stefan rusu on Sat, 27 Oct 2012 09:36:33 +0200 (CEST) |
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[Nettime-ro] RECLAIMING THE CITY la teatru Spalatorie |
press-release scroll down for English version +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Proiectie de film RECLAIMING THE CITY, (versiune subtitratÄ Ãn RomÃnÄ) 64â, 2012 de Åtefan Rusu Perioada: 28 Octombrie (duminicÄ), ora 19:00 Organizator: Teatru SpÄlÄtorie LocaÅie: Teatru SpÄlÄtorie Adresa: Str. Eminescu nr. 72 Printr-o Ãmbinare complexÄ de excursii, interviuri Åi intervenÅii Ãn spaÅii publice, filmul prezintÄ o serie de obiective din Noul Berlin care exemplificÄ Ãn mod unic contradicÅiile Åi tensiunile memoriei sociale Åi ale identitÄÅii naÅionale prezente la sfÃrÅitul secolului XX Åi Ãnceputul secolului al XXI-lea. Conceput ca un documentar de investigaÅie, filmul reprezintÄ o explorare a proceselor dramatice de restructurare socio-economice, a transformÄrii fizice a oraÅului de dupÄ cÄderea Zidului Berlinului Åi a impactului proceselor de gentrificare asupra spaÅiilor publice. Filmul porneÅte de la o serie de tururi de oraÅ, avÃndu-i drept ghizi pe Svetlana Hagen, Erik GÃngrich, Jochen Becker, Mathias Heyden Åi Berndt Langer, care-l conduc pe privitor prin cartiere precum Kreuzberg, NeukÃlln Åi Prenzlauer Berg, zone blocate Ãntr-un ciclu continuu de gentrificare. Pe parcursul acestor deplasÄri revizitÄm Aeroportul Tempelhof, bÃntuit de fantomele RÄzboiului Rece, Åi urcÄm pe cupola Reichstag-ului, transformat dintr-un simbol al ÃnfrÃngerii Ãntr-un templu al democraÅiei. Parcursul continuÄ, Åi vizitÄm o serie de foste Åi actuale squat-uri, pentru a le compara cu iniÅiativele Åi modelele recente de rezistenÅÄ urbanÄ. UrmÃnd acest itinerar, filmul aduce Ãn centrul atenÅiei agenÅi ai schimbÄrii â lucrÄtori Åi activiÅti culturali â explorÃnd dimensiunea politicÄ a spaÅiului public. Proiect comisionat de Bienala de la Berlin (ediÅia a 7-a) Åi co-produs de [KSA:K]* *â Centrul pentru ArtÄ ContemporanÄ din ChiÅinÄu, cu sprijinul Institutului Goethe/BucureÅti, al FundaÅiei ERSTE/Viena Åi al Institutului Cultural RomÃn/Berlin. * * *Åtefan Rusu este artist vizual, curator, editor Åi cineast; locuieÅte Åi lucreazÄ Ãn ChiÅinÄu Åi BucureÅti. Programul sÄu artistic/curatorial este axat de procesele de transformare Åi schimbÄrile ce au survenit Ãn societÄÅile post-socialiste dupÄ 1989.* Eveniment organizat de Teatru SpÄlÄtorie Ãn colaborare cu [KSA:K] - Centrul pentru ArtÄ ContemporanÄ, ChiÅinÄu. *Teatru SpÄlÄtorie nu este doar o locaÅie sau o instituÅie, ci un cadru creat de cÄtre artiÅti pentru artiÅti. Cadrul doreÅte sÄ le ofere artiÅtilor care se opun opiniilor artistice ale instituÅiilor culturale de stat, regÄsindu-se astfel Ãn afara sistemului, ocazia de a-i prezenta lucrÄrile Ãn faÅa publicului local Åi de a spune ce au de spus aÅa cum doresc. Unul din principiile SpÄlÄtoriei este cÄ artiÅtii trebuie sÄ ia poziÅie Åi sÄ abordeze problemele cu care se confruntÄ societatea. Al doilea este cÄ artiÅtii trebuie sÄ foloseascÄ abordÄri de ultimÄ orÄ Ãn activitatea lor Åi sÄ fie la curent cu ultimele evoluÅii din sfera artelor. De aceea, Teatru SpÄlÄtorie doreÅte sÄ-i ofere sectorului cultural independent din Moldova ocazia de a se exprima Ãn public Åi de a deveni o parte din spaÅiul public. Mai mult, doreÅte sÄ rezolve problema lipsei unui spaÅiu alternativ Ãn ChiÅinÄu, un spaÅiu Ãn care artiÅtii sÄ poatÄ acÅiona Åi reacÅiona la evenimentele politice Åi sociale din Moldova, precum Åi la cele ce au loc Ãn regiunea europeanÄ Åi Ãn general Ãn lume. (* * * *Centrul pentru ArtÄ ContemporanÄ -[KSA:K] este o instituÅie independentÄ, non-profit, ÃnregistratÄ Ãn anul 2000. Strategia Centrului este de a dezvolta forme culturale Åi practici artistice care sÄ reflecte dinamica transformÄrilor sociale, politice Åi economice din societate. Centrul desfÄÅoarÄ activitÄÅi de advocacy pentru promovarea