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[Nettime-ro] Madalina Zaharia: Inscenarea unei expozitii, vernisaj vineri 8 iulie 7 pm

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Madalina Zaharia
Inscenarea unei expozitii 

08 iulie - 10 septembrie 2016

Avem placerea sa va invitam vineri 8 iulie, incepand cu 7 PM, la vernisajul primei expozitii personale a Madalinei Zaharia in Romania, Inscenarea unei expozitii.

substantiv | \’plan\

1 : un desen sau o schemă desenată pe o suprafață plană: precum
a: o vedere de sus sau orizontală a unui obiect
b: o hartă la scară mare a unei clădiri
2 a: o metodă în atingerea unui scop
b: o metodă uzuală și des întâlnită de a face ceva: procedură
c: o formulare detaliată a unui program de acțiune
3 : o aranjare ordonată a părților unui proiect sau obiectiv de ansamblu
4 : un program detaliat

Expozitia are ca punct de plecare doua reprezentari foarte diferite si contrastante ale spatiului galeriei - proiectul arhitectural al cladirii si o schita de mana a primului etaj - pentru a orchestra si articula un ansamblu teatral extrem de abstract si autoreflexiv. Bazandu-se pe ideea Brechtiana ca o piesă (de teatru) nu este niciodata realitatea in sine, ci mai degraba doar o reprezentare a sa, demersul expozitional ia forma unui scenariu texturat si mereu fluid în care peretii albi devin linii, liniile devin obiecte si obiectele devin imagini ce impodobesc peretii albi. In acest sens, lucrarile expuse functionează ca o descriere personala si afectuoasa a spasiului și a functiei sale uzuale, provocandu-i potentialul teatral prin substituirea constanta a realitatii cu imaginatia.

Prezenta online a galeriei este totodata un factor important in modul in care aceasta naratiune este structurata si prezentata, enuntand o existenta imateriala si virtuala a spatiului si atragand atentia asupra circumstantelor literale si metodice ale unui asemenea discurs. Aceasta investigatie vizuala si abstracta a cladirii functioneaza ca un decor speculativ, care ofera privitorului o interactiune prestabilita si mediata cu spatiul, orientandu-i astfel atentia atat catre prezenta fizica cat si catre organizarea interna a locului. In aceasta privinta, cadrul expozitional se dezvolta intr-un exercitiu de navigare si manevrare a unei structuri, urmarind indeaproape si meticulos afirmatia lui George Perec (Species of Spaces and Other Pieces), potrivit careia: a trăi inseamna a trece dintr-un spatiu intr-altul, facand tot posibilul sa nu te ciocnesti.

Madalina Zaharia lucreaza cu relatarea si re-relatarea de idei printr-o reiterare continua si ferma de consideratii si asocieri. Practica sa artistica se concentreaza pe relatia dintre memorie si gramatica si exploreaza inevitabila inadecvare dintre procesul amintirii si reprezentare. Fiecare lucrare este un actor cu un set prescris de actiuni si responsabilitati, un personaj al investigatiei sale, un interpret dramatic invesmantat in toate obiectele si dorintele artistei. Linia fina dintre arta, design si povestire este confruntata si pusa constant la incercare prin limbajul si vocabularul vizual al gesturilor sale creative, transformand spatiul expozitional intr-o scena pentru discurs conceptual si divertisment abstract, o arena animată de gesturi, obiecte si forme infuzate de sens.

Madalina Zaharia (n. 1985, Sighetu Marmatiei, Romania) traieste si lucreaza in Londra. In 2012 a absolvit un Master in Grafica la Royal College of Art, dupa ce a obtinut o diploma postuniversitara in Arte vizuale la Byam Shaw School of Art (CSM) in 2010 si o licenta in Cinematografie și media la Universitatea Nationala de Arte din Bucuresti in 2008. Printre expozitiile sale personale se numara: LOOKING LONDON, TALKING TOKYO, Tintype Gallery, Londra, (2015), A well furnished room, IngridProjects, Londra, (2014) si Kitz.Pmz.AAAAA!, Tintype Gallery, Londra (2013). A mai participat in expozitii de grup si evenimente precum: London Open 2015, Whitechapel Gallery, Londra, (2015), Feel the discourse!, Guest Projects, Londra, (2015) si The Forgotten Pioneer Movement, District Kunst und Kulturforderung, Berlin, Germania, (2014). Reprezentata de Tintype Gallery, Londra.

