mi_ga@o-o.lt on Fri, 12 Dec 2003 12:55:48 +0100 (CET)

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[rohrpost] (kein Betreff)

<?# http://o-o.lt/mi_ga/source/?code Start copying source/?code here! ?>
<title>source/?code</title><meta name="keywords" content="mi_ga@o-o.lt">
<meta name="description" content="source/?code - a php based web browser
exploring the source code of internet documents. It also works as a por-
tal and database for visited links, leaving in most cases aside the pur-
pose of the grabbed site. Thus simulated browser turns into the communi-
ty based interactive tool,  where the most important is the idea to test
the code of a specific site or simply to surf in an unusual way.
The  idea to create the  source/?code  came out of an  endless material,
existing in the internet.  Aesthetically shaping it, I want to emphasize
the beauty of the code,  which  is in most cases not visible for the web
surfer."><meta  name="license" content="No specified license supplied.">
<?#  Save file as index.php and upload to the directory called "source".
# Note  that the permissions for the created directory  should be set to
# read, write and execute, ie "chmod 777". Point your browser to created
# directory. If your webserver supports php and interprets the index.php
# file as the first file, everything must work smoothly!
if (!isset($color)) { $color = ''; while (strlen($color) < "6") { $color
.= chr(rand (97,102)); } } if (empty($url)) { if (!empty($code)) { $file
= $code; }  else  {  $dir = "./";   $open = opendir($dir); $n = 0; while
($flname = readdir($open)){ if($flname != "." && $flname != ".."){ $n++;
$a[$n] = $flname; } } $x = rand(1,$n); $file = $a[$x]; } $handle = fopen
("$file", "r"); while($line=fgets($handle,2)) { $data.=$line; } list($x,
$url,$y) = explode(" ",$data); }if(isset($frame)){if($frame=='1'){echo "
<script language=\"JavaScript\"> var target = \"_top\"; function show(){
if(!document.form.menu.selectedIndex==\"\") { window.open(document.form.
menu.options[document.form.menu.selectedIndex].value,target,\"\");  }  }
</script>"; echo "<body bgcolor=\"829191\" leftmargin=\"0\" marginwidth=
\"0\" topmargin=\"0\" marginheight=\"0\"><table width=\"100\%\"><tr><td>
<font face=courier>&nbsp;&nbsp;</td><td>\n<form action=\"?code\" method=
\"post\" target=\"_top\"><td><font face=courier><input type=hidden name=
\"source\" value=1><input type=text name=\"url\" size=70 value=\"$url\">
</td></form><form  name=form><td align=right><font  face=courier><select
name=\"menu\" size=1 onChange=\"show()\"><option  value=\"./?code\">\n";
$dir = "./"; $open = opendir($dir); while ($filename = readdir($open)) {
if ($filename != "." && $filename != ".." && $filename != "index.php") {
$number = ereg_replace(".html", "", $filename);     echo "<option value=
\"./?code=$filename\">$number\n"; } } echo "</select>\n</td></form></tr>
</table>\n"; } if($frame=='2') { if(!isset($lnkcolor)) { $lnkcolor = '';
while (strlen($lnkcolor) < "6")  {  $lnkcolor .= chr(rand (97,102)); } }
$handle = fopen ("$url", "r");   while ( $line = fgets ($handle,300) ) {
$alltext .= $line;  }   $alltext = ereg_replace ("<", "&lt;", $alltext);
$showtext  = ereg_replace ("[[:alpha:]]+://[^<>[:space:]]+[[:alnum:]/]",
"<a href=\"./?url=\\0\" target=\"_top\">\\0</a>", $alltext);    echo   "
<style type=\"text/css\"><!--   a:link { color: $lnkcolor }  a:visited {
color:$lnkcolor} a:active{color:$lnkcolor}  a:link{text-decoration:none}
a:visited{text-decoration:none} a:active{text-decoration:none} pre{font:
15pt/3pt courier }  --></style><font color=$color><pre>$showtext</pre>";
if(!empty($source) && !empty($showtext))  {  $newfile  = date("ymdHis");
$newfile = "./$newfile.html";  $handle = fopen ("$newfile", "w"); fwrite
($handle, "<!-- $url -->\n"); $handle = fopen ("$newfile", "a+"); fwrite
($handle, "$alltext"); fclose($handle); } } } ?>
<frameset rows="30,*" frameborder="1" border="1"><frame name="url" src="
./?frame=1&color=<? echo $color; ?>&url=<? echo $url; ?>&source=<?  echo
$source;  ?>&code=<? echo  $code; ?>"   marginwidth="0" marginheight="0"
scrolling="no"><frame name="main" src="./?frame=2&color=<? echo  $color;
?>&url=<? echo $url; ?>&source=<? echo  $source; ?>&code=<? echo  $code;
?>" marginwidth="0"  marginheight="0"  scrolling="no"></frameset></html>
<? $finishcopyingsourcecodehere = "Finish copying source/?code here!" ?>

mail2web - Check your email from the web at
http://mail2web.com/ .

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