de politici culturale care sÄ susÅinÄ definirea Åi consolidarea poziÅia artistului Åi a practicilor de artÄ contemporanÄ Ãn societate. (* ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ eng. film screening RECLAIMING THE CITY, (Romanian subtitles) 64â, 2012 by Stefan Rusu Period: 28 of October (Sunday), 19:00 Organizer: Spalatorie theater Location: Spalatorie theater Address: 72 Eminescu Str. Through a complex interweaving of field trips and interviews, personal narratives and interventions in public spaces, the film reveals a number of sites of the New Berlin that uniquely exemplify the contradictions and tensions of social memory and national identity in the late twentieth and early twenty-first centuries. It is conceived as an investigative documentary, and is a quest through dramatic socio-economic restructuring processes, the physical transformation of the city following the fall of the Wall, and the impact of gentrification processes on public space. The film is based on city walks with Svetlana Hagen, Erik GÃngrich, Jochen Becker, Mathias Heyden, Berndt Langer, who guide the viewer trough Kreuzberg, NeukÃlln, and Prenzlauer Berg districts, among othersâareas that are trapped in a continuing cycle of gentrification. Along these trips we re-visit Tempelhof Airport, haunted by the ghosts of the Cold War; and we climb to the top of Reichstagâ rebranded from a symbol of defeat into a temple of democracy. The journey continues as we visit a number of former and still existing squats, in order to compare them with more recent initiatives and models of urban resistance. Following this path, the film spotlights agents of changeâcultural workers and activistsâand explores the political dimension of public space. Commissioned by the 7th Berlin Biennale, co-produced by KSAK Center for Contemporary Art, Chisinau.With kind support from Goethe Institute, Bucharest; ERSTE Foundation, Vienna; and Romanian Cultural Institute, Berlin. *Stefan Rusu is a visual artist, curator, editor, and filmmaker based in Chisinau* *and Bucharest. His artistic/curatorial agenda is geared towards the processes of transformation and changes in post-socialist societies after 1989.* Public event organised by Spalatorie theater in colaboration with [KSA:K] - Center for Contemporary Art, Chisinau. *Spalatorie theater is not a venue or an institution, it is a framework created by artists for artists. The framework aims to give artists who oppose the artistic views of the state-run cultural institutions and hence find themselves left out of the system, the opportunity to present their work to the local public and say what they need to say in their own manner. One of spÄlÄtorieâs principles is that artists should take a stand and should tackle the problems the society is going through. Secondly, that they should use state-of-the-art approaches in their work and be aware of the current developments in the art sphere. Therefore, spÄlÄtorie-theater wants to give to the Moldovan independent cultural sector the opportunity to express itself publicly and to become a part of the public space. Moreover, it wants to address the need of an alternative space in ChiÈinÄu, where artists are able to act and react to the political and social events in Moldova, but also to the ones occurring in the broader European region and generally in the world. (* *Center for Contemporary Art â [KSA:K] is a non-profit, independent institution established in 2000. The strategy of the Center is the development of cultural forms and art practices that reflect the dynamic of the social, political and economic transformations of the society. The Center supports advocacy activities in promoting cultural policies suitable for defining and strengthening the position of artists and contemporary art practices in society. (* <> <> _______________________________________________ Nettime-ro mailing list --> arhiva: