Larisa Crunţeanu on Thu, 6 Feb 2014 20:27:34 +0100 (CET) |
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[Nettime-ro] Roz, Mov Èi Restul // Pink, Purple & all the Rest |
<> Èelari 13, BucureÈti (for English please scroll down) <> *Roz, Mov & Restul. StrÃmbÃnd protestele recente* *Dezbatere & atelier, parte din * *Luna Istoriei LGBT <> Concept: Veda Popovici 8-9 Februarie 2014 Atelier 35* Facebook event:<> Ãn anul ce tocmai s-a Ãncheiat am ieÈit deseori Ãn stradÄ, uneori mai entuziasmat, alteori ca sÄ ÃngroÈÄm rÃndurile. Diversele cauze, de la salvarea RoÈiei Montane Èi oprirea exploatÄrii gazelor de Èist pÃnÄ la Ãmpiedicarea legii medierii sau a legii aÈa-zisei eutanasieri a cÃinilor au arÄtat cÄ acea solidaritate proferatÄ este o idee mai complicat de pus Ãn practicÄ decÃt pare. AÈa cÄ, dupÄ un timp, poate a fost nevoie sÄ ne lÄsÄm acasÄ steagul roz (LGBTQIA) sau steagul mov (feminist) pentru cÄ nu prea erau compatibile cu restul steagurilor, fizice sau mentale prezente Ãn stradÄ. Èi poate uneori le-am lÄsat acasÄ fÄrÄ sÄ ne dÄm seama. A venit momentul unei strÃmbÄri (queering) a protestelor. VÄ invitÄm la o discuÈie despre cum identitÄÈile Èi politicile noastre feministe Èi LGBTQIA sunt Ãn acord, se intersecteazÄ sau sunt Ãn conflict cu aceste ieÈiri Ãn stradÄ. ÃmpÄrtÄÈindu-ne experienÈele recente de la proteste Èi dezbateri politice putem gÄsi limitele dar Èi punctele neexplorate ale unor astfel de solidaritÄÈi. DiscuÈia va fi urmatÄ de un atelier destinat tuturor celor ce vor sÄ experimenteze cum ar putea arÄta o zonÄ de intersecÈie feministÄ LGBTQIA Èi ecologicÄ, anti-autoritarÄ, etc. Pentru prima parte a atelierului (vineri), vom porni de la Ãntrebarea: cum ar putea arÄta un steag care sÄ reprezinte o asemenea poziÈie? Ce culori ar avea, ce fundal, ce mesaj? A doua parte a atelierului va avea loc a doua zi Èi va consta Ãntr-un performance public Ãn care ne vom coase acest steag. Program: SÃmbÄtÄ, 8 februarie/Atelier 35 5-6.30 PM â DiscuÈie 7-8.30 PM â Atelier DuminicÄ, 9 februarie/Atelier 35 5-7 PM - Performance *termenul strÃmb a fost pentru prima datÄ folosit Ãn context queer de cÄtre coregraful Brynjar Ãbel Bandlien, autor al romanului grafic StrÃmb Living Èi co-organizator al seriei de evenimente Zilele StrÃmbe. ------------------------------ *Pink, Purple & all the Rest. Queering recent protests.* *Debate & workshop, part of **LGBT Month <>* *Concept: Veda Popovici* *8th and 9th of February 2014* *Atelier 35* Facebook event:<> In the past year we have went out to several protests, sometimes enthusiastically, other times just to help raise up the critical mass. Various causes, from saving Rosia Montana ad stopping shell gas exploiting to blocking the mediation law or the law for the so called euthanization of stray dogs have shown that the solidarity they all promote is an idea much more complicated to put in practice than it might seem. Maybe on some occasions we had to purposefully leave behind our pink (LGBTQIA) or purple (feminist) flags because they weren't that compatible with the rest of the actual or virtual flags to be found in the street. And maybe sometimes we left the flag home without being aware of it. It's time for queering the protests. We invite you to a discussion on how feminist and LGBTQIA identities and politics are in tune, intersect or are at odds with these recent street protests. By sharing our experiences from protests and political debates we can find the limits and also the unmapped intersections of such solidarities. The discussion will be followed by a workshop addressed to all those who want to experiment how would an intersection of feminist LGBTQIA and ecological, anti-authoritarian politics look like. In the first part of the workshop (Saturday) we will start off with the question: how would a flag representing such a position look like? What colors, background and message would it carry? The second part of the workshop will take place the next day and will consist of a public performance in which we will sew the flag we agreed upon. Program: Saturday, February 8th/Atelier 35 5-6.30 PM â Discussion 7-8.30 PM - Workshop (part I) Sunday, February 9th/Atelier 35 5â7 PM â Performance Unsubscribe<> from this list. Forward<>this email to a friend Update your profile<> [image: Email Marketing Powered by MailChimp]<> _______________________________________________ Nettime-ro mailing list --> arhiva: