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[rohrpost] TIBET MONGOLIA BHUTAN SPITI CHINA alle 12 Videos vonWolf Kahlen in der Ruine der Kuenste Berlin |
PRESSEINFO TIBET MONGOLIA BHUTAN SPITI CHINA ALLE 12 VIDEODOKUMENTE von WOLF KAHLEN in der RUINE DER KÜNSTE BERLIN PHOTOS AUF ANFRAGE ALS EMAIL KOSTENLOS oder bitte nehmen Sie sie aus dem Netz und Kurzfassungen unter INTERVIEWS UND/ODER RÜCKFRAGEN AB 15. SEPT. Wolf Kahlen Tel 030-831 3708 RUINE DER KUENSTE BERLIN Hittorfstr. 5 14195 Berlin-Dahlem U1 Thielplatz Tel. 831 34 35 Programm 20. Sept. bis 5. Okt. 2003 Asien-Pazifik-Wochen Berlin Tibet / Mongolia / Spiti / China : 12 Videodokumente von Wolf Kahlen Seltene historische, an buddhistischer Kultur orientierte Videodokumente des Kuenstlers, Filmemachers und Tibetforschers Wolf Kahlen von 1985 bis heute. Entdeckungen auf den Spuren eines tibetischen Leonardo,eine der allerersten dokumentierten Reinkarnationen eines hohen Lamas, im Land Spiti, lebende Goettinnen der Mongolei, Choed-Praxis, Arbeiten mit der Kraft Chi, lange Reisen unterwegs mit einem Lama in der Mongolei... Der Autor ist bei jeder Vorfuehrung anwesend. In German, English summaries are given. Sa.,20.9. 16 h sKor-Lam-Gebetsmuehlen, Amulette, Niederwerfungen, 1985-9 (skor-lam, Prayer Wheels, Amulets ahd Prostrations) 90:50 min. Sa.,20.9., 19 h Vom Leben und Sterben und der Wiedergeburt des Serkong Rinpoche. Und seine Inthronisation im Kloster Tabo in Spiti, 1988 (Of Life and Death and the Return of Serkong Rinpoche. And His Enthronement at Tabo Monastery in Spiti) 120 min. So.,21.9, 16 h Pfluegen in Spiti, 1988 (Ploughing in Spiti) 21 min. UND/AND Wolken, die Berge versetzen - In den Gelben Bergen Chinas (Clouds Offsetting Mountains -In the Yellow Mountains of China) 1990/99 , 48 Min. So.,21.9., 19 h Dreimal Chi-Die Urenergie Chinas, 1990/96 (Three Times Chi-The Vital Energy of China) 48 min Sa.27.9., 16 h Der Lama, die Jurte, das Orakel - Unterwegs mit einem Lama in der Mongolei, Teil 1, 1994 (The Lama, the Jurt, the Oracle - On the Road with a Mongolian Lama)103:33 min. Sa., 27.9., 19 h Von Beruf Lama - Unterwegs mit einem Lama in der Mongolei, Teil 2, 1994 (Occupation Lama - Motherland Mongolia / On the Road with a Mongolian Lama) 107: 45 min So.28.9., 16 h Choboi, 87, Mongole,Lama,Choedpa, 1996 (Choboi, 87, Mongol, Lama, Choed-Pa) 53. min. So.28.9., 19 h Dakinis in Jurten - Choed - Meisterinnen der Mongolei, 1994 (Dakinis in Jurts - Women Choed Masters of Mongolia) 108 min. Sa.,4.10., 16 h Wolken, die Berge versetzen - In den Gelben Bergen Chinas (Clouds Offsetting Mountains - In the Yellow Mountains of China) 1990/99 , 48 Min. Sa., 4.10., 19 h Der Daemon im Stein - Das Ritual des Steinbrechens des Mahasiddha Thang-stong rGyal-po, Teil 1 des Thang-stong rGyal-po-Zyklus, 1988 (The Demon in the Rock -The Ritual of Breaking the Stone of the Mahasiddha Thang-stong rGyal-Po) 110 min. So., 5.10., 16 h Vom Leben und Sterben und der Wiedergeburt des Serkong Rinpoche. Und seine Inthronisation im Kloster Tabo in Spiti, 1988 (Of Life and Death and the Return of Serkong Rinpoche. And His Enthronement at Tabo Monastery in Spiti) 120 min. So., 5.10., 19 h Thang-stong rGyal-po -Der Leonardo Tibets - Teil 2 des Thang-stong rGyal-po-Zyklus: Der Architekt und Eisenkettenbrueckenbauer (Thang-stong rGyal-po - Leonardo of Tibet / The architect and Iron Bridge Builder) 1988 Kostenbeitrag Euro 6 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------- SEE AND HEAR ALSO a TIBETAN, CHINESE, JAPANESE Sound Piece by Wolf Kahlen SORRY MILAREPA at More about the artist: AND IF YOU LIKE IT EASY AT HOME: 1 Want to see artist Wolf Kahlen dissolving pixel by pixel in the net? #2 Want to hear the European Anthem dissolving and/or configurating anew according to your moods, as it happens in politics as well? #3 Want to listen to world classics in six languages or misuse the very same words? #1 SELBST-LOS /SELF-LESS Net artist WOLF KAHLEN is dissolving pixel by pixel, user by user in the net. On a first page. On the second you see and hear your personal pixel, the one, you activated to disappear, solely on the empty page. And on the third page you see all the 'lost' pixels arriving back and shaping a new WOLF KAHLEN. Look, hear and have the triptych printed out, signed and numbered, the way you, only you see the process taking shape, nobody else has seen this moment of the RITUAL DEATH. An exiting piece and a very conceptual one, media concerned and at the same time sensual. The RUINE DER