integer on Tue, 26 Jun 2001 06:30:35 +0200 (CEST)

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 To: <>
 From: Christiane Paul <>
 >Oh how truly embarassing... you used to write me different e-mails when I
 >was still publishing articles about you etc. but you probably forgot....
 are you awake +?  just knocking  
 nn - the mirror lies
 >now I hope I won't completely screw up your comfy b/w view of the world...
 >I so much wish you were right but damn, 
 inside myself i am so very very small
 >the world is more complex. I've
 >been working with net artists (many of whom I'm sure you know well) ever
 >since the net happened, to get more acknowledgement for their work (if they
 >want it and most of them do). I still hang out with them every day... and
 >now I'm "working" for a bad not-for-profit institution (huuuu -- some of
 >these people actually believe that all net artists write messages like the
 >one below)... but guess what, I'm neither employed nor getting the money
 >I'm now able to pay net artists (but that's fine, I'm glad I can do what I
 >want to do and I do it *just* because I believe that they're doing fun and
 >important work). The project I described is an art project by Martin
 >Wattenberg (as the message said) but feel free to think of it as corporate
 >exploitation piece if that helps to maintain all the established
 >boundaries. I guess you consider the Rhizome artbase corporate
 >exploitation, too... a database for art -- must be corporate terror
 >Bye bye
 >and thanks for correcting my English (since you and I are from the same
 >continent, I truly appreciate the help :)
 delirious evening walks drunk on malarme. uant some +?
 hav some!!!!!!!!! only solitude to unfurl.
 >>Alexei Shulgin <>  - korporat zerf
 >>>To: "Vesna, Victoria" <>
 >>>From: Christiane Paul <>
 >>>Subject: Request for help for Whitney project
 >>>X-Mozilla-Status2: 00000000
 >>>it would be great if you could help us with a project (a "history" of net
 >>>art) for the artport site by submitting info about your work. Detailed
 >>>instructions are below...
 >>>Your help would be very much appreciated!!
 >>yes please!!!!
 >>>Because no one understands a work's context better than the artist,
 >>permit someone 2 fa!nt!!!!!!
 >>>appealing to the net art community to help us create our database.
 >>help us create our database!!!!!!!!!!!!

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