Bazis on Wed, 25 Apr 2012 09:16:09 +0200 (CEST)

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[Nettime-ro] Dan MÄciucÄ - Nothing to Hide

Dan MÄciucÄ
Nothing to Hide

BÃZIS â contemporary art space, April 27 at 7:00pm
Fabrica de Pensule, 59-61 Henri Barbusse st., 1st floor, Cluj-Napoca

Attaining a delicate, refined balance between the irrepressible spontaneity of the gesture and the implausible overall harmony (using the word in its most basic aesthetic apprehension) of the artistic image / object represents the core challenge tackled by Dan MÄciucÄâs art for more than a decade now. Known especially as a daring and passionate painter, he has recently transferred this challenge also into media such as collage, sculpture and even video. Some of the first coherent and truly compelling results of this endeavour are featured in Nothing to Hide, his solo show at Bazis, which confronts the viewer with an artist who, somewhat paradoxically, becomes increasingly complex and diverse by the very deepening of old obsessions.

ObÅinerea unui echilibru delicat, rafinat Ãntre spontaneitatea irepresibilÄ a gestului Åi neplauzibila armonie sinopticÄ (folosind substantivul Ãn ÃnÅelesul sÄu cel mai primar estetic) a imaginii / obiectului artistic reprezintÄ provocarea esenÅialÄ abordatÄ de arta lui Dan MÄciucÄ timp de mai bine de un deceniu. Cunoscut mai ales ca ÃndrÄzneÅ Åi pasionat pictor, el a transferat recent provocarea Åi Ãn medii precum colajul, sculptura sau chiar imaginea video. Unele dintre primele rezultate coerente Åi cu adevÄrat convingÄtoare ale acestui demers sunt prezente Ãn âNothing to Hideâ, expoziÅia sa personalÄ de la Bazis, care confruntÄ privitorul cu un artist ce devine, ÃntrucÃtva paradoxal, mai complex Åi mai divers tocmai prin adÃncirea unor vechi obsesii.	

Dan MÄciucÄ mÅvÃszetÃben tÃbb mint egy Ãvtizede alapvetÅ kihÃvÃst jelent a gesztus visszafolythatatlan spontaneitÃsa, illetve a mÅvÃszi kÃp/tÃrgy elfogadhatatlan szinoptikus harmÃniÃja (a szà legelemibb esztÃtikai ÃrtelmÃben) kÃzÃtti finom, kÃnyes egyensÃly megteremtÃse. ElsÅsorban merÃsz Ãs elhivatott festÅkÃnt ismert, Ãjabban azonban tovÃbbgondolta ezt a kihÃvÃst mÃs kÃzegekben is, mint a kollÃzs, szobrÃszat vagy videÃ. Ennek a folyamatnak elsÅ koherens Ãs valÃban meggyÅzÅ eredmÃnyeit mutatja be a BÃzis kiÃllÃtÃtermÃben megszervezett âNothing to Hideâ (Semmi titkolnivalÃm) cÃmÅ egyÃni kiÃllÃtÃsÃn. A nÃzÅ olyan mÅvÃsszel szembesÃl, aki â nÃmileg paradox mÃdon â komplexebbà Ãs szÃnesebbà vÃlik a rÃgi tÃmÃk elmÃlyÃtÃse rÃvÃn.	

Bogdan Iacob
art historian â curator 
U.A.D. Cluj-Napoca

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