Expozitia poate fi vizitata pana pe 10 septembrie 2016, miercuri-sambata intre orele 13-18, iar in restul saptamanii pe baza de programare.


Madalina Zaharia
The Staging of An Exhibition
08 July - 10 September 2016

We are delighted to invite you to Mădălina Zaharia’s first Romanian solo show, The Staging of An Exhibition, opening on Friday, 8 July, starting 7 PM.

noun | \’plan\

1 : a drawing or diagram drawn on a plane: as
a: a top or horizontal view of an object
b: a large-scale map of a building
2 a: a method for achieving an end 
b: an often customary method of doing something: procedure
c: a detailed formulation of a program of action
3 : an orderly arrangement of parts of an overall design or objective
4 : a detailed program

The exhibition takes as its starting point two very different and contrasting representations of the gallery space, the architectural blueprint of the building and a hand-made sketch of the upper floor, in order to orchestrate and articulate a very abstract and self-reflective theatrical set. Drawing on the Brechtian belief that a play is never reality itself but rather a mere representation of it, the show takes the form of a patterned and ever-fluid scenario in which white walls become lines, lines become objects and objects become images adorning the white walls. In this sense, the works on display act as a very personal and affectionate description of the space and its habitual function, challenging its theatrical potential while constantly replacing reality with imagination. 

The online presence of the gallery is also an important factor in the way this narrative is structured and presented, enunciating an immaterial and virtual existence of the space, as well as drawing attention to the literal and methodical circumstances of such a discourse. This visual and abstract investigation of the building functions as a speculative ‘mise-en-scene’, offering the viewers a pre-enacted and mediated interaction with the space and guiding their attention towards both the physical presence and soft infrastructure of the location. The setting develops in this regard, into an exercise in navigating and operating a structure, following closely and meticulously George Perec’s (Species of Spaces and Other Pieces) assumption that: to live is to pass from one space to another, while doing your very best not to bump yourself. 

Madalina Zaharia’s work is concerned with the telling and re-telling of ideas, with the continuous and unfaltering reiteration of accounts and associations. It focuses on the relationship between memory and grammar and explores the unavoidable inadequacy between remembering and representation. Each piece is an actor with a prescribed set of actions and responsibilities, a character in her investigation, a thespian dressed with all her objects and desires. The very fine line between art, design and storytelling is constantly challenged and confronted by the language and visual vocabulary employed within her creative actions, transforming the exhibition space into a stage for conceptual discourse and abstract entertainment, an arena animated by gestures, objects and meaningful shapes. 

Madalina Zaharia (b.1985, Sighetu Marmatiei, Romania) lives and works in London. She graduated from the Royal College of Art with an MA in Printmaking in 2012 having gained a Postgraduate diploma in Fine Art at Byam Shaw School of Art (CSM) in 2010 and a BA in Cinematography and Media at the University of the Arts, Bucharest, Romania in 2008. Solo exhibitions include; LOOKING LONDON, TALKING TOKYO, Tintype Gallery, London, (2015), A well furnished room, IngridProjects, London, (2014) and Kitz.Pmz.AAAAA!, Tintype Gallery, London (2013). Group exhibitions and events include; London Open 2015, Whitechapel Gallery, London, (2015), Feel the discourse!, Guest Projects, London, (2015) and The Forgotten Pioneer Movement, District Kunst und Kulturforderung, Berlin, Germany, (2014). Represented by Tintype Gallery, London.

The exhibition can be visited until 10 September 2016, Wednesday to Saturday, 13-18, or by appointment outside the visiting hours.

www.ivangallery.com <http://www.ivangallery.com/>

Ivan Gallery

Dimitrie Grecescu 13, 
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Tel +40214100139

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