KUENSTE BERLIN presents it to collectors as a present, which WOLF KAHLEN gave them at his 60th birthday in 2000. The URL for the piece, which is infinetely working since, is More about us: #3 VERZEIHUNG, HERR VON GOETHE,/SORRY, MISTER JOYCE/ PERDONE, DON CERVANTES, EXCUSE ME, MILAREPA/ I BEG YOUR PARDON, KUKAI / SORRY LI BO... NetSoundArt for Tibetans, Chinese and Japanese: A threefold internet art piece by Wolf Kahlen in Tibetan, Chinese and Japanese language is online. Live and interactive the visitor of the page !On Netscape less than 6.0 only! may hear a piece of world literature of these countries, the first page at least. If he is patient enough to find out on a blank page, with the mouse in motion, the sound of the words hidden in the background like on a book page. This automatically turns out to be a game, since any move of the mouse touches another word. Until the underlying structure has been found out, a number of audio events have happened, words' sounds have overlapped or entangled at random. Who stirs with the mouse produces a concert like a DJ. The presented world's classics are by Tibet's greatest poet Milarepa (11./12. Century), the Chinese Tang-Dynasty poet Li Bo (6.- 9. Century) or the alphabet-poem attributed to Kukai of Japan. It is of political delicacy that Wolf Kahlen, who did a number of documentaries in Tibet and Mongolia since 1985, parallels Tibet with China. Possibly the first Tibetan language internet site to listen to, probably frequented joyfully by the world spread Tibetans and the few with access in Lhasa and other parts of the Snowland. Who has entered the site either reads Tibatan, Chinese or Japanese or has been attracted by the curious writings, since all three titles are of course in original characters. Another way to support the cultures in their differences. The hearing experience of the pieces, roughly translated as Sorry, Milarepa / Excuse me, Kukai / I beg your pardon, Li Bo, spans the whole spectrum between playful chaotic sounds, own word combinations and listening to a fluently spoken classical piece: all democratic ways of using words. Words as material per se. And since these words bump into each other in most cases other than as a structered classical piece, Wolf Kahlen asks the authors for excuse in the titles already beforehand. As a side effect the net is swept blank off the overload of images. And the sound of the 'bush drums' is heard again. These three pieces continue the former realized three ones in English, German and Spanish language Sorry, Mister Joyce / Verzeihung, Herr von Goethe / Perdone, Don Cervantes on More pieces in a great number of world languages are under construction. They kind of point out on the polarisation of the numb and speechless making psycho esthetic feedbacks of the net 'culture'. The texts are usually read by native artists. Li Bo read by Zhao Zhao Kukai by Masuko Iso, Milarepa by Tsewang Norbu, Goethe by Wolf Kahlen, Joyce by David Allen, Cervantes by Argine Erginas. Stay tuned. Edition Ruine der Kuenste Berlin Contact Wolf Kahlen #2 Wolf Kahlen EUROPA - ON THE FLY THE PIECE IS ARTE POVERA FOR THE NET. SORRY FOR THE BAROQUE MAJORITY. Needed Flash Player 5 and up New Europe has a New Anthem. Of course. Beethoven's Ode to Joy in parts. The building of Europe is a work in progress. So is her anthem, Wolf Kahlen makes us aware in his recent Net.Sound.Piece EUROPA-ON THE FLY. By your click, you are interfering into the process, actively coconstructing the fragile multilingual unity of Europe, and deconstructing at the same time. You hear the result of your click at instant, as the anthem looses and gains pieces of the melody, on the fly. As countries join in in harmony or articulate new influences, others may drop out or raise their voice in disharmony, the score of the anthem is coming and going by your activity. Going, falling into pieces in Part One, when the melody opens up holes, silencies, rather Cagean like, coming, when she assembles the lost notes of Part One to shape a new sound in Part Two, rather Schoenberg like. You shall see nothing, as politics may change behind your back, but listen and be aware, it is your music you hear. And just by chance, which does not exist, as Kahlen believes. Any user hears two unique anthem variations, nobody ever will hear the same again for the next 35o years. Join the grand European work this way, on the fly. On the artist, to him and more of him On Email More
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