ALERT studio on Wed, 4 Apr 2012 14:43:50 +0200 (CEST)

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[Nettime-ro] "Who is it for?" | Bureau @ ALERT studio.

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ALERT studio (WHITE CODE). Bureau. Vernisaj Vineri 06 Aprilie, ora 19.00.

Who is it for?


biroul sunt Helena Schlichting & Daniela Kneip Velescu.
biroul lucreaza din octombrie 2010.
biroul nu are un sediu fix.
biroul are sedii temporare cu orare precise.
biroul exista spiritual si parti pot fi materializate.
biroul a fost deja partial materializat.
biroul poate fi instalat si condus dupa loc si particularitati locale,
intr-o forma mai explicita sau mai redusa.
biroul este platforma noastra de lucru, expunere si contact.

Helena Schlichting & Daniela Kneip Velescu sunt doua artiste germane
stabilite in Frankfurt am Main.
Au pornit in colaborare proiectul “birou” in timpul studiilor lor la
Städelschule, Frankfurt am Main.
Plecand de la prezentarea ultimei lor lucrari “Von leeren Signifikanten” /
“Golit de semnificatie”, cele doua artiste vor fi prezente pentru o
saptamana @ “ALERT studio” (07. – 13. Aprilie / 14:00 – 18:00) folosind
spatiul de expunere ca studio deschis…


ALERT studio
2-4 Mircea Vulcanescu Street , code 010281, Bucharest, Romania.

ALERT studio functioneaza ca pop-up gallery. / ALERT studio functions as a
Vizitarea expozitiei se va face in perioada 06 Aprilie - 20 Aprilie prin
programare e-mail. / The exhibition is on view between April 06 and April
20. Visits will be programmed by e-mail.

ALERT studio este un proiect independent initiat de Raluca Ilaria
Demetrescu, Alina Buga si Catalin Burcea cu scopul de a crea o platforma de
cercetare si promovare a productiei artistice contemporane. Asumandu-si
functia de spatiu laborator, Alert Studio propune o intalnire intre
artisti, idei, directii si discursuri din zone conceptuale si spatii
culturale diferite. Sunt importante si apreciate gandirea critica si
interogatia ca metode de cercetare a contextului cultural-artistic
ALERT studio functioneaza ca o galerie de proiect, conectand trei directii
de explorare artistica - PINK | RED | WHITE - intr-un singur spatiu. Insa
aceste coordonate nu inseamna indexare, restrictie si etichetare. Ele se
pot intersecta si nuanta, pot oricand dialoga si declansa dezbateri.

Multumim pentru sprijinul acordat la realizarea acestui eveniment: MNAC

Parteneri Media:
Modernism, ArtClue, Format Foundation, SapteSeri, Metropotam, TimeOut


ALERT studio (WHITE CODE). Bureau. Opening Friday April 06, 7PM

Who is it for?


bureau is Helena Schlichting & Daniela Kneip Velescu.
bureau has been working since October 2010.
bureau is not tied to any fixed location.
bureau temporarily occupies spaces with fixed opening hours.
bureau exists in the mind and can be retrieved of course in parts.
bureau has already been retrieved.
bureau can be operated and installed either in detail or tight depending on
venue and local conditions.
bureau provides a platform for workplace, exhibition space and networking.

Helena Schlichting & Daniela Kneip Velescu are two German artists, based in
Frankfurt am Main.
They started their collaborative project bureau during their studies at
Städelschule, Frankfurt am Main.
Apart from presenting their latest work "Von leeren Signifikanten" / "Of
empty significants", the two artists will be present for one week @ “ALERT
studio” (April 07th – 13th / 14:00 – 18:00) using the exhibition space as
open studio...


ALERT studio
2-4 Mircea Vulcanescu Street , code 010281, Bucharest, Romania.

ALERT studio is an independent project initiated by Raluca Demetrescu Alina
Buga and Catalin Burcea in order to create a platform of research and
promotion of contemporary artistic production. Taking on the function of
alaboratory space, Studio Alert proposes a meeting between artists, ideas,
directions and speeches from different areas of conceptual and cultural
spaces. Critical thinking and interrogation are important and valued as
research methods in the contemporary cultural and artistic field.
ALERT studio stands as a gallery project, connecting three areas of
artistic exploration - PINK | RED | WHITE - into one space. But these
coordinates do not mean indexing, labeling and restriction. They may
intersect, combine in new shades, and may always communicate and trigger

Thanks for the support to this event: MNAC

Media Partners:
Modernism, ArtClue, Format Foundation, SapteSeri, Metropotam, TimeOut

*ALERT studio*
2-4 Mircea Vulcanescu Street
code 010281 | **Bucharest, Romania
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