Melentie Pandilovski on Wed, 04 Apr 2001 14:59:19 +0200 |
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Syndicate: Fw: 2 press release BALKAN MUSIC INFORMATION NETWORK (BMIN) |
Forwarded by Melentie Pandilovski <> ----------------------- Original Message ----------------------- From: Sokol Shupo <> Date: Tue, 03 Apr 2001 18:19:24 +0200 ---- Contents: Albanian p. 1 French p. 2 English p. 3 Mbledhja e pergjithshme e BALKAN MUSIC INFORMATION NETWORK (BMIN) Shkup, 29 - 31 Mars 2001 Nga 29 deri ne 31 mars 2001 ne Shkup te Maqedonise, ne kuadrin e Festivalit Ditet e Muzikes Maqedonase, u zhvillua mbledhja e rradhes e Balkan Music Information Network (BMIN). Ne kete mbledhje, morren pjese nga Shqiperia: nga Shqiperia, Prof. Sokol Shupo, kompozitor, Kryetar i Seksionit Shqiptar te ISCM qe dhe President i BMIN dhe kompozitori Kujtim Laro, nga Greqia Georges Leotsakos, muzikolog; nga Maqedonia Prof. Stojan Stojkov, Kryetari i Bashkimit te Kompozitoreve te Maqedonise (Zevendes President i BMIN), Sonni Petrovski, kompozitor; nga Rumania kompozitori Nicolae Brindus, Kryetar i Seksionit Rumun te ISCM, nga Bullgaria Prof. Viktor Tchoutchkov, kompozitor dhe Kryetar i Bashkimit te kompozitoreve te Bullgarise dhe Velislav Zaimov Sekretar i ketij Bashkimi. Ne mbledhje u aprovua Statuti dhe Logoja e Balkan Music Information Network si dhe botimi i ardhshem i ketij Rrjeti: Balkan Music Yearbook 2001 - 2002 i cili do te jete nje adresar i plote i fushes se muzikes ne vendet e Ballkanit. U vendos te shqyrtohet bashkepunimi i Balkan Music Information Network me rrjetet e tjera muzikore ku jane atashuar vende qe marrin pjese ne BMIN (Musica Danubiana dhe Rrjeti i Detit te Zi) qofte edhe duke ndertuar struktura te perbashketa per probleme te vecanta. Gjithashtu u punua, se bashku me Drejtoreshen e Filarmonise se Shkupit, projekti Filarmonia e Ballkanit. Ky organizem i perbere nga muzikante nga te jitha vendet e Ballkanit, do te edhe jete berthama e nje Festivali Ballkanik. Gjate kohes qe muzikantet e vendeve te ndryshme do te punojne per te reaklizuar nje koncert sinfonik ku do te promovohet nje kompozitor i ri, ata do te realizojne edhe koncerte me muzike dhome te vendeve te origjines. Si rezultat do te perftohet nje Festival prej nente ditesh i cili do te zhvillohet ne vende te ndryshme per secilin nga edicionet e tij. Kete vit Festivali do te zhvillohet me 14 - 21. qershor. Ne kuadrin e veprimtarive te tjera te kesaj mbledhjeje, u realizuan edhe nje sere konferencash mbi muziken e vendeve te nderyshme te Ballkanit prane Fakultetit te Muzikes te Universitetit Cyril and Methodius. Konferencen mbi muziken shqiptare e mbajti Prof. Sokol Shupo. Me kete rast u luajt edhe nje koncert me vepra te kompozitoreve ballkanike (nga Shqiperia u luajt vepra Improvizim Nr3 per violoncel solo e Kujtim Laro) si dhe u be promovimi i librit me te ri te Balkan Music Information Network, Art Music in the Balkans (ne anglisht) qe eshte nje histori e muzikes ne vendet e Ballkanit e shkruar nga muzikologe te sejcilit nga vendet. Artikullin e muzikes shqiptare e ka shkruar Prof. Hamide Stringa. Artikujt e tjere jane shkruar nga Elisaveta VALCHINOVA-CHENDOVA, Bullgari (Bulgarian Music in the 20th Century), Dr Panikos GIORGOUDES, Qipro (Art Music in Cyprus), Georges LEOTSAKOS, Greqi (A short history of Greek art - music), Marko KOLOVSKI, Maqedoni (Macedonian Music), Dr. Valentina SANDU-DEDIU, Rumani (Modern Music in Romania), Dr. Sonja MARINKOVIC, Serbi (Serbian Music),Ilke BORAN, Turqi (Contemporary Music in Turkey). Libri eshte i dyti botim i BMIN (pas Balkan Music Calendar 2000 te botuar nga ISCM Albanian Section ne Tirane) dhe botohet me ndihmen bujare te fondacionit Pro Helvetia si dhe te ISCM Albanian Section. Botues eshte Prof. Sokol Shupo. Konferenca u ndoq me shume vemendje edhe nga ana e mediave maqedonase dhe ne fund te saj u realizua edhe nje konference shtypi ne te cilen Prof. Sokol Shupo prezantoi aktivitetin e BMIN. Mbledhja tjeter e BMIN do te behet ne Bukuresht ne majin e vitit 2002. General Assembly of BALKAN MUSIC INFORMATION NETWORK (BMIN) Skopje, 29 - 31. Mars 2001 Du 29 a 31 mars 2001 a Skopje, Macedoine, a eu lieu la Reunion Generale de la Balkan Music Information Network (BMIN). Dans cette Reseaux dont a ete fondue a Tirana, Albanie le fevrier 1999, ont participe: de l'Albanie