporary Art Prishtina.

Since its begging in 2009, Back to the Future was shaped within the
exhibitionÂs program as: Petrit Halilaj: Back to the future (17/12/2009 -
6/2/2010), Back to the future: Agim Cavdarbasha (11/3/2010 - 2/4/2010), Back
to the future: Nysret Salihamixhiqi (1/6/2010 - 22/6/2010) and Back to the
future: Kader Pagarusha (4/9/2010 - 2/10/2010).

The next stage of the project is the symposium Back to the future (7/4/2011)
and the panel discussion with Zdenka Badovinac, Mehmet Behluli and Shyqri

Looking in the past of this project, Back to the future as a project in the
international scene also had a Åclose encounter with a larger ÅobjectÂ,
Artissima art fair (5/11/2010 - 7/11/2010). The section Back to the future
for this event was conceived by a Scientific Committee consisting of three
curators of museum collections: Christine Macel, Curator Centre Pompidou,
Paris - Jessica Morgan, Curator Contemporary Art, Tate Modern, London -
Massimiliano Gioni, Director of Special Projects, New Museum of Contemporary
Art, New York and Artistic Director Fondazione Nicola Trussardi, Milan. This
section was created not only with the same name but also incredible
similarities in the project that are more than only interesting to work with
in the future.

Back to the Future with Rexhep Ferri and Xhevdet Xhafa were parts of the
initial structure of Back to the Future as a project. Both were cancelled in
the late research phase of the project in mid 2010. The process of
researching the work of Rexhep Ferri (1937) had reached the final phase and
this exhibition will project the final meeting point reached in the working
communication with this great artist and a complex personality.

Rexhep Ferri is a painter, poet and writer, but above all he is a thinker.

The Director's Cut: Rexhep Ferri is again about showing one work created in
the past, in another space, time and context. Two Figures and One
Expectation was made in 1973.

The director's cut, in this case, is a specially edited version of the
project Back to the future. Director's cuts in film industry generally
remain unreleased to the public because, as far as film is concerned, with
most film studios the director does not have a final cut privilege. The
studio (whose investment is at risk) can insist on changes that they feel
will make the film more likely to succeed at the box office. This sometimes
means a happier ending or less ambiguity, but more often means that the film
is simply shortened to provide more screenings per day. The most common form
of director's cut is therefore to have extra scenes added, often making the
"new" film considerably longer than the "original".

In our case, it is relevant to mention that there is was another real cut
that had a role in this exhibition; a 18 cm cut was described as a damage on
the upper section of the painting selected for this exhibition. This
painting is part of the collection of The Kosova Art Gallery.

This collection is another component of the project Back to the Future and
the central point of the partnership with the Kosova Art Gallery in this
The official request to have access to this paining was the second case when
as apart of the project we initiated the administrative procedure of
requesting a loan of works form the collection of the Kosova Art Gallery.

But what is the (other) historical context that encircles this painting and
the work of Rexhep Ferri?

In 1973 was the year when Rexhep Ferri created more than one painting.

In 1974 Socialist Autonomous Province of Kosova and Socialist Autonomous
Province of Vojvodina gained an unique constitutional position in the
Yugoslav Federation and The Socialist Republic of Serbia and their own
self-governing institutions that were not only autonomous but were also
served as tool for controlling the always existing Serbian colonizing
aspirations through a unique constitutional solution that can be described
only as a mutual dependency. To describe this solution only with one
element: the decisions of the Parliament of Serbia that concerned Socialist
Autonomous Province of Kosova and Socialist Autonomous Province of Vojvodina
by the constitution of 1974 requested the approval of the Parliament of
Socialist Autonomous Province of Kosova and Socialist Autonomous Province of

In 1977 Rexhep Ferri has a solo show at Galerie (Yvon? My question) Lambert,
Paris, France
Alain Bosquet starts the text in the introduction of the catalogue of the
exhibition with these lines:

'Salut for Rexhep Ferri

Paying tribute to the talent of a painter you do not know and who comes from
a distant country, is always a pleasant and a thrilling experience. This is
exactly what I am experiencing before the work of this particular artist. I
cannot say whether this painting has a significant root in the tradition of
his country, of which, when it comes to painting, we do not know that much.
I would rather judge, grasping the circumstances, Rexhep Ferri knew very
well how to secure its universality, which clearly, made the deepest
impression on me ...Â

12 years after, the changes in the constitution of Serbia in 1989 that
abolished the autonomy of Kosova were approved by the parliament of
Socialist Autonomous Province of Kosova. This vote came in the time when the
autonomy and the state apparatus of the self-governing Socialist Autonomous
Province of Kosova in 1989 were seriously challenged. The biggest challenge
and the first public re-appearance of the new colonial aspirations of Serbia
in politics came in spring 1981, following the demonstrations of Albanian
students of the University of Prishtina.

