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[Nettime-ro] BUCHAREST BIENNALE 6 Expose Practice: Gabriel Stoian


Expose Practice: Gabriel Stoian

Joi, 19 Iunie 2014, 19.00

Artist Talk - @ PAVILION | proudly supported by UniCredit Èiriac

C.A. Rosetti 36 (intrare din Str. Jean Louis Calderon)

Expose Practice este o serie sÄptÄmÃnalÄ de prelegeri cu
artiÈtii participanÈi la Bucharest Biennale 6, prezenÈi la
BucureÈti. Vorbitorii vor discuta despre practica lor artisticÄ,
metodele de cercetare Èi gÃndire, Ãntr-un mediu informal.

âDeÈi am studiat un timp Ãndelungat Ãn Cluj, nu cred cÄ am multe
Ãn comun cu Ècoala de la Cluj. Sunt mai degrabÄ autodidact Èi
prefer sÄ nu mÄ afiliez anumitor instituÈii sau locuri. Mereu m-am
bucurat de existenÈa mea nomadÄ, lucrÃnd dintr-un loc Ãn altul.
Ideile mele solicitÄ noi contexte Èi puncte de plecare, iar acestea
nu se gÄsesc Ãn acelaÈi loc tot timpulâ. (Gabriel Stoian)

Seria de discuÈii este generatÄ de curatorul Bucharest Biennale 6,
GergÅ HorvÃth.

Prelegerea va fi ÈinutÄ Ãn limba romÃnÄ.

Gabriel Stoian este artist conceptual Èi activist â nu Ãn sensul
cÄ trÄieÈte cu iluzia cÄ arta lui poate schimba lumea Ãn mod
direct sau imediat; dar mai mult pentru cÄ lucrÄrile sale sunt
construite sub forma unei reacÈii subversive, ironice Èi critice la
adresa instrumentelor puterii Èi a simbolurilor acesteia. Practica
lui se bazeazÄ pe medii diferite cum ar fi: intervenÈii Ãn spaÈiul
public, instalaÈie, asamblaj, obiect, scris conceptual Èi alte
cÃteva pe care nu le poate defini cu exactitate. A terminat programul
de Master Ãn cadrul Departamentului de GraficÄ la Universitatea de
ArtÄ Èi Design Èi Cluj Ãn 2010, apoi a fost selectat ca artist Ãn
rezidenÈÄ de cÄtre âHÅbitat ArtÃstic CastellÃâ â Cultural
Center of CastellÃn de la Plana, Ãn Spania, unde a dezvoltat Èi
expus un proiect personal Ãn timpul anului 2011. Ãn prezent este
doctorand la aceeaÈi Universitate de ArtÄ din Cluj. 

Ãn prezent, trÄieÈte Èi lucreazÄ Ãn BucureÈti, pe care Ãl
gÄseÈte foarte agreabil.

Image: Gabriel Stoian, Pacea, asamblaj, taxidermie, pasÄre Èi
ramurÄ de mÄslin, 40 x 30 cm, 2014. Courtesy of the artist and
Bucharest Biennale.


Expose Practice: Gabriel Stoian

Thursday, 19 June 2014, 19.00

Artist Talk - @ PAVILION | proudly supported by UniCredit Èiriac

C.A. Rosetti 36 (entrance from Jean Louis Calderon Street)

Expose Practice is a weekly series of talks in Pavilion â center
for contemporary art & culture by the artists which are participants
in Bucharest Biennale 6 and present in Bucharest. The talks invite the
speakers to discuss their practice, research methodologies and
thinking in an informal setting.

âAlthough I studied for a long time in Cluj, I believe that I
donât have a lot in common with the so-called âSchool of Clujâ.
Iâm more of an autodidact and not so fond of being affiliated to
different institutions or places. I have always enjoyed a nomadic
existence, working from location to location. My ideas require new
backdrops and starting points and this cannot be found in the same
place all the timeâ. (Gabriel Stoian)

The series is generated by the curator of Bucharest Biennale 6,
GergÅ HorvÃth.

The talks will be held in Romanian.

Gabriel Stoian is an emerging conceptual artist/activist â not in
the sense of being under the illusion that his art will change the
world directly or immediately; but more because his work is built as a
subversive, ironical and critical reaction towards the instruments of
power and its symbols. His practice is based on different mediums such
as: public interventions, installation, assemblage, object, conceptual
writing and a few others that he does not know how to define exactly.
He graduated a M.A. in the graphics department at the âUniversity of
Art and Designâ from Cluj-Napoca in 2010 and thereafter he was
selected as a resident artist with the âHÅbitat ArtÃstic
CastellÃâ â Cultural Center of CastellÃn de la Plana, Spain â
where he developed and exhibited a personal project during 2011. He is
currently undergoing his PHD with the same University of Arts in Cluj.
Currently, he lives and works in Bucharest and finds it very

Image: Gabriel Stoian, Peace, assemblage, taxidermy bird and olive
branch, 40 x 30 cm, 2014. Courtesy of the artist and Bucharest


Strategic partner: UniCredit Èiriac Bank

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