Prof. Sokol Shupo, compositeur et musicologue, President de la Section Albanaise de la SMIC (President de la BMIN) et le compositeur Kujtim Laro, de la Grece M. Georges Leotsakos musicologue, de la Macedoine Prof. Stojan Stojkov, President de l'Union des Compositeurs de la Macedoine (vice President de la BMIN) et Sonni Petrovski, compositeur; de la Roumanie le compositeur Nicolae Brindus, President de la Section Roumanie de la SIMC; de la Bulgarie Prof. Viktor Tchutchkov, compositeur et le President de l'Union des Compositeurs de la Bulgarie et M. Velislav Zaimov Secretaire de cette Union. Dans cette Reunion on a discute les Statuts et la Logo de la Balkan Music Information Network ainsi que la prochaine publication de cette Reseau: Balkan Music Yearbook 2001 - 2002. On a decide d'examiner aussi la cooperation de la BMIN avec les autres reseaux dont les pays des Balkans sont impliques (La musica Danubiana et le Reseau du Mer Noire). Le Reseau a coopere aussi, avec la Philharmonie de la Macedoine, dans la elaboration du projet La Philharmonie balkanique. Ce nouveau institution, compose par des jeunes musiciens provenant des toutes les pays des Balkans, va etre aussi l'embryon d'un Festival de la Musique Balkanique. Pendant le temps dont les musiciens invites restent a Skopje pour preparer un concert symphonique promouvant un jeun compositeur, ils vont realiser aussi des concerts de musique de chambre de leurs pays. En cette maniere on va realiser un Festival de Musique Balkanique durant 9 jours dont va etre deplace chaque annee dans un pays different des Balkans. Cette annee le Festival va avoir lieu le 14 - 21. 06 a Skopje. Dans le cadre des autres activites de cette Reunion on a realise aussi une, aupres la Faculte de Musique de l'Universite Cyril and Methodius de Skopje, une serie des conferences sur les developpements de la musique dans les differents pays des Balkans. Les conferences ont ete tenues par: Prof. Sokol Shupo (La musique albanaise), Prof. Nicolae Brindus (La musique roumaine), Georges Leotsakos (La musique grecque) et Prof. Velislav Zaimov (La musique bulgare). En cette occasion on a organise un concert avec les ?uvres des compositeurs des pays des Balkans (dans le programme: Nicolae Brindus (Romania) - COMMENT for clarinet & tape; Kujtim Laro (Albania) - IMPROVISATION for cello; Yannis Ioannidis (Greece) - DUO for violin & piano; Milan Mihajlovic (Yugoslavia) - LAMENTOSO for clarinet, violin & piano; Sonni Petrovski (Macedonia) - FOLK MINIATURES for bass & chamber ensemble; Ivan Spassov (Bulgaria)- 23 LINES TO E.DICKINSON for soprano & chamber ensemble; Aris Tsigaris (Cyprus) - ILLUSION for chamber ensemble; Turgut Pogun (Turkey) - WIND QUINTET; Stojan Stojkov (Macedonia)-MAJKA SEBIDNA)), ainsi qu'on a promouve la derniere publication de la BMIN, le livre Art Music in the Balkans (en anglais) dont contienne des essais sur les developpements de la musique dans les Balkans ecrites par les musicologues du chaque pays. L'article sur la musique albanaise a ecrit Mme. Le Prof. Hamide STRINGA, Professeur a l'Academie des Arts de Tirana.! Les autres articles sont ecrits par Elisaveta VALCHINOVA-CHENDOVA, Bulgarie (Bulgarian Music in the 20th Century), Dr Panikos GIORGOUDES, Cyprus (Art Music in Cyprus), Georges LEOTSAKOS, Grece (A short history of Greek art - music), Marko KOLOVSKI, Macedoine (Macedonian Music), Dr. Valentina SANDU-DEDIU, Roumanie(Modern Music in Romania), Dr. Sonja MARINKOVIC, Serbie (Serbian Music), Ilke BORAN, Turquie (Contemporary Music in Turkey). Le Art music in the Balkans est la deuxieme publication de la BMIN, la premiere etant Balkan Music Calendar 2000 publiee par ISCM Albanian Section a Tirana, et est assistee genereusement par la Fondation Pro Helvetia et ISCM Albanian Section. L'editeur est Prof. Sokol Shupo, Albanie. La Reunion a ete suivie avec beaucoup d'attention par des medias macedoines et a la fin on a donne aussi une conference de presse. La prochaine Reunion va avoir lieu a Bucarest le mai du 2002. General Assembly of BALKAN MUSIC INFORMATION NETWORK (BMIN) Skopje, March, 29 - 31, 2001 >From 29 to 31 March 2001 in Skopje, Macedonia, had place the General Meeting of the Balkan Music Information Network (BMIN). In this Network which was founded in Tirana, Albania in February 1999, participated: from