Krystian Woznicki on 31 Oct 2000 11:45:21 -0000

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[rohrpost] Call for Entries

Streaming Cinema 2.0
First US Fest of Internet Only Flics Launches Second Program

Streaming Cinema, the first US festival screening of 
films-made-for-the-Internet, announces a Call for Entries for its second 
annual program, to be held at the Philadelphia Festival of World Cinema in 
April 2001.

Streaming Cinema 2.0 will include a juried competition and audience awards, 
as well as special screenings of European web film and online children's 

The following categories are open for competition: fiction; non-linear 
narrative; documentary; animation; and cell shorts (works made for wireless 

Streaming Cinema is seeking short films, video, documentaries, animation, 
multimedia and interactive work made specifically for the Internet (dial-up 
and wireless). The deadline for submissions is February 28th, 2001. 
Submissions can be made via URL, email or CD-rom in Quick Time or MPEG format.

Streaming Cinema is sponsored by The Bit Screen ( For 
registration forms and more information, please contact:

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