The demonstrations of 1981 are nowadays called also ÅThe (Albanian) spring
1981Â. Many publications or master dissertations are written by those, today
in power, who claim to be the organizers or sponsors of the ÅThe (Albanian)
spring 1981Â. In the media representation of 2011 on this event, there is
one additional problem that is appearing: a color photograph of
demonstrations organized in 1990, now appearing in black and white, is being
used in media to document 1981.

What happened to the image of Hydajet Hyseni with mustaches in 1981, up on a
tree in the center of Prishtina speaking through a megaphone?

And what is the difference between the demonstrations in 1981 and those in
1990? Albanians where again on the streets in 1981 and 1990. In the
demonstrations of the spring of 1981 Albanians were both the demonstrators
and the police. In 1981 the League of Communists of Kosova was the party
running the Socialist Autonomous Province of Kosova. In 1981 Mahmut Bakalli
was still the Chairmen of the Central Committee of the League of Communists
of Kosova. Mahmut Bakalli graduated from the University of Belgrade's
Faculty of Political Science. Bakalli's political career started in the
youth organization of the League of Communists of Kosovo, eventually
becoming its leader in 1961. In 1967, he became head of the party's
Prishtina committee. As he rose through the ranks, he was subsequently
elected to the Central Committee of the Communist League of Serbia, and to
the Presidium of the League of Communists of Yugoslavia's Central Committee.
Bakalli led the Communist Party in Kosovo during the late 1970s until 1981.
He resigned in 6 May 1981 after the demonstrations of the Albanian students.

If you google Hydajet Hyseni 1981, one of the leaders of the demonstrations
of the spring of 1981 you can also find this description bellow the real
image of 1981 (now missing): ÅThen Hydajet Hyseni, an activist, reputed
founder of a Marxist-Leninist group and a journalist from the Kosovo
Albanian daily paper Rilindja, who had recently been hiding, climbed a tree
and spoke to the demonstrators in front of the Communist Party building and
urged them not to stop. In this way he became known as the Che Guevara of
Kosovo. (Daut) Dauti says: "People were saying we should be free from
Serbian domination. There was a feeling that [despite autonomy] key
positions were still held by Serbs and pro-Serb Albanians."Â

In the image from 1990, now displayed as the image of 1981, Albanians were
only the demonstrators. The used image documents the demonstrations
organized in August 1990 during the visit of the American delegation in
Kosova headed by Bob Dole, and six other senators of the senate of the
United States. In 1990 Kosova was under Serbian occupation. League of
Communists of Kosova seized to exist. The police in the image from 1990 was
the Serbian police part of the oppressive apparatus of the Serbian

All this brings me to few questions, relevant for Back to the future.
What is the image of the work of Rexhep Ferri in all these years? How did
this social complexity find a presence in the modernist paintings of Rexhep
Ferri and other modernist painters and texts?

And, what is the role of collections of art and the role of institutions
that work with and collect art in the narratives of one country? Can these
items, when collected randomly and without the contextualization of their
creation, play any role in art of today?

Is the missing (historical) context related to the missing department or art
history that was never created as a part of any university or other
education institutions in Kosova?

Are attempts to erase contemporary art in Kosova connected with the attempt
to erase modernism in this society?

To quote from the study by GÃzim QÃndro, an art critic based in Tirana, for
the Monograph on the work of Rexhep Ferri published recently by the The
Academy of Sciences and Arts of Kosova: ÅModernism for a country like Kosova
had a significance that went beyond the mere connection with art and
literature. This is because, modernism in Europe undermined the foundations
of the world Europeans were living in up to those times, though, in
contradiction with what is commonly thought, the break with the tradition
never happened to the scale it is commonly ascribed with. The essence of
this novelty dwells in the self-criticism, an inexhaustible introspection
when it comes to the discussion of the foundations of Western Civilization,
which was openly introduced by the modern epoch.

The majority of the Kosovar society reacted positively to modernism by
accepting its initial reformist, social and cultural character. The attempt
to incorporate the concept of self-critique in a conservative society as was
Kosova in the Â50 - Â60, was with no doubt appraisable, though for my humble
thinking, a positive reaction to modernism and novelty was merely reached by
the cultural elite and a part of the middle class living in the major

My question is: What is the feeling between ÅThe (Albanian) Spring 1981Â,
the destruction of the Kosovar society and state apparatus of Socialist
Autonomous Province of Kosova (The Modernism in Kosova), the Serbian
occupation of Kosova and the Newborn project state of Kosova?

And how can we project (the missing) modernism as a reality in the age of
Lady Gaga?

Back to the future by Stacion - Center for Contemporary Art Prishtina is a
quest to capture time through selected art works and texts and work in
contextualizing the time and geography connected with the outstanding works
that are in the focus of these exhibitions and an investment in creating a
space for future credible reflections on works of generations of artists for
the next generation of artists.

Albert Heta
April 2011

Stacion - Center for Contemporary Art Prishtina
Zija Prishtina Street n.n.
10000 Prishtina
Republic of Kosoves

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