Albania Prof. Sokol Shupo, composer and musicologist, President of the ISCM Albanian Section (BMIN President) and the composer Kujtim Laro; from Greece Mr. Georges Leotsakos musicologist; from Macedonia Prof. Stojan Stojkov, President of the Composers Union of Macedonia (BMIN vice President) and Sonni Petrovski, composer; from Romania the composer Nicolae Brindus, President of the ISCM Romanian Section; from Bulgaria Prof. Viktor Tchutchkov, composer and the President of the Composers Union of Bulgaria and Mr. Velislav Zaimov, Secretary of this Union. In this Meeting are discussed BMIN Statutes and the Logo as well as the next publication of this Network: Balkan Music Yearbook 2001 - 2002. The Meeting have decided to also examine the BMIN cooperation with the other networks in which Balkan countries are implied (The Musica Danubiana and the Network of the Black Sea). The Network also cooperated with the Philharmony of Macedonia in the development of the project The Balkan Philharmony. This new institution, composed by the young musicians coming from the all Balkan countries, is going to be also the embryo of a Festival with Music from Balkans. During the time whose invited musicians prepare a symphonic concert promoting a young composer, they are going to also achieve chamber music concerts with music from their origin countries. In this manner will be realized a Balkan Music Festival during 9 days which is going to be displaced every year in a different country of the Balkans. This year the Festival will be take place in 14 - 21. 06 in Skopje. The invited Meeting guests are also achieved, at the Music Faculty of Cyril and Methodius University in Skopje, a set of conferences about music developments in the different Balkan countries (Prof. Sokol Shupo - Albanian music; Prof. Nicolae Brindus - The Rumanian music; Georges Leotsakos - The Greek music and Prof. Velislav Zaimov - The Bulgarian music). On behalf of this event, the Macedonian section has organized a concert with works from Balkan composers (in the program: Nicola Brindus (Romania) - COMMENT for clarinet & tape; Kujtim Laro (Albania) - IMPROVISATION for cello; Yannis Ioannidis (Greece) - DUO for violin & piano; Milan Mihajlovic (Yugoslavia) - LAMENTOSO for clarinet, violin & piano; Sonni Petrovski (Macedonia) - FOLK MINIATURES for bass & chamber ensemble; Ivan Spassov (Bulgaria)- 23 LINES TO E.DICKINSON for soprano & chamber ensemble; Aris Tsigaris (Cyprus) - ILLUSION for chamber ensemble; Turgut Pogun (Turkey) - WIND QUINTET; Stojan Stojkov (Macedonia)-MAJKA SEBIDNA) and have launched the last BMIN publication - Art Music in the Balkans which contains essays about the Balkans music developments written by musicologists from every Balkan country. Mrs. Prof. Hamide STRINGA, Professor at the Academy of Arts, Tirana has written the article on the Albanian music. The other articles are written by Elisaveta VALC! HINOVA-CHENDOVA, Bulgaria (Bulgarian Music in the 20th Century), Dr Panikos GIORGOUDES, Cyprus (Art Music in Cyprus), Georges LEOTSAKOS, Greece (A short history of Greek art - music), Marko KOLOVSKI, Macedonia (Macedonian Music), Dr. Valentina SANDU-DEDIU, Romania (Modern Music in Romania), Dr. Sonja MARINKOVIC, Serbia (Serbian Music), Ilke BORAN, Turkey (Contemporary Music in Turkey). The Art Music in the Balkans is the second BMIN publication after Balkan Music Calendar 2000 published by ISCM Albanian Section in Tirana. This publication was generously supported by the Pro Helvetia foundation and ISCM Albanian Section. The book was edited by Prof. Sokol Shupo, Tirana, Albania. The Meeting has been followed with a lot of attention by Macedonian medias and at the end the BMIN also gave a press conference. The next Meeting will be in Bucharest in May 2002. ------------------------------------------------------- Melentie Pandilovski Director Contemporary Arts Center - Skopje Orce Nikolov 109, 1000 Skopje Republic of Macedonia Tel/Fax: +389.2.133.541 Tel/Fax: +389.2.214.495 Mobile: +389.70.217.075 ------------------------------------------------------- -----Syndicate mailinglist-------------------- Syndicate network for media culture and media art information and archive: to post to the Syndicate list: <> to unsubscribe, write to <>, in the body of the msg: unsubscribe syndicate